I ran across a posting elsewhere recently that reallly rubbed me the wrong way and in my petty little mind perfectly illustrates what is wrong with the psychedelic 'community'. The post in question is basically an advertisement offering "changa ceremonies" as an "initiation to ayahuasca" for the (low low) price of $250 for 'new members' and $150 otherwise.
It also says that the apparent $100 member fee gets one a card,it doesn't state that they are OHNAC affiliated, although they could be, and using those phony 'this card entitles the bearer to possess a bunch of illegal drugs ' plastic IDs as a way to portray themselves as legit and safe.
I don't personally know the organizers, but by the online representation they are very new agey, complete with crystal on forehead and spaced out enlightenment. Whatever, to each their own. What bugs me, besides the egregious cash-grab, is the appeal by these white people, to other white people to engage in a psuedo traditional ceremony to initiate one into aya -without the pesky time commitment or travel to some real jungle.
They portray themselves as holding some secret of the jungle, I'd love to hear what kind of BS they spout about what changa is. It probably has a ten thousand year old history with a tiny south American tribe now. They are affiliated with one of the people working to create a entheogenic history for toad venom to give that a cache with deep pocketed cultural spelunkers.
Ugh, since when I extracting freebase alks and smoalking them a jungle tradition, with ceremonies? The ad is obviously geared to those with an interest but no real knowledge. Who would pay that much and trust these people who list no credentials or any other reason why one should place their emotional, mental, or spiritualwell being into their hands?
There are very legitimate ways of pursuing capital, high ways of making a living within the psychedelic community with any number of goods and services, but I feel that providing people with drugs at incredibly exorbitant prices and places to do them is beyond the pale as far as ethics goes. It's so far past the line i can't even see it anymore, imho.
However, at the same time, the same motivating factor that these people call greed in less spiritually evolved folks is at work within them, and I fear that bringing my view up publically in the space where it appeared would be met with castigation, even discommunication in the wider local community. I have been on the receiving end of quite a bit of friction for complaining about elitism in the entheo-world and the lack of inclusivity and that doing things like charging $40 to attend a group meeting on integration,even if the pro therapist facilitating it has a ton of debt. Therapy is the province of yuppies, sure, but is health? Sorry, I digress.
Thoughts? Am I off base here?
It also says that the apparent $100 member fee gets one a card,it doesn't state that they are OHNAC affiliated, although they could be, and using those phony 'this card entitles the bearer to possess a bunch of illegal drugs ' plastic IDs as a way to portray themselves as legit and safe.
I don't personally know the organizers, but by the online representation they are very new agey, complete with crystal on forehead and spaced out enlightenment. Whatever, to each their own. What bugs me, besides the egregious cash-grab, is the appeal by these white people, to other white people to engage in a psuedo traditional ceremony to initiate one into aya -without the pesky time commitment or travel to some real jungle.
They portray themselves as holding some secret of the jungle, I'd love to hear what kind of BS they spout about what changa is. It probably has a ten thousand year old history with a tiny south American tribe now. They are affiliated with one of the people working to create a entheogenic history for toad venom to give that a cache with deep pocketed cultural spelunkers.
Ugh, since when I extracting freebase alks and smoalking them a jungle tradition, with ceremonies? The ad is obviously geared to those with an interest but no real knowledge. Who would pay that much and trust these people who list no credentials or any other reason why one should place their emotional, mental, or spiritualwell being into their hands?
There are very legitimate ways of pursuing capital, high ways of making a living within the psychedelic community with any number of goods and services, but I feel that providing people with drugs at incredibly exorbitant prices and places to do them is beyond the pale as far as ethics goes. It's so far past the line i can't even see it anymore, imho.
However, at the same time, the same motivating factor that these people call greed in less spiritually evolved folks is at work within them, and I fear that bringing my view up publically in the space where it appeared would be met with castigation, even discommunication in the wider local community. I have been on the receiving end of quite a bit of friction for complaining about elitism in the entheo-world and the lack of inclusivity and that doing things like charging $40 to attend a group meeting on integration,even if the pro therapist facilitating it has a ton of debt. Therapy is the province of yuppies, sure, but is health? Sorry, I digress.
Thoughts? Am I off base here?