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Research Has anyone tried quidding phyllodium pulchellum?

Research done by (or for) the DMT-Nexus community
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Rising Star
Phyllodium pulchellum has been reported to have a 5-Meo-DMT content of 0.2-0.3%. That means 2 grams of plant material should contain 4-6mg of 5-Meo-DMT, enough for a sublingual dose. I figure 2 grams sounds like a good place to start. Even if you end up having to double the dose 4 grams is still quiddable.

I'm just curious if anyone's tried it. I don't have any plant material to experiment with myself, but I do have a few seeds so hopefully I'll be able to start experimenting in the near future.
- Study yielded a new glycoside, the 1-glucosylrhamnoside of physcion from the seeds of D pulchellum.
- Contains tryptamines.
- Roots yield betulin, a-amyrin, and ß-sitosterol.
- Study yielded fifteen simple indolic bases (I-XV) with three broad structural types, viz., indole-3-alkylamine, ß-carboline, and tetrahydro-ß-carboline. Fruits showed the major accumulation of Nb-oxides while the roots localized the quarternary bases.

so there's apparently also ß-carboline, and tetrahydro-ß-carboline

i am interested in where you found seeds, perhaps you could pm me.
LOL I've just collected a bunch of seeds in Southern Thailand, and spent an evening identifying the plant. (I collected them simply because it's a very interesting-looking little bush.) So it ended up being Phyllodium pulchellum :surprised

:want: itIS very pretty, and unusual looking. The first i ever heard of this. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, it has 2 types of leaves. The small leaves provide a sort of hood over the flowers and fruits. The flower shoots can get very long, around 1 meter each, drooping. I was attracted to this plant purely for its decorative appeal. It's only after I identified it that I saw all the information on its tryptamine content. I can share seeds with people interested in serious experimentation.
I found no reference to it in the Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants but Garden of Eden has some on it, as Desmodium. There's some on the alkaloid content...
D. pulchellum whole plant from India has yielded 0.3% alkaloids in
one test [including, as % of plant, 0.2-0.25% 5-MeO-DMT, and 0.0018%
of combined DMT, DMT N-oxide and bufotenine] (Ghosal & Mukherjee
1964); another test also found 0.0004% 5-MeO-DMT N-oxide, 5-MeO-
NMT and gramine (Ghosal & Mukherjee 1966). The root of the young
seedling has yielded c.0.27% DMT, 0.011% DMT N-oxide, 0.041%
DMT N-methylcation, 0.022% N-methyl-serotonin, traces of 5-MeO-
NMT, 0.026% adrenoglomerulotropin and traces of 6-MeO-N-methyl-
-carbolinium salt; root of mature plants yielded 0.067-0.451% DMT,
0.012-0.121% DMT N-oxide, 0.022-0.132% 5-MeO-DMT, 0.013% N-
methyl-serotonin, 0.0015% 3-alkylindole, 0.001% 5-OH-3-alkylindole,
and traces of bufotenine, bufotenine N-oxide and 2-methyl-pinoline. Stem
and leaf of mature plants yielded 0.294% DMT, 0.07% DMT N-oxide,
0.476% 5-MeO-DMT, 0.154% 5-MeO-tryptamine, 0.112% bufotenine and
traces of bufotenine N-oxide. Green fruits and ripe seeds yielded 0.001%
DMT, up to 0.007% DMT N-oxide and c.0.002% each of 5-MeO-DMT
and 5-MeO-tryptamine; harman, tetrahydroharman and pinoline were also
found in seeds, harman also in fruits (Ghosal 1972; Ghosal et al. 1972c).
The plant has also yielded hordenine, norharman, 2-methyl-THC, 2-me-
thyl--carbolinium quaternary salt, 1,2-dimethyl-6-MeO-THC, melino-
nine F, and canavanine. In dogs, the stem-leaf alkaloids [0.1mg/kg i.v.]
caused initial respiratory stimulation, followed by hypotension and severe
bronchoconstriction, which resulted in death in some cases; cardiac de-
pression was also observed. Alkaloids of the green fruits and seeds inhib-
ited cholinesterase (Bell et al. 1978; Ghosal 1972; Ghosal & Mukherjee
1966; Ghosal et al. 1970b, 1972c; Harborne et al. ed. 1971; Shulgin &
Shulgin 1997).

From Garden of Eden
In dogs, the stem-leaf alkaloids [0.1mg/kg i.v.]
caused initial respiratory stimulation, followed by hypotension and severe
bronchoconstriction, which resulted in death in some cases; cardiac de-
pression was also observed. Alkaloids of the green fruits and seeds inhib-
ited cholinesterase

Dog biochemistry is, of course, different from that of humans, but this makes me concerned. An easily quiddable source of substituted tryptamines would be very nice, but I wouldn't want to put anything in my mouth that I thought might be poisonous.

Tripping while suffocating from bronchoconstriction doesn't sound like a good time.

So I'm probably still a a few months away from testing this but would the quidding be done on its own or taking harmalas before hand? I take around 100mg of harmala caapi tea many days and likely enough to activate dmt orally which I plan to test low 1-5 mg doses in the future.

I'll likely start at 1g and work up by a gram until I feel something. I also want to do an extraction in the future but still small seedlings since only months old.

Anyone ever follow up or experiment with this?
So I'm probably still a a few months away from testing this but would the quidding be done on its own or taking harmalas before hand? I take around 100mg of harmala caapi tea many days and likely enough to activate dmt orally which I plan to test low 1-5 mg doses in the future.

I'll likely start at 1g and work up by a gram until I feel something. I also want to do an extraction in the future but still small seedlings since only months old.

Anyone ever follow up or experiment with this?
This would be highly experimental; all I've heard of was laybe one report of a mild experience with a phyllodium tea.

Since this is a 5-MeO plant it's not advised to combine with harmalas. Check the 5 guide for details in that respect.
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