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freeze precip of psilocin

Migrated topic.

We're talking about freebase psilocin????

How pure does it need to be for it to freeze precipitate? How concentrated?

Can someone just extract with water from the mushrooms, freebase, extract with DCM, freeze the DCM and get psilocin crystals????? Is it that simple?????????
acidic water.

it's an a/b to first convert psilocybin to psilocin, then to free base. freeze precip with light naptha, or dcm, maybe even heptane. the latter would be most desirable, since it would be easier to cold filter them, and recrystallize if needed.

the crystals melt quickly in dcm, it's just odd that they crash out in cold dcm. :?

logP of dcm is 1.5, psilocin is 2.1.
This is important information.

I'm very surprised about it being able to be precipitated in cold DCM. That's a real shocker.

SWIM has all the required things for this test, even the mushrooms (kept frozen for many years, I hope they are still good), but doesn’t have the time to test it out right now. This is definitely on his to do list.

It sounds very simple.

Does anything other than the psilocin precipitate out?
69ron said:
This is important information.

I'm very surprised about it being able to be precipitated in cold DCM. That's a real shocker.

SWIM has all the required things for this test, even the mushrooms (kept frozen for many years, I hope they are still good), but doesn’t have the time to test it out right now. This is definitely on his to do list.

It sounds very simple.

Does anything other than the psilocin precipitate out?

I bit off topic but.
Has any one noticed a difference in effects between mushrooms that have been frozen. I have frozen fresh mushrooms as well as a mushroom water tea and to me and a few others I know seem to get a more speedy edge to the trip. This was with wild cubes from Florida. I have kept both the tea and undried mushrooms frozen for over a year and seemed no potency loss. Just that slight speedy feel to the trip.

Any opinions?

benzyme said:
not sure

swim considers that dcm is marginally miscible with water, but he dried the dcm over magnesium sulfate.
it's quite possible that simple tryptamine intermediates could be extracted as well.
filtering it from dcm is tricky, and evap leaves a green residue. swiy's best bet would be to use vm&p or bestine.

DCM is the hardest solvent to filter using a vacuum. The filter papers don't form a good seal on the Buckner funnel.

Heptane (Bestine) would be SWIM’s preferred solved of those mentioned. But does it absorb the freebase psilocin as well as DCM does? Does the heptane need to be hot to dissolve the psilocin?
MagikVenom said:
I bit off topic but.
Has any one noticed a difference in effects between mushrooms that have been frozen. I have frozen fresh mushrooms as well as a mushroom water tea and to me and a few others I know seem to get a more speedy edge to the trip. This was with wild cubes from Florida. I have kept both the tea and undried mushrooms frozen for over a year and seemed no potency loss. Just that slight speedy feel to the trip.

SWIM noticed that old dried mushrooms kept at room temperature too long are also more speedy and can be unpleasant. They feel more toxic as well.

Dried mushrooms that were steam treated after drying and then dried again seemed to maintain their potency far longer.

SWIM really hopes his frozen mushroom are ok. They were dried before freezing them. They are MANY YEARS OLD, I think they are 15 years old? I’m not sure.
most likely.

bestine seems very promising. hexane definitely works

this was from a small sample of dried myc, a/b extraction with dcm, sublimed, and rinsed with warm hexane then freeze precip'd.
69ron said:
Dried mushrooms that were steam treated after drying and then dried again seemed to maintain their potency far longer.

SWIM really hopes his frozen mushroom are ok. They were dried before freezing them. They are MANY YEARS OLD, I think they are 15 years old? I’m not sure.

What does steam treating dried mushroom do that makes them keep their potency?...Could you do this by placing them in a corrinder over a steamin pan?

Also, why you keepin them in the freezer for that long man. You really find them that hard to come by?
the steaming method is a way of thermolytically dephosphorylating psilocybin to psilocin; it's analogous to acid-catalyzed dephosphorylation. swim can't comment on its efficacy because he's not familiar with the method, though he's heard about it a few times.

psilocin, not psilocybin, is responsible for the central psychoactivity; it's 1.4x more potent than psilocybin by weight.
soulman said:
69ron said:
Dried mushrooms that were steam treated after drying and then dried again seemed to maintain their potency far longer.

SWIM really hopes his frozen mushroom are ok. They were dried before freezing them. They are MANY YEARS OLD, I think they are 15 years old? I’m not sure.

What does steam treating dried mushroom do that makes them keep their potency?...Could you do this by placing them in a corrinder over a steamin pan?

Also, why you keepin them in the freezer for that long man. You really find them that hard to come by?

Yeah, just steam cook the dried mushroom like you’d cook any other vegetable. Cook for about 5 minute or until the mushrooms lose all their blue color. Break one open to be sure it’s lost it’s color all the way through and it’s done. Steaming inactivates enzymes present in the mushrooms that oxidize psilocin to an inactive blue substance. It’s also believed by some that it reverses the oxidation, but there is no proof of that. Some people think it hydrolyzes psilocybin to psilocin, again, no proof of that either. If the steaming converted the psilocybin to psilocin, it seems that the steamed mushrooms would not keep well, but they do, so I don't know if that happens.

As for keeping them in the freezer, SWIM is not interested in using mushrooms and doesn’t want to discard them. He used mushrooms for many years and got a lot out of them. He knows how to grow mushrooms and at one time he had thousands of mushrooms which lasted him many many years. He used them quite often and once even accidentally overdosed by taking a dose containing about 250 mg of psilocybin.

He’s just lost interest in them for a while. Imagine having pounds and pounds of mushrooms around, SWIM could take them anytime he liked, and did, many many times. They lost their magic for SWIM. He needed a break from them.
Congratulations Benzyme, that should be enough for a bio-assay :)

Yes, vaporizing freebase psilocin can't be compared to smoking mushrooms (which is completely pointless and disgusting)... very few reports, a bit of a mystery. Perhaps reason enough for a first bulk attempt at growing them.
so the friend took about 2-5mg of leftover greenish crystalline goo he scraped from a beaker, after adding hot hexane and pouring in a vial, and snacked on it. his pupils are slightly larger an hour later, and he says it feels like an antidepressant. no visuals to speak of, dose is too low.

btw, it's very difficult to clean a psilocin extract done with dcm, unless sublimation is used (even then, yield is low); use vm&p naptha or warm bestine.
69ron said:
soulman said:
69ron said:
Dried mushrooms that were steam treated after drying and then dried again seemed to maintain their potency far longer.

SWIM really hopes his frozen mushroom are ok. They were dried before freezing them. They are MANY YEARS OLD, I think they are 15 years old? I’m not sure.

What does steam treating dried mushroom do that makes them keep their potency?...Could you do this by placing them in a corrinder over a steamin pan?

Also, why you keepin them in the freezer for that long man. You really find them that hard to come by?

Yeah, just steam cook the dried mushroom like you’d cook any other vegetable. Cook for about 5 minute or until the mushrooms lose all their blue color. Break one open to be sure it’s lost it’s color all the way through and it’s done. Steaming inactivates enzymes present in the mushrooms that oxidize psilocin to an inactive blue substance. It’s also believed by some that it reverses the oxidation, but there is no proof of that. Some people think it hydrolyzes psilocybin to psilocin, again, no proof of that either. If the steaming converted the psilocybin to psilocin, it seems that the steamed mushrooms would not keep well, but they do, so I don't know if that happens.

At what point does this have to be done?
As soon as they are dry?...or does it matter if they have been dried for awhile?
Im all for trying this, but still dont really get it. Surely, if the mushrooms are already dry the enzymes arent gonna be active anyway. I might be wrong about that, but i wouldnt have though enzymes can function in arid conditions?!!
Can you explain that bit to me please?
My interest is fully vested in this thread. I have been looking for a psilocybin/psilocin extraction tek for a while! Keep up the great work benzyme!
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