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Glad to be Here

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi i have been on this website for awhile mostly hanging out in chat. I figure its time for me to formally introduce myself and contribute in the forums.

I am here to seek and share knowledge(that i am allowed to share) on ethnogens,philosophy, religion, the occult, and be around many likeminded people who also ponder on lifes and the human minds mysteries.

Just returned from a trip to Japan where I had some very interesting encounters I will post in the future. I am studying esoteric Buddhism and(Vajrayana, Shingon, and Tibetian) shamanism, Shinto, Shaivism, I have a heavy interest in the "occult". I wish to learn Mikkyo, the Shingon have developed many advanced meditation techniques passed down since the time of Kukai, and combine them with the powers of spice and other ethnogens. I believe Mahavairocana=Shiva=The Great Spirit and they have a connection to the spice.

What happens when you combine the ethnogenic tools of my South American ancestors to the advanced meditation rituals and secrets passed down in the east for millenia?

Why So many ethnogens in the mesoamerican region? I am fluent in spanish and english and working on other languages. Maybe next time I go to south america I could gain some of the knowledge I seek also.

I am practicing on improving my extraction techniques and chemistry knowledge. I am thinking of joining the Freemasons soon and would appreciate any information if any of you reside here. I wish to learn all that I can, and do my part to make the world a better place.

Snakes are my favorite animal (and crocodile), and I feel a strong connection to the Sun.
Born in the month of Leo(the Sun) in the year of Dainichi Nyorai the Great Sun Buddha, said to sit on the lion throne.

Psychedelics are a key to enlightening your mind. The mind has so much potential. Nice to be here guys hope to share knowledge and learn more as well.

Anyways sorry to ramble, glad to be here! I would never break a vow of secrecy.
Welcome to the Nexus,
It is definitely a special place, tons of information and knowledgable people.
I hope you find what you are looking for here.

I'm curious to know what kind of experiences you have had with entheogens.
I think the spice gives a person more questions than answers,
But I hope you find what you're after.

Good to meet you.
Majora said:
What happens when you combine the ethnogenic tools of my South American ancestors to the advanced meditation rituals and secrets passed down in the east for millenia?

Very interesting and I follow a similar thought process. I feel like psychedelics and meditation compliment each other. I would certainly be interested in any information you have to share about this topic.

Nice to have you here Majora!

AcidShard said:
Welcome to the Nexus,
It is definitely a special place, tons of information and knowledgable people.
I hope you find what you are looking for here.

I'm curious to know what kind of experiences you have had with entheogens.
I think the spice gives a person more questions than answers,
But I hope you find what you're after.

Good to meet you.

Well I started off young with mushrooms, and did acid a few times back in the day. It was a weak dose of mushrooms, but i had a good time. I did acid a few times too, back then i just did it to get "high". I had alot of misconceptions about it (its bad for you stuck in your spine etc)

I also did DMT before and stopped, i didnt understand it i was young and dumb, and didnt appreciate the spice. Now it had great power over me i saw extreme visions. I saw my friend turn into the Grim Reaper, and I saw myself melting into a mirror. Now i was not afraid during this.

After that i stopped for a long time, and recently the ethnogenic fires have lit in my heart. I have been taking many doses of Mushrooms lately, around once a week. (im on a small break though)

Had my strongest trip when i combined syrian rue with some 4 aco DMT. .25mg. I lost my sense of self and felt i was pure energy I felt okay even if I had died that night which scared me. I value my life over near anything. I stared into a glass of water for so long and had pondered life, i felt i could see the begennings of the human race in my mind. The trip lasted near 12 hours, and was a horrible experience of nausea. The ondansetron i had taken to prevent the nausea just stopped me from purging and made it worse. That was the first time i had powerful audio hallucinisations, similar sounds to what they play to help you astral project in some videos. I pretty much forgot who I was.

Ive attempted to look into my own mind on mushrooms with varying levels of success, but I need more practice with my meditation techniques. Every time i take mushrooms I go through a period where i realize the ticking clock and how humans are stuck mortal and doomed to die a very depressing thought to me.

Ive tried to have meaningful experiences on salvia but i always lose complete train of thought of where i even am and never accomplish much anything, I have become very disillusioned with salvia.

Now i am preparing spice for a powerful journey soon, although i am struggling at perfecting my technique. having numerous setbacks, gonna post a thread

I know Spice has def given me the strongest visions out of any ethnogen and am excited to try it again soon after almost 8-9 years.
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