burnt said:
buddha was just making up explanations for the sensations he discovered during his meditation. much like we do when we drug our selves with psychedelics.
not to mention that the universe is constantly changing and filled with interconnected forces. i did not need buddhas meditation ideas to tell me that. thats a well known fact.
I've DONE that meditation, it goes just like that.
you focus on your breathing, then eventually you feel sensations throughout your body, and the more you do it, the more subtle the sensations you can feel, i got to a point where i could feel hot air leaving my nostrils, and cool air coming in, tell me that type of sensation isn't subtle, and takes practice and focus to achieve. if you try that, you'll know it's hard.
it's just as he said, when i did the meditation, i started remembering and refeeling all types of feelings and thoughts from years ago, even ones from my childhood! it was like my body and mind had held in every single thing from years and years ago. I wasn't even aware of this, crap like anger from an argument i got in with my mom when i was 12, it was like my body had stored and held onto that shit forever. It was painful, and when i left, i felt one hundred times better.
why would he make up something like that? that guy was a genius, he helped hundreds and hundreds of people if not thousands or millions throughout the years since he discovered the meditation technique, heal themselves.
Doesn't it seem as though your mind would hold things not seen or heard normally by your senses on a gross level?
think of an atom, what is it? it's a subatomic particle, it's so small you can't see it without a microscope that magnifies something thousands and thousands of times. It's so tiny it takes up about the same amount of space as a grain of sand in a house, or less. And yet these things are so powerful, they make up the entire physical reality, yet they lie in such a subtle form. If you can split one of these vibrating masses of energy, with enough energy, so much power if released, it can cause a chain reaction, and destroy a city.
if you can fuse enough of these particles together with enough energy, you can create a star! and yet these things are like dust in the wind, and they hold enough power to be seen for millions and millions of miles.
Now think about your mind, in the universe, one thing lies with another. If you find mind, you're bound to find matter. Everywhere you've ever gone in your life, you've taken your mind with you. You cannot seperate your mind from the physical form of your body. But yet, how many people believe, that where there is matter, there is mind?
The buddha believed that matter couldn't exist without mind, that where there is matter there is some subtle form of mind in some way or another.
He believed that your mind worked in the same way that atoms do. Lying in such subtle powerful form within you. Have you not seen someone get so mad that was so calm previously? have you not felt such suffering in such a close time period to disappear so quickly leaving hardly a trace? The buddha said, the mind is like an atom, so subtle, so hard to distinguish from everything else, that it holds all this power and energy, and can vanish without a trace, and yet rise like a hurricane.
This is hard to explain, right? But why? This ONE THING seems to never be explained. So much is known about atoms, and physics, and light, and energy, science and instruments, computers and cars. But where is the manual for your mind?
Could this guy not have been the albert hoffman of the mind? He said that everything comes from an immense place that is beyond all that. Beyond mind and matter. He says your mind cannot be seperated from your body. There is more than just your mind, there is subtleness in yourself, there is a rise of feeling and thought that is deeper than just your mind. Your mind is just like a shell that encompasses you to your body.
When you realize that YOU don't exist, that it's not YOUR mind or YOUR body, you can let go of that, and dissolve from your mind, and dissolve from your body, and dissolve from suffering. If you take a block of ice, it will eventually melt. If you set a glass of water on the table, it will eventually evaporate.
If change is so common, then why do so many things people feel not ever seem to change. If objects can change so easily, why is it so hard for people to understand that your feeling will change also. It's not as easy to see change in a persons life as it is to see it in a world.
Buddha said EVERYTHING is subject to change, if it exists, it'll change. Your mind, the floor, the air, everything, nothing DOESN'T. you know?