Hi, SWIM has done several extractions in the past with good results, however, he has recently done a recrystalization using the freeze precip method and has encountered a problem he just can't figure out. Swim started with ~2g of fairly clean looking extract (white/off white gummi substance). He then did a normal freeze precip and yielded ~.5g fairly pure looking crystals. He took the left over solvent, evapped it, and got the remaining ~1.5g of gummi stuff back. The next time he tried a freeze precip, things didnt go so smoothly. After several days in the freeze, he noticed a minimal amount of crystals along the side of the glass, and at the bottom, a very cloudy goo-like substance, that no matter how long he waited, never turned to crystals. He then said "whatever" and tried again, evapping the goo to get the waxy extract, then again a freeze precip, but alas, the same thing happened, only goo, no crystals. Has anyone seen/had this happen to them? SWIM is kinda confused and very annoyed and needs help. Thank you