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Funny chat quotes

Migrated topic.
Just now by elrue in chat - an instant classic. Proposed communication to politician:

02:46:30 ‹elrue› "over the past 40 years a misguided federal law has affected our ability to get proper nutrition for mental health. as a republican, please reduce federal control over this so that companies like marlboro can make billions in profits off changa cigarettes. the money will be used to pay you more bribes"
7:04 ‹Orion› if you smo 4 grams at once in one toke, you actually convert your whole metabolism into what is essentially a dmt refinery
Durga(House): shit man just holding space for people, sharing space with people, in hyperspace all is reflection, you are transformed nothing is the same, a simple string unfolds a universe. you dont look like you. you look like every version of you. we are mirrors, and between us is infinite
Shadowman-x: They'll come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows, and you might be screaming "NO! NO! NO!" and all they hear is "who wants cake?" Well lemme tell ya something. They all do. They all want cake.
^ :lol:
i want cake

01:14:02 ‹fractal enchant› when was the last time you met a hick who is also a ninja preparing for the singularity?
01:14:07 ‹muad dib› does he wear ninja clothing and just chill in the woods?
01:14:10 ‹fractal enchant› that also owns a farm
01:14:14 ‹fractal enchant› no he looks like a farmer
20:36:32 ‹Snozz› but seriosly
20:36:38 ‹Snozz› srsly tho
20:36:42 ‹Snozz› how much
20:36:53 ‹Snozz› wood could a wood chuck chuck?
20:37:06 ‹Snozz› if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
20:37:24 ‹Snozz› I think it would chuck enough wood to the point where it realized it was chucking an acacia
20:37:36 ‹Snozz› then it would realize it was in hyperspace
20:37:48 ‹Snozz› and realize wood and chucking it had no meaning
23:27:50 ‹BecometheOther› i do need to smoalk moar, yes
23:28:11 ‹BecometheOther› thank you for the spot on diagnosis
23:28:52 ‹BecometheOther› haha yeah you got me
23:29:13 ‹BecometheOther› i dont know what answer i expected to get lol, but that is the appropriate one
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