Agreed. Neither mythology, nor science fiction has any place in legitimate research and I do not believe anyone was mythologising these crystallographic geometries. Questions are being raised, that's all. My point was about whether or not, the external geometry would or would not facilitate a greater effect in the imbiber of the vaporization. I was never any question about re-writing the laws of statistical mechanics. We all know that each molecule exists in a pristine state, microscopically.
Where I find the Captain's exploration intriguing is in that interrelationship between the geometry of the external crystal, in it's transformation to vapor, and how this may or may not enhance the potency of the experience, during the symbiosis. The quantification of various colors and forms of extractions are frequently discussed here, and there is a consensus that jungle spice is not a high a trip as that from more purely extracted DMT crystals. Much discussion takes place about the color of these crystals and how this may directly influence the experience. It is only natural to extend this type of discussion over towards the actual geometry of these splendid crystals. It is not purely speculative, because people may have more enhanced experiences form certain external forms of DMT, as with the above mentioned variations. It just remains unproven rationally, due to a lack of objective exploration. :idea:
Nobody ever tried to deny that the interior molecular structure of the DMT molecule/the Spirit Molecule, is the primary causative force in the actual
high experienced (in the comments and replies within this thread). In fact, what has been stated by the creator/parent himself, of these crystalline beauties,
CaptainFuture. He honestly proclaims that despite his objectivity in interpreting his conscious reaction to the "diamonds", he noted a marked increase in their potency. The point I raised was HOW are we to be so certain that the geometry has no effect upon the inter-dynamics at play, involved with the vaporized DMT molecules and the human lungs? Not a radical or fantastical idea, rather, a questioning of our absolute certainty, without supplying the dates and locations of such completed experimentation. If this has been done, I am all ears.
For a clear example, I might offer this analogy? We are experiencing dehydration. We become thirsty for a glass of water. We all know that distilled water would be the closest external variation of the H2O molecule. Unfortunately, we only have access to swamp water. The H2O molecule is present in both examples as a core essence of water, itself. Sadly, the swamp water gives the organism quite a rough ride through the intestines. It could be hypothesized that the distilled water gave the experience of pure H2O in a more enhanced manner, although when the body breaks down the component parts of the glass of liquid... H2O is still H2O.
So where I am going with this line of though and this admitted speculation is this, can the purity of the DMT content be greater or less great, based solely on it's external geometric form, prior to vaporization? Sometimes it's good to question if we have missed any data or some tiny details of our cognition of this perceived data, as we cannot know if our assumptions are legitimate without cross referencing them with others and conducting experimentation. Can we? Now, if you and
joedirt had written that you have done repeated experiments with a multiplicity of DMT crystallographic variations in geometries, with a large group of sane subjects involved, I would accept you statement as having more factual weight and validity. Your intelligence alone is not sufficient to convince me otherwise, as I have had one experience which corroborates the
Capitano's subjective findings about enhanced potency. Not because I expected it to be more enhanced or potent, because I really didn't... but just because I lived through the experiment and believe that there is something to the idea, based solely on my experience. :shock:
joedirt, now as far as mineral crystals being able to "store informations/energy", nothing could be more a case of pure speculation. This doesn't make it untrue, rather, it simply needs specific clarification. What do you mean when you say, different crystal forms store energy and/or information? I know what you are implying, I just want to be clear as to exactly what you are getting at, given the nature of this discussion? I have been using various crystallized minerals for both, regular sitting meditation and internal psychedelic explorations, since that late 1970's. This is by far the most speculative area of modern interpretations of the laws of statistical mechanics. Transduction of energy through certain crystals is easily to measure and prove scientifically. I personally do believe in certain mineral crystals capacity to amplify and increase the flow of electromagnetic energy. There is definitely something special about any kind of crystal, in this regard. But when folks start talking about the encoded knowledge from ancient Lemuria and Atlantis, then the whole issue becomes a circus act and smacks of a bizarre carnival show.
This is certainly a mythologising of a possible science of energy transference and/or magnification. It is clouded by the "psychics" and New Age preacher wannabes in disgraceful abundance. In this light, I wouldn't want
CaptianFuteres research to gain a crazy-ass group of fanatics who would spontaneously craft a new religion based upon such geometries. So let's be open minded without being nutso, eh? Please don't feel I am being skeptical about the idea of the whole crystal energy thing. I have felt something going on for decades but I believe there are laws at play and while I do get an amplification of my intent, while utilizing the lens or focal point of the crystals, it is quite subtle. It necessitates the interaction and symbiosis with an individuated consciousness, to have any value to the witness of said meditation. An observer, if you will, as is the case with experiments in String Theory.
While I hesitate to say mineral crystals aid to a dramatic degree,within the parameters of a meditative state of mind, I cannot decree that they are fully without effect with said meditations and concentration exercises. Why? Because I have done the experimentation, numerous times in various states of mind. Now, what it clear from my research, is that the methodology of the meditation practice was by far, the only significant factor. It was the technique of consciously altering my brain wave patterns which brought about the greatest change in awareness. Let's face it, an agitated mind will not access altered levels of consciousness, regardless of being surrounded with the most perfect geometric examples of crystalline formations. Simply sitting in a full lotus posture upon a mountain of pure quarts will not make you enlightened if you are not already moving in that direction. Could it help? I believe it potentially could.
Could it hurt? I don't think it could possibly hurt, unless one was seated on top of some very sharp, pointed crystal terminations. That would be like sitting on a bed of nails. It can be learned through gradual practice and application but it is fairly useless for transforming the mind of the perceiver. It does generate an income for the practitioner, so who am I to criticize? IMHO. Perhaps I think this because I have not learned to sit on bed of nails? I can flatly state that I will never find out. Ouch! On the other hand, as per crystal energy, I do feel something interesting is happening when I use these crystals, so I am open to the possibility that they have a notable impact upon our consciousness (if used as an amplifying lens of sorts).
Still, I believe that the more perfect the mineral crystal's external geometry, the more it does aid to it's limited degree. I just wonder sometimes how much we take for granted about the known and how it may be an incorrect final assessment, if and only if
new information comes along to alter this consensus. That's all.
burnt, I know what I experienced and your logical insistence cannot change what I have experienced, anymore than my illogical insistence can change yours. Where I have a small problem, is when individuals insist that their spin on things is a concrete law. As String theory suggests, observation does alter the laws of material reality, when said observation occurs. I don't know for certain if all the accepted laws we hold as truth and irrefutable. They are potentially flawed by our limited comprehension of this material plane we find ourselves existing within.
Wouldn't if be lovely to be part of a group experiment where we were able to inhale numerous form and variations of DMT substances, including multiple crystallographic geometries? Other than the great high, it would be most illuminating if we were to compare, cross reference the data and share our findings with impartiality. Just saying...