Hi i have been on this website for awhile mostly hanging out in chat. I figure its time for me to formally introduce myself and contribute in the forums.
I am here to seek and share knowledge(that i am allowed to share) on ethnogens,philosophy, religion, the occult, and be around many likeminded people who also ponder on lifes and the human minds mysteries.
Just returned from a trip to Japan where I had some very interesting encounters I will post in the future. I am studying esoteric Buddhism and(Vajrayana, Shingon, and Tibetian) shamanism, Shinto, Shaivism, I have a heavy interest in the "occult". I wish to learn Mikkyo, the Shingon have developed many advanced meditation techniques passed down since the time of Kukai, and combine them with the powers of spice and other ethnogens. I believe Mahavairocana=Shiva=The Great Spirit and they have a connection to the spice.
What happens when you combine the ethnogenic tools of my South American ancestors to the advanced meditation rituals and secrets passed down in the east for millenia?
Why So many ethnogens in the mesoamerican region? I am fluent in spanish and english and working on other languages. Maybe next time I go to south america I could gain some of the knowledge I seek also.
I am practicing on improving my extraction techniques and chemistry knowledge. I am thinking of joining the Freemasons soon and would appreciate any information if any of you reside here. I wish to learn all that I can, and do my part to make the world a better place.
Snakes are my favorite animal (and crocodile), and I feel a strong connection to the Sun.
Born in the month of Leo(the Sun) in the year of Dainichi Nyorai the Great Sun Buddha, said to sit on the lion throne.
Psychedelics are a key to enlightening your mind. The mind has so much potential. Nice to be here guys hope to share knowledge and learn more as well.
Anyways sorry to ramble, glad to be here! I would never break a vow of secrecy.
I am here to seek and share knowledge(that i am allowed to share) on ethnogens,philosophy, religion, the occult, and be around many likeminded people who also ponder on lifes and the human minds mysteries.
Just returned from a trip to Japan where I had some very interesting encounters I will post in the future. I am studying esoteric Buddhism and(Vajrayana, Shingon, and Tibetian) shamanism, Shinto, Shaivism, I have a heavy interest in the "occult". I wish to learn Mikkyo, the Shingon have developed many advanced meditation techniques passed down since the time of Kukai, and combine them with the powers of spice and other ethnogens. I believe Mahavairocana=Shiva=The Great Spirit and they have a connection to the spice.
What happens when you combine the ethnogenic tools of my South American ancestors to the advanced meditation rituals and secrets passed down in the east for millenia?
Why So many ethnogens in the mesoamerican region? I am fluent in spanish and english and working on other languages. Maybe next time I go to south america I could gain some of the knowledge I seek also.
I am practicing on improving my extraction techniques and chemistry knowledge. I am thinking of joining the Freemasons soon and would appreciate any information if any of you reside here. I wish to learn all that I can, and do my part to make the world a better place.
Snakes are my favorite animal (and crocodile), and I feel a strong connection to the Sun.
Born in the month of Leo(the Sun) in the year of Dainichi Nyorai the Great Sun Buddha, said to sit on the lion throne.
Psychedelics are a key to enlightening your mind. The mind has so much potential. Nice to be here guys hope to share knowledge and learn more as well.
Anyways sorry to ramble, glad to be here! I would never break a vow of secrecy.