The further I go the more confused I get,.... Ive seen beautiful shapes and patterns, Ive seen 'deaths eye' whatever that means, Ive felt and seen 'others, ive had my head slammed into a toilet, ive been forced to look at i can only describe as one of the flip books with the pictures go by at insanely fast speeds, ive been in my head with no visuals and only my thoughts that i couldnt shut up,..... Ive been in places 100% as real as the room im sitting in right now and ive been forced to only be a witness to events at other times that made no sense to me and cause me absolute confusion and endless thoughts that i couldnt shut up and only made me angry and cause confusion. Ive been possessed by things, and other times things take me to beautiful places..... I only say all these random experiences because the experience does seem very random every time. Ive been to the same place multiple times and other times im brought into a world of completely different 'art/style' sometimes i see cartoons and sometimes i see people and sometimes i see things i cant explain....... The evil times ive experienced i would say are more in my head than anything else, but im not 100% sure and would appreciate others input on it. The best advice i can give you is be in the proper mind set and proper physical setting, let your thoughts go before you go into the journey, and dont try to predict or will your way to where you want to go, just expect to be blown away. Hope that helped alittle bit.