ILpt has his breakfast this morning consistent off 2 hard boiled eggs two slices of brown bread with butter and cup of black tea with little milk
An hour or so after he ingested 400mg of harmine(isolated from rue)and splashed it down with cup of white coffee....
....20` after he noticed familiar buzz and effects start to develop
....but after another 40 mins he become dizzy and drowsy there was looping in his sight what gave him already mentioned "cybersickness" walking cause vertigo and stuff....
...he decided to purge and did so for 15 mins. he has to lay in to the bed to feel alright and not to be nauseous.
.... this become actually very nice apart ILPT didn`t wanna be incapacitated since he has job to do..
... never mind.... when hi shut his eylids they were geometric swirling patterns, and visuals consistent of faces, machines and others man-made thing well known by ILPT from the real world. Nothing unnatural ...
... those "visions" were strong for about an hour then faded away
....cybersickness lasted another three hours
... need to tell he has also OTC antiallergen medicine CETIRIZINE.HCl one pill of 10mg roughly 4-5 hours beforehand
What caused this nasty side effects of such a beautiful substance???
Tyramine in eggs? cetirizine? or simply OVERDOSE ? :?: wasn`t tea neither coffee, ILPT used them with sublingual harmine(up to 250mg)with great success
anyway he`s off to bed now as he has 150mg of harmaline sublingually (without any xanthines)and it making him sleepy now 8)
An hour or so after he ingested 400mg of harmine(isolated from rue)and splashed it down with cup of white coffee....
....20` after he noticed familiar buzz and effects start to develop
....but after another 40 mins he become dizzy and drowsy there was looping in his sight what gave him already mentioned "cybersickness" walking cause vertigo and stuff....
...he decided to purge and did so for 15 mins. he has to lay in to the bed to feel alright and not to be nauseous.
.... this become actually very nice apart ILPT didn`t wanna be incapacitated since he has job to do..
... never mind.... when hi shut his eylids they were geometric swirling patterns, and visuals consistent of faces, machines and others man-made thing well known by ILPT from the real world. Nothing unnatural ...
... those "visions" were strong for about an hour then faded away
....cybersickness lasted another three hours
... need to tell he has also OTC antiallergen medicine CETIRIZINE.HCl one pill of 10mg roughly 4-5 hours beforehand
What caused this nasty side effects of such a beautiful substance???
Tyramine in eggs? cetirizine? or simply OVERDOSE ? :?: wasn`t tea neither coffee, ILPT used them with sublingual harmine(up to 250mg)with great success
anyway he`s off to bed now as he has 150mg of harmaline sublingually (without any xanthines)and it making him sleepy now 8)