The Pull:
Hey guys I did a DMT pull using "
Cyb's Hybrid ATB 'Salt' Tek" I used 50 grams of acacia acuminata, I followed the recipe as accurately as I could without the final extra mile step, I left in the freezer for 12 hours and then I took it out and drained the shellite as soon as I could into a jar, at first I saw a few yellow crystals, not much at all, maybe half a point at the most and I also seen a layer of what looked like white frost on the bottom of the oven dish and I was extremely disappointed, I tried to smoke some of the yellow crystals out of a glass and a straw and felt nothing, I got pissed off and went for a walk down the beach and left the oven baking dish under the fan, when I returned I found a razor and scraped the bottom layer off, the razor started getting what looked like honey or hash oil on it, instantly I was excited as this looked like enough to get me tripping,
The Trip:
I put some of the honey on the side of the glass and started to toke the smoke with a hungry jacks straw, I felt very strange and like I was in some primal garden, It felt very strange, then I proceeded to put more honey in the glass, and put on Devine moments of truth from shpongle, I smoked more, it felt very harsh on my lungs, I started tripping out staring at the shpongle mask, it's hard to describe how I felt, I sort of seen the shapes but it's just to hard to describe how I was feeling.
Anyway that's it, Is the smoke suppose to be harsh? how much do you have to smoke for a breakthrough?
Thanks guys
Kind regards