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Failing at dmt

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi guys

Last month swim was successful in extracting 0.7 g of dmt from 50g of mhrb using q21's limetek. Swim and his brother tried to vaporize it using a 2L bottle, aluminum foil, and rubber bands. They put a pile of crystals about 1/4 inch in the bottom and held a flame below the foil until the bottle was full of vapor and no more crystals were visible. They tried to inhale the vapor, taking 3 tokes as big as they could and holding for about 5 seconds. They said the effects were similar to peaking on an 1/8th of cubensis but only lasted for about 20-30 seconds. Swim figured some vapor had escaped the ghetto rig and caused him to develop a tolerance. A week later, they attempted again but this time using a machine they made. This time, swim heated the copper mesh and put the crystals on it and they melted to the mesh. Swim thought that maybe some vapors had been created so he decided to wait a couple hours before attempting to vaporize the crystals and inhale them. He held a lighter about an inch from the crystals and took in a big breath and held it for about 5 seconds. He took 2 more breaths, holding the 3rd for as long as he could. This time, however, swim felt no effects whatsoever. Last week swim trie using a 2L again using electric tape instead of rubber bands thinking it would fix the vapor leakage. Swim is really confused now. He is thinking he should resolve the dmt and remove any impurities. I think next time swim will use what's left to make changa if he can't figure this out. Any ideas as to what he might be doing wrong?

(I apologize if this has been answered. I could not find an answer to my problems with the search function.)


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I would check out the recent post about dabbing with a quartz banger. Get it to the right temp and you can suck down a dose in one easy shot.
Smoking anything off aluminium foil is tricky and not recommended. If vapors were created when your were melting into the mesh you might have vaporized it all and then let it dissipate.

Are you getting real hits? If you were you'd notice essentially right away. The taste would be intense. What is the consistency of the extracted material?

I'd recommend getting a decent pipe though.
Throw that plastic and aluminum garbage away, this is dangerous to your health and not an appropriate way to approach such a sacred gift. Stick with your machine or sandwich some between a couple layers of herbs in a bong.

Make sure you hold your hits in as long as you can, shoot for 20+ seconds. Take as many as you can till you dissolve. You'll get it.
I dont understand. Do they not have gas stations near you like everywhere else has? Stocking both copper mesh & inexpensive glass marijuana pipes & even sometimes small bongs?
burnt said:
Smoking anything off aluminium foil is tricky and not recommended. If vapors were created when your were melting into the mesh you might have vaporized it all and then let it dissipate.

Are you getting real hits? If you were you'd notice essentially right away. The taste would be intense. What is the consistency of the extracted material?

I'd recommend getting a decent pipe though.

When swim takes hits, they are very hot and they' taste like a tire store. The crystals are oily/waxy. I'll post a picture when I get when I can.
I am pretty far away from being an expert, but these kind folks around here have learnt me a couple of important things. First, from what I hear, swimmers always have real issues with the spice. It's just friendlier to speak in the first person.

So next, the tire store taste. Pretty good chance you burnt up your spice.

Then, like the others mentioned, pipe upgrade.

My first ventures started with the 'oil burner', or crack pipe. Cheap. Lots of issues with it, but it got me in the game.

Next I learnt about dabbing, and the quartz banger. Big big differences.

Finally I gave in to all the endorsements on the nexus about the Glass Vapor Genie. Can't miss. Perfect. Never looked back.

Good luck with it, you'll do fine in time. Almost forgot, as they mentioned, hold your hits in for a 20 second count (not burnt hits though, cough those out as best you can).
Oil pipe ("crack pipe") works wonders for me - I personally prefer it even before GVG which I use for changa.

If you have just a little bit of spice left, I would make changa out of it and smoke it from a small bong.

As for the harsness, the "tire smell" may be OK unless the vapor is too hot or overly harsh - that might signal some contamination or burning.
So I have tried the machine and a few other methods and for me the e cig is money. Long as you measure out your dmt and vape liquid they mix right together. You will blast off if you go by what is in that thread. Im also sensitive to dmt smoke amd for some reason even thougj still kinda harsh I hold it in alright.
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