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Happy Nexien

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Well ive been hanging arounf the nexus for a while now and learned many new and fascinating things.
Even tho its nothing new imma do a Tunnel Tek: baised on a 50G of ACRB or MHRB root bark powder
Ok Heres What You Need:

1. 50g ACRB or MHRB powder
2. Distilled water
3. Lye
(The four listed above are in a seance your ingredence)
5. A (Turkey Baster) is usually used but i use a (Glass Pipet)
6. Plastic Wrap
7. 8x8 Glass Pyrex dish
8. Stir Rod
9. Something Glass to Measure Milliliters
10. (optional) a cold freezer
11.A Big Pan to set the vase into to create a <Double Boiler>
12. Large Glass Vase preferably Pyrex (I only use pyrex in everything because it can handle rapid
changing Temperature regular glass has potential to shatter)

Lets Get Started

Ok so first of you want to measure 750 ML of distilled water into your vase.
Fill your big pan/pot with tap water and place on stove on medium keep the tempature around
100F to 120F. Now measure 40g to 50g of LYE to your vase <BE sure to always add lye to water not water to lye water acts violently with lye. Distribute the lye slowly be sure to not to let it come in contact with your skin.
Now set your vase into your pan/pot that is up temperature.
Slowly measure and then Add the tree powder to your Lye n water mix that is in the vase.
Now let the lye do its work let the mix set for 30min to 1hr string the solution frequently every 5 10 min.

<(YOU WILL REPEAT THIS PORTION OF STEPS 3 or 4 TIMES refer back to here wen u see the words REPEAT NAPHTHA)>

Next measure 10ml to 20ml of naphtha <recommend you turn of your burner and place the whole set up away from the hot stove> Add your naphtha stire right away for 5-10 min then let sit for 10 n stir again for 5-10min .. then once more 10 min later .
Now let it sit until you see a clear layer ontop of the dark layer.
TIME to Collect
Use your turkey baster and suck up the clear layer and despence the clear liquid into your 8x8 dish


Now that you have repeated the naphtha step all 3 or 4 times you should have a 8x8 dish with naphtha saturated DMT in it Cover dish with plastic wrap stick it in freezer for 24 to 48 hrs. NO FREEZER just leave it uncovered in a vented cool aria n let it evaporate

When you return to your freezer after the wait you will have beautiful crystals. Decant the naphtha off and set the Dish upright in front a fan for 30 min at-least

(Their is a purification step that im going to hold off on typing up right now if you are interested Refer to Re-crystallizing in the nexus )

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