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First attempt at a 'Machine'

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM has read the various tutorials on making 'Machines' and he think he's done everything right, just wanted to check with you guys?

At the moment SWIM have been combining Changa and freebase DMT in a bong and while he has had some amazing results he would really like to try straight DMT.


What material did you use for the mesh? To me it looks a bit too thin for that purpose and it could burn - have you tried how it reacts when heat is applied? Also, If I'm having a good sense of the proportions of your machine, maybe a using a little less of the mesh would be better. Other than that - it seems ok. Maybe a straw or something would make inhaling the vapor easier IMO.

Thanks for the reply. SWIM burned off all the chemicals from the wire wool with a blowtorch, a lot of the wool went red with the heat but didn't actually burn (SWIM was very careful)

His two concerns was that 1 SWIM had used to much wool (easy to remove) and SWIM had used too big a bottle. Most of the machines SWIM see's are made from miniature Hennessy bottles?

The one SWIM used is a 330ml Corona beer bottle, is this too large?

E2A: SWIM cut the wool down by about half and took a picture for reference with a clipper lighter in the pic for scale. I am sharing it here for him.

Watch out with the fine steel wool, it can easily catch fire. I have had this happening to me once when I tried to employ a small ball of steel wool as a replacement for gauze in a glass pipe. As the ball of steel wool burned, it shrunk and shot through the pipe, almost into my mouth. It happened very quickly and I was barely able to pull the pipe from my lips. All I got to suffer was a burned shirt from the burning ball of steel wool. I hate to think what the consequences would have been if the thing had shot into my airways.

At least you should try to find some courser steel scrubber material, to put in the top of the flask's mouth, to temper the initial heat from the lighter flames. More course steel wire will not catch fire as easily as the fine materials does.

You are perhaps using a lot of steel wool. This may result in dmt recondensing on the cooler part of the steel wool deeper into the flask. Adding too much heat to counteract this is dangerous for the reasons sketched above.
This is the wool that SWIM purchased

1m x 3" Wire Wool Wrap For Exhaust Silencers Stainless Steel T304 - High Grade | eBay

When burning the wool to see if there were any chemicals on it, it became red hot but did not catch fire, as SWIM will be using either a clipper or a torch (flameless) lighter to heat the bottle neck he thinks that if the blowtorch didn't set the wool alight he should be OK?

You still think there's too much wool? Should SWIM remove another 50% do you think?
You only need as much steel wool as needed to melt a dose of dmt onto.

The steel wool may glow when holding a lighter to it, but it is different when sucking the flame through it. In the former case, the flame has burned most available oxygen, leaving none to burn the steel wool. In the latter case, there is a lot more oxygen sucked along and the steel wool can burn if in a spot the temperature goes high enough to cause to steel wool to catch fire. In a stream of atmospheric oxygen, the steel wool fire burns so hot that it is self-sustaining if the steel wool threads are fine enough.

The bottle size is not really a problem. You could add another hole closer to the mouth of the bottle. Cover the second hole with a finger while evaporating dmt from the steel wool. When the bottle has filled up with vapors, you can release the finger from the second hole and quickly suck all the remaining vapors out of the bottle.
Pitubo is right on this - I was using this type of steel mesh ->
It is thicker than your steel wool and it was ok while i was using the lighter to burn any chemicals/coatings, but when I put it in the machine with some dmt and started heating while inhaling, it began to burn and fire away sparks.
Good to know about the bottle size, thanks! SWIM must have something wrong as he thought that once you melt the DMT into ther wool you hold the machine horizontally and heat the bottle neck which in turn heats the steel wool which vapes the DMT and then inhale through the hole in the end?

All the guides he's read say that the flame must not get into the wool directly, is this right as he thinks SWIY are saying that he should hit it like a regular bong and hold the flame up to the open neck of the bottle and inhale?

Or does he just hold the bottle upside down with finger over hole and hold the lighter directly under the bottle neck?

Sorry for all these noobish questions, its just that SWIM wants to get it right. As he said adding extra freebase DMT to changa in a bong works very well for him but SWIM really wants to try the pure DMT experience.

Ok one more question, he's seen people on youtube using oil rigs and bubblers to vape DMT and seems to work quite well. He has an Oil rig like this


It looks suitable to SWIM and SWIM owns a digital thermometer so can heat the glass to a specific temp. Again SWIM have no real idea about what that should be as he has read in one guide its 140f and in another says 270f. :?
TotalTotalness said:
Pitubo is right on this - I was using this type of steel mesh -> It is thicker than your steel wool and it was ok while i was using the lighter to burn any chemicals/coatings, but when I put it in the machine with some dmt and started heating while inhaling, it began to burn and fire away sparks.

OK I'll tell him to go buy some thicker stuff. thanks :)

SWIM was thinking that maybe getting out the hoover and using that to pull air through the bottle he could see how the wool reacted?
Quick update, SWIM tried using a hoover and a lighter to check whether the wool would burn. It didn't! He then tried using his lungs and again no burning wool so I reckon he's good to go!

btw the wool is car exhaust grade so I would think it would stand up to high temps quite well, I'll let you guys know how he gets on.
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