Rivaq's Matilda
Rising Star
I am Rebekah.
Rivaq is Hebrew Rebekah/Rebecca.
Matilda is because I have a website called Matilda's Waltz, (just in case you need to know of the song, "Waltzing Matilda", an Aussie classic folk tune, that gets itself suitably done to death in most of our lives,...about a swagman, that is a homeless person, who stole a jumbuck, that is a sheep, and jumped into a billabong, that is a water hole, to escape the troopers, a.k.a. police,... and relates to the indigenous story of the Kangaroo, who also jumps into waters too deep), . . . since if the Swagman who waltzed me, had his say, . . . nevermind.
I also have another website, since Matilda's Waltz began as an experiment which did not want to shift out of its experimental form. At http(and hopefully one day an s is affordable)://www.curaezipirid.net which is still in construction, yet sustains links to all the rest of myself online.
I have small experiences of psychedelics. Small because I never much liked any drugs, despite having become surrounded by drug addicts most of my life. Small also because, I am one of those odd folk, they have some knowledge of in UDV and Santo Diame, who never sees visions during the period of time when a psychedelic is effective directly in the blood. Like nothing ever any time, ...oh hang on, except once or twice, no, three times, or is it four, . . . just one glimpse of very interesting material. Actually the most I ever saw happened via a cannabis sativa that got itself made more powerful by indigenous Australian men playing around with the breeding of, whilst using Pituri.
Now, Pituri, our native entheogen, I know. Pituri's story is seldom told. Yet it does sustain the trajectory of having two potential outcomes. Most people might collapse into a coma like sleep after about ten to twenty minutes, (as I got told by a woman who got give Pituri by indigenous women who are regular chewers of, in 1983, in Central Australia during protests against the Pine Gap military base when hundreds of women under arrest gave their name as Karen Silkwood), and as I got told, kind of sink out of their body rather than float, sinking down into the Earth and turning into as many and every of the surrounding life forms as are present, and travelling far and wide among and as many such life forms, before returning and waking up and being told three days and nights have passed. Alternatively, the other way of using Pituri, is to set the goal of undertaking an arduous journey by foot. The only survivors of the Burke and Wills expedition (we all get taught in primary/elementary school in Australia, about how Burke and Wills died in the desert, after trying to explore as if to discover) happened to be who had accepted the gift of Pituri given by indigenous men. Duboisia hopwoodii, and other, similarly acting plants, (all with a huge amount of nicotine, and also nor-nicotine, which is the metabolite of nicotine that makes men want another cigarette to get real with), are planted at either end of every major desert walking route traditional indigenous families know. Duboisia hopwoodii can enable adults to walk for three days and nights through a desert without food and WITHOUT WATER! It is a freaky substance to consume.
I have also taken; blue meanie psilocybin mushrooms, at a mushroom festival in the U.K. at Ribblehead, in 1990; Hicuri, in ceremony with a Chilean Shaman in a Teepee nearby the Northern N.S.W. town of Uki; Ayahuasca also near Uki a few days later, and then more Ayahuasca after I grew a vine at home; Iboga in a tiny amount first at the Entheogenesis Australis conference during 2011, and now it grows with me as well; San Pedro cacti growing splendidly even with five rib pups off of a six rib cutting. Also I once had the terrible experience of the cone of the bong I smoked, with cannabis and tobacco in it, having become spiked with heroin, twice, and that enamoured me to the understanding of how badly out of control all addicts of opium derivatives are. Thankfully, after no more instances of licking their spoons that I can count on my fingers (and toes combined), the first time I wanted more than a licked up taste, I ran away into the waiting arms of Narcotics Anonymous, albeit only to find that since I never had a habit, I have had no need of regular meetings. I do however advocate abstinence from every narcotizing substance is a good method after having had that taste. Even for anyone like me, who doesn't fall in that direction lightly. I have learned a lot about how to undertake exorcisms of such bad habits as had those persons who passed me a spiked bong.
Now what I thought maybe an essay might spill out of me, is because I have a need that I communicate something of my indigenous knowledge of Pituri. Two uses I have already defined. The third use is that of instating the re-creation of biodiversity is ongoing, via an evolutionary process. That is to say, men can, and do frequently, believe in their abilities to cause fauna and flora to evolve more rapidly than possible otherwise, via use of Pituri. Many traditionally oriented indigenous Australians believe that we don't need worry too much about nature, because when the time comes, we all just get stoned and dream it all back again in a kind of reality alike in the film Jumanji. Their evidence, is ample in the cannabis they grow. Cannabis (indica and sativa) modified to do well in Australian growing conditions, with low nutrients, low water, and high mineral content of the soil. The high mineral content is very specially more visual. Growing with less water and less nitrogen in particular, is however, obviously difficult. But the plant adapted in next to no time, and the results compete well with Dutch breeding.
Now I ought add to all that, the fact I never smoked DMT. I think sometimes I might like to, and then I think no need. Then I think but what if I can see more than usual, and then I think no need. Whenever I have used psychedelics, which is not very often even with such plants in my garden, how I behave, combined with set and setting, during the experience of the influence of the plant, defines my dreams every night for years and years thereafter. So I am very very carefully ritual minded about my use.
I have just one example to illustrate this with. When I got given Ayahuasca in ceremony with the Chilean named Gerardo Arrieta, (who came across like a Geisha style Shaman, albeit in his manhood sustained), I mostly slept. In fact I could not stay awake. My blood pressure was dropping too low. But I could hear and every time Gerardo called me back, I came back into my body, giving my body just a little knowledge of where I had been. In London visiting the Queen perhaps,...no, actually talking to the Virgin Mary, in fact. And the long and the short of the result, happened to be unfolding still now in my dreams, but as what we spoke about ought not be spoken by the body, I may say no more than that: a few weeks after the ceremony, my PTSD got itself cured, by a distant memory returning into me, of a perpetrator of abuse, whose identity was made public within the first public announcements of the still current Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Allegations of Child Abuse here in Australia. All in all, I am so glad he was already dead before my body needed remember and confess that such a person had touched it.
Well, that's my story, and I am sticking to it. Fairdinkum, as we say in Australia when we get real, I have many reasons to think Ayahuasca use might need become more widespread. However I don't get along with the promoting of use of psychedelics as means, since I believe that the only way to know whether the experience will be well suited to the person, is by the person finding within themselves, their own reason, their own beliefs, and their own means of acquiring the psychedelic. Therefore, although I have some stories spun about psychedelics in my Matilda's Waltz website, that website gets now the wrapper around it, of my unpronounceable c-u-r-a-e-z-I-p-I-r-I-d website. Both just for the sake of Art rather than reason, and both mostly are about the poetry.
Outside of these here facts about me, I guess it may interest folk to know that I sometimes speak in tongues, aka glossolia, which first began in sounds alike the Russian language, while thinking, 12 years later, of a strange experience I had in youth, when in Moscow in 1991, and approached by a woman dressed colourfully in peasant costume, among all the grey overcoats and furry hats, and gave me a gift hers to give. It happens in a kind of trance, and frequently enough, as that I need pull myself up short if in public. The PTSD symptoms are over now, with none at all since the Ayahuasca ceremony in 2013, and I still think that smoking DMT might just be a little too strong for me.
I practice homeopathy, often enough with clients who have had addictions, and thus I know a lot about various means of handling certain kinds of plant born sensitivities. Within the scope of my knowledge, I guess I have a very general concern, about how it will be, that modern western science becomes a vehicle for developing the kinds of drug trials and surveys of use patterns of drugs, which might guide the western legislative bodies, in how to legislate around.
My intention in registering in the DMT Nexus forum, is to keep myself informed about the current trajectory of the science.
I am Rebekah.
Rivaq is Hebrew Rebekah/Rebecca.
Matilda is because I have a website called Matilda's Waltz, (just in case you need to know of the song, "Waltzing Matilda", an Aussie classic folk tune, that gets itself suitably done to death in most of our lives,...about a swagman, that is a homeless person, who stole a jumbuck, that is a sheep, and jumped into a billabong, that is a water hole, to escape the troopers, a.k.a. police,... and relates to the indigenous story of the Kangaroo, who also jumps into waters too deep), . . . since if the Swagman who waltzed me, had his say, . . . nevermind.
I also have another website, since Matilda's Waltz began as an experiment which did not want to shift out of its experimental form. At http(and hopefully one day an s is affordable)://www.curaezipirid.net which is still in construction, yet sustains links to all the rest of myself online.
I have small experiences of psychedelics. Small because I never much liked any drugs, despite having become surrounded by drug addicts most of my life. Small also because, I am one of those odd folk, they have some knowledge of in UDV and Santo Diame, who never sees visions during the period of time when a psychedelic is effective directly in the blood. Like nothing ever any time, ...oh hang on, except once or twice, no, three times, or is it four, . . . just one glimpse of very interesting material. Actually the most I ever saw happened via a cannabis sativa that got itself made more powerful by indigenous Australian men playing around with the breeding of, whilst using Pituri.
Now, Pituri, our native entheogen, I know. Pituri's story is seldom told. Yet it does sustain the trajectory of having two potential outcomes. Most people might collapse into a coma like sleep after about ten to twenty minutes, (as I got told by a woman who got give Pituri by indigenous women who are regular chewers of, in 1983, in Central Australia during protests against the Pine Gap military base when hundreds of women under arrest gave their name as Karen Silkwood), and as I got told, kind of sink out of their body rather than float, sinking down into the Earth and turning into as many and every of the surrounding life forms as are present, and travelling far and wide among and as many such life forms, before returning and waking up and being told three days and nights have passed. Alternatively, the other way of using Pituri, is to set the goal of undertaking an arduous journey by foot. The only survivors of the Burke and Wills expedition (we all get taught in primary/elementary school in Australia, about how Burke and Wills died in the desert, after trying to explore as if to discover) happened to be who had accepted the gift of Pituri given by indigenous men. Duboisia hopwoodii, and other, similarly acting plants, (all with a huge amount of nicotine, and also nor-nicotine, which is the metabolite of nicotine that makes men want another cigarette to get real with), are planted at either end of every major desert walking route traditional indigenous families know. Duboisia hopwoodii can enable adults to walk for three days and nights through a desert without food and WITHOUT WATER! It is a freaky substance to consume.
I have also taken; blue meanie psilocybin mushrooms, at a mushroom festival in the U.K. at Ribblehead, in 1990; Hicuri, in ceremony with a Chilean Shaman in a Teepee nearby the Northern N.S.W. town of Uki; Ayahuasca also near Uki a few days later, and then more Ayahuasca after I grew a vine at home; Iboga in a tiny amount first at the Entheogenesis Australis conference during 2011, and now it grows with me as well; San Pedro cacti growing splendidly even with five rib pups off of a six rib cutting. Also I once had the terrible experience of the cone of the bong I smoked, with cannabis and tobacco in it, having become spiked with heroin, twice, and that enamoured me to the understanding of how badly out of control all addicts of opium derivatives are. Thankfully, after no more instances of licking their spoons that I can count on my fingers (and toes combined), the first time I wanted more than a licked up taste, I ran away into the waiting arms of Narcotics Anonymous, albeit only to find that since I never had a habit, I have had no need of regular meetings. I do however advocate abstinence from every narcotizing substance is a good method after having had that taste. Even for anyone like me, who doesn't fall in that direction lightly. I have learned a lot about how to undertake exorcisms of such bad habits as had those persons who passed me a spiked bong.
Now what I thought maybe an essay might spill out of me, is because I have a need that I communicate something of my indigenous knowledge of Pituri. Two uses I have already defined. The third use is that of instating the re-creation of biodiversity is ongoing, via an evolutionary process. That is to say, men can, and do frequently, believe in their abilities to cause fauna and flora to evolve more rapidly than possible otherwise, via use of Pituri. Many traditionally oriented indigenous Australians believe that we don't need worry too much about nature, because when the time comes, we all just get stoned and dream it all back again in a kind of reality alike in the film Jumanji. Their evidence, is ample in the cannabis they grow. Cannabis (indica and sativa) modified to do well in Australian growing conditions, with low nutrients, low water, and high mineral content of the soil. The high mineral content is very specially more visual. Growing with less water and less nitrogen in particular, is however, obviously difficult. But the plant adapted in next to no time, and the results compete well with Dutch breeding.
Now I ought add to all that, the fact I never smoked DMT. I think sometimes I might like to, and then I think no need. Then I think but what if I can see more than usual, and then I think no need. Whenever I have used psychedelics, which is not very often even with such plants in my garden, how I behave, combined with set and setting, during the experience of the influence of the plant, defines my dreams every night for years and years thereafter. So I am very very carefully ritual minded about my use.
I have just one example to illustrate this with. When I got given Ayahuasca in ceremony with the Chilean named Gerardo Arrieta, (who came across like a Geisha style Shaman, albeit in his manhood sustained), I mostly slept. In fact I could not stay awake. My blood pressure was dropping too low. But I could hear and every time Gerardo called me back, I came back into my body, giving my body just a little knowledge of where I had been. In London visiting the Queen perhaps,...no, actually talking to the Virgin Mary, in fact. And the long and the short of the result, happened to be unfolding still now in my dreams, but as what we spoke about ought not be spoken by the body, I may say no more than that: a few weeks after the ceremony, my PTSD got itself cured, by a distant memory returning into me, of a perpetrator of abuse, whose identity was made public within the first public announcements of the still current Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Allegations of Child Abuse here in Australia. All in all, I am so glad he was already dead before my body needed remember and confess that such a person had touched it.
Well, that's my story, and I am sticking to it. Fairdinkum, as we say in Australia when we get real, I have many reasons to think Ayahuasca use might need become more widespread. However I don't get along with the promoting of use of psychedelics as means, since I believe that the only way to know whether the experience will be well suited to the person, is by the person finding within themselves, their own reason, their own beliefs, and their own means of acquiring the psychedelic. Therefore, although I have some stories spun about psychedelics in my Matilda's Waltz website, that website gets now the wrapper around it, of my unpronounceable c-u-r-a-e-z-I-p-I-r-I-d website. Both just for the sake of Art rather than reason, and both mostly are about the poetry.
Outside of these here facts about me, I guess it may interest folk to know that I sometimes speak in tongues, aka glossolia, which first began in sounds alike the Russian language, while thinking, 12 years later, of a strange experience I had in youth, when in Moscow in 1991, and approached by a woman dressed colourfully in peasant costume, among all the grey overcoats and furry hats, and gave me a gift hers to give. It happens in a kind of trance, and frequently enough, as that I need pull myself up short if in public. The PTSD symptoms are over now, with none at all since the Ayahuasca ceremony in 2013, and I still think that smoking DMT might just be a little too strong for me.
I practice homeopathy, often enough with clients who have had addictions, and thus I know a lot about various means of handling certain kinds of plant born sensitivities. Within the scope of my knowledge, I guess I have a very general concern, about how it will be, that modern western science becomes a vehicle for developing the kinds of drug trials and surveys of use patterns of drugs, which might guide the western legislative bodies, in how to legislate around.
My intention in registering in the DMT Nexus forum, is to keep myself informed about the current trajectory of the science.