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First DMT pull and trip report


Rising Star
The Pull:

Hey guys I did a DMT pull using "Cyb's Hybrid ATB 'Salt' Tek" I used 50 grams of acacia acuminata, I followed the recipe as accurately as I could without the final extra mile step, I left in the freezer for 12 hours and then I took it out and drained the shellite as soon as I could into a jar, at first I saw a few yellow crystals, not much at all, maybe half a point at the most and I also seen a layer of what looked like white frost on the bottom of the oven dish and I was extremely disappointed, I tried to smoke some of the yellow crystals out of a glass and a straw and felt nothing, I got pissed off and went for a walk down the beach and left the oven baking dish under the fan, when I returned I found a razor and scraped the bottom layer off, the razor started getting what looked like honey or hash oil on it, instantly I was excited as this looked like enough to get me tripping,

The Trip:

I put some of the honey on the side of the glass and started to toke the smoke with a hungry jacks straw, I felt very strange and like I was in some primal garden, It felt very strange, then I proceeded to put more honey in the glass, and put on Devine moments of truth from shpongle, I smoked more, it felt very harsh on my lungs, I started tripping out staring at the shpongle mask, it's hard to describe how I felt, I sort of seen the shapes but it's just to hard to describe how I was feeling.

Anyway that's it, Is the smoke suppose to be harsh? how much do you have to smoke for a breakthrough?

Thanks guys
Kind regards
The Pull:

Hey guys I did a DMT pull using "Cyb's Hybrid ATB 'Salt' Tek" I used 50 grams of acacia acuminata, I followed the recipe as accurately as I could without the final extra mile step, I left in the freezer for 12 hours and then I took it out and drained the shellite as soon as I could into a jar, at first I saw a few yellow crystals, not much at all, maybe half a point at the most and I also seen a layer of what looked like white frost on the bottom of the oven dish and I was extremely disappointed, I tried to smoke some of the yellow crystals out of a glass and a straw and felt nothing, I got pissed off and went for a walk down the beach and left the oven baking dish under the fan, when I returned I found a razor and scraped the bottom layer off, the razor started getting what looked like honey or hash oil on it, instantly I was excited as this looked like enough to get me tripping,

The Trip:

I put some of the honey on the side of the glass and started to toke the smoke with a hungry jacks straw, I felt very strange and like I was in some primal garden, It felt very strange, then I proceeded to put more honey in the glass, and put on Devine moments of truth from shpongle, I smoked more, it felt very harsh on my lungs, I started tripping out staring at the shpongle mask, it's hard to describe how I felt, I sort of seen the shapes but it's just to hard to describe how I was feeling.

Anyway that's it, Is the smoke suppose to be harsh? how much do you have to smoke for a breakthrough?

Thanks guys
Kind regards
Yo TomTom hope all is well,
Well, I don't know if I'm used to the smoke or if it's because of the method that I use to smoke DMT. It's not harsh when I smoke it since I use the "sandwich method." I put a bit of Blue Lotus to cover the bowl then I sprinkle Dmt powder on top of the Blue Lotus in the bowl then I add more Blue Lotus on top of the Dmt powder to completely over it. When I smoke it it's like smoking any other dry herb and I usually only need two good inhales to break through.
I don't normally measure how much Dmt I use but I assume I use anywhere from 25 to 50 milligrams. 50 milligrams is the average dose needed for a breakthrough from what I've seen ...from NN-Dmt that is.
Glad you're here and safe travels!!
No its not the average dose, stop advising people on things you don’t know, 50 mg is absolutely ridiculous.

To OP, don’t take 50 milligram, most people would breakthrough on 20 mg when vaporized properly.
"For smoking methods, breakthroughs typically occur with 50-60+ mg due to DMT loss from unwanted combustion or shallow inhalation. When it comes to achieving a breakthrough experience, the fewer hits you take, the better. If you can manage to smoke the entire DMT dose for a one-hit breakthrough, this is ideal."

Are you ok ?
I find it not harsh to smoke. If I overheat it, it will burn, and thén its harsh to smoke, like burned plastic, and I will cough a lot. The smoke coming from gentle heating I can inhale without problems.
No its not the average dose, stop advising people on things you don’t know, 50 mg is absolutely ridiculous.

To OP, don’t take 50 milligram, most people would breakthrough on 20 mg when vaporized properly.
That's why I said that " I ASSUME I use anywhere from 25 to 50 milligrams. 50 milligrams is the average dose needed for a breakthrough from what IVE SEEN."
No its not the average dose, stop advising people on things you don’t know, 50 mg is absolutely ridiculous.

To OP, don’t take 50 milligram, most people would breakthrough on 20 mg when vaporized properly.


  • 10-20 mg = Light dose

  • 20-40 mg = Regular dose

  • 40-60 mg = Strong dose
60+ mg = High dose

I know what I'm talking about , thank you very much and are you stalking me now ?? (X
Can't get enough of me , huh ?
Plus the physiology of everyone is different you stalker. Some people smoke DMT and break through and are able to smoke again and break through after already smoking it. I have to wait like a whole day after breaking through for Dmt to have the same effect on me but I've heard of people not having to wait so long so everyone is different and that's why I said " I assume" and "I've Seen."
And for you to Assume that 20 mg is what's needed to breakthrough is you doing the same thing that I was doing by .... Assuming (x because the physiology of everyone is different.
You even said it yourself , " Most People."
OP is not most people.

And who are these "most people?" Do you know them personally and are able to compare their physiology with that of the OP?
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@Franklin2100 I dont think @Varallo is f*ing with you. You might be on the same page, but miscommunicating. Varallo is very keen on harm reduction.

Varallo: 'most people would breakthrough on 20 mg when vaporized properly.'
Franklin2100: 'I use to smoke DMT'
From the wiki on nexus: "Dosages are around 20-30mg for efficient vaporization methods, and with smoking methods can be around 50-60mg or even more...."

Also, I dont want to sound pedantic, but you should always weigh your dmt-dose. 'I don't normally measure how much Dmt I use' makes my skin crawl. A decent milligram scale is what, 15 bucks?
@Franklin2100 I dont think @Varallo is f*ing with you. You might be on the same page, but miscommunicating. Varallo is very keen on harm reduction.

Varallo: 'most people would breakthrough on 20 mg when vaporized properly.'
Franklin2100: 'I use to smoke DMT'
From the wiki on nexus: "Dosages are around 20-30mg for efficient vaporization methods, and with smoking methods can be around 50-60mg or even more...."

Also, I dont want to sound pedantic, but you should always weigh your dmt-dose. 'I don't normally measure how much Dmt I use' makes my skin crawl. A decent milligram scale is what, 15 bucks?
"stop advising people on things you don’t know"
And hey .....Bas Sarkin, you should stop advising people on things you don't know .

Lol , 🤣 I'm just trying to respond to OP , not everyone on here.
@Franklin2100 I dont think @Varallo is f*ing with you. You might be on the same page, but miscommunicating. Varallo is very keen on harm reduction.

Varallo: 'most people would breakthrough on 20 mg when vaporized properly.'
Franklin2100: 'I use to smoke DMT'
From the wiki on nexus: "Dosages are around 20-30mg for efficient vaporization methods, and with smoking methods can be around 50-60mg or even more...."

Also, I dont want to sound pedantic, but you should always weigh your dmt-dose. 'I don't normally measure how much Dmt I use' makes my skin crawl. A decent milligram scale is what, 15 bucks?
P.s I have a scale but I'm OG so I don't use a scale :p
Lol, I've been smoking without a scale for a while and I just eyeball it and it works for me and it's safe as I smoke untill desired effects but thanks for looking out .
Safe travels
P.s I have a scale but I'm OG so I don't use a scale :p
Lol, I've been smoking without a scale for a while and I just eyeball it and it works for me and it's safe as I smoke untill desired effects but thanks for looking out .
Safe travels
do you think the dmt is less potent if it is a honey / goo?
do you think the dmt is less potent if it is a honey / goo?
You've got me there TomTom . I've never smoked it in that fashion and I haven't researched about the potency from that fashion when it's in that honey/good state but I'm sure that someone else will reply and assist you with that question as I am also curious to find out the answer to your reply.😁
Smoking through a plastic straw isn't very efficient. As already mentioned I'd suggest getting some jewellery scales and a decent smoking apparatus. Acimunata is notorious for goo but it's still dmt it just forms a polymer in certain conditions.
I know what I'm talking about , thank you very much and are you stalking me now ?? (X
Can't get enough of me , huh ?
Plus the physiology of everyone is different you stalker. Some people smoke DMT and break through and are able to smoke again and break through after already smoking it. I have to wait like a whole day after breaking through for Dmt to have the same effect on me but I've heard of people not having to wait so long so everyone is different and that's why I said " I assume" and "I've Seen."
And for you to Assume that 20 mg is what's needed to breakthrough is you doing the same thing that I was doing by .... Assuming (x because the physiology of everyone is different.
You even said it yourself , " Most People."
OP is not most people.

And who are these "most people?" Do you know them personally and are able to compare their physiology with that of the OP?

Smoked and vaporized are unfortunately used interchangeably, advising a 50 mg dose is reckless (even when adding “from what I’ve seen” ) is just not good advice, especially for someone who is inexperienced. The nexus is a place where we practice harm reduction and caution against unsafe behavior and use of psychedelics. Unfortunately you seem not all that concerned with that and that is why I corrected you, not to stalk you or hurt your feelings, but because you are putting someone else in danger.

Then on your confrontational attitude, please stop, there’s no need for that here, you have been corrected on your behavior before so please learn from that.

do you think the dmt is less potent if it is a honey / goo?

To the Op, acacias usually have a goo outcome when extracted with a STB, to mitigate this you could clean it up a bit with a mini AB. The goo is usually active but difficult to measure and store, sometimes it can be made into a more solid material by agitating it, spreading it and scraping it. My next tip would be to read up on proper vaping techniques to mitigate the harsh feeling in your lungs, you can vape dmt without any harsh feeling.
If you’re material is going be weaker is to be seen, from memory some of the acacia extracts contained a substantial amount of NMT, but without analyzing the composition of your sample it is impossible to tell.
Anyway I wish you best of luck with your exploration, go slow and enjoy the ride.
A/B with acuminata can still easily render goo. And its not hard to measure, it usually solidifies easily when using shelitte. It takes longer to turn to a wax with xylene and toulene, can take weeks sometimes. Re-x can work. Also I don't recall acuninata containing high levels NMT. Narrow variant was mostly DMT iirc and broad was mostly DMT and 2-MTHBC.
Smoked and vaporized are unfortunately used interchangeably, advising a 50 mg dose is reckless (even when adding “from what I’ve seen” ) is just not good advice, especially for someone who is inexperienced. The nexus is a place where we practice harm reduction and caution against unsafe behavior and use of psychedelics. Unfortunately you seem not all that concerned with that and that is why I corrected you, not to stalk you or hurt your feelings, but because you are putting someone else in danger.

Then on your confrontational attitude, please stop, there’s no need for that here, you have been corrected on your behavior before so please learn from that.

To the Op, acacias usually have a goo outcome when extracted with a STB, to mitigate this you could clean it up a bit with a mini AB. The goo is usually active but difficult to measure and store, sometimes it can be made into a more solid material by agitating it, spreading it and scraping it. My next tip would be to read up on proper vaping techniques to mitigate the harsh feeling in your lungs, you can vape dmt without any harsh feeling.
If you’re material is going be weaker is to be seen, from memory some of the acacia extracts contained a substantial amount of NMT, but without analyzing the composition of your sample it is impossible to tell.
Anyway I wish you best of luck with your exploration, go slow and enjoy the ride.
There was nothing to learn as nothing was taught and nothing was corrected. It was simply your ego echoing through the internet as you seem to take it to heart as nothing of what I mentioned was dangerous but you seem to want it to seem like so since for you 20 Mg is a breakthrough dose but OP is ,again, not Moat People. You provided no source for your data and these " Most People" you don't even know and you're just stalking me since the information I provided is backed by multiple sources but I hope that in the future you learn from your errors of petty retaliation tactics and learn to let things go in order to have more productive dialogues.
@Franklin2100 you have been given a second chance by @Voidmatrix and you're getting dangerously close to squandering it. You have to understand that this type of confrontational and passive-aggresive behavior does not thrive here in the same way that it would on Reddit, X or Facebook.

Tell me, honestly - do you want to be a part of this community or not?

Because if you do, it's definitely not obvious.
I have a right to defend myself against obvious confrontation and retaliation as the information I provided was accurate and helpful and the retaliatory language tactic was obvious with the language so please stop trying to make things seem what they're not .
Let it go and move on.
Plus you seem to have been triggered by something that was supposed to be funny.
That whole Lizard King was a goof from a famous comedy to show and I thought that you would have enjoyed it since your name is Lizard Wizard but it seems that you're very sensitive to being mocked so I will refrain from conversing with you .
I also saw that no one replied to OP so I was engaging in this forum with OP to provide the best information that I could provide since no one replied. I was engaging with someone with no engagement to a question.
Let me be clear - the reason behind me banning you has absolutely nothing to do with how I feel. It's funny to me that you actually think you offended me in some way. It's beyond obvious to me that you have no interest in leading mature and thoughtful discussions with others, so I'll let @Voidmatrix handle this further.

Best of luck on your path.
Let me be clear - the reason behind me banning you has absolutely nothing to do with how I feel. It's funny to me that you actually think you offended me in some way. It's beyond obvious to me that you have no interest in leading mature and thoughtful discussions with others, so I'll let @Voidmatrix handle this further.

Best of luck on your path.
Well good because I wasnt trying to offend you but I'm glad that you found that to be funny. 🤡
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