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HBWR/LSH snuff

Migrated topic.
SWIM crushed up 5 hbwr seeds with a mortar and pestle. The seeds were from a friend and were reportedly potent (4-6 seeds a dose).

The mortar and pestle got them to a rather coarse consistency, so they were crushed with whatever apparatus available, to no avail. The crushed seeds were thrown into a kief box and rubbed against the screen, while being powdered and crushed between the fingers.

100mg of very fine white powder was obtained in the collection tray of the kief box.

50mg insufflated. Painful, but not intolerable burning ensues. SWIM coughs out the drip over the course of ten minutes as it is pretty nasty.

Light color sensations noted at about 15 minutes, elated feelings of euphoria. Vaping some weed leads to a nice, enhanced high. This feeling fades over the course of an hour or so, leaving only the pot high, and a few unpleasant body sensations.

If the entire pile had been insufflated, effects would likely have been pronounced. All in all, not an ROA SWIM will be further acquainting himself with.

If SWIY is comfortable with insufflation, go for it, cause it would likely be better on you than eating the seeds. SWIM found that insufflation is not much fun when it's not a chemical that makes your sinuses numb.
PlainCoil said:
SWIM found that insufflation is not much fun when it's not a chemical that makes your sinuses numb.

No shit!

Snorting anything is uncomfortable, most things sting like hell, you often sneeze, end up with snot running down your noise, etc. No fun.

As much as I hate intra-rectal use, I think it beats putting things up your nose. Now if you’re a woman, you have an even better option: intra-vaginal.
The skin on the penis whether cut or not, is thin and does absorb some things pretty well, but it's not really a mucous membrane. It will absorb things better than your hand or forehead will, but it’s still skin and skin is designed to prevent absorption.

I heard that bufotenine is said to produce an erection if a bufotenine cream is put on the penis. Yohimbe is also said to do this. I don’t know if either really works though. SWIM finds a very large dose of vaporized bufotenine has extreme Viagra like effects after the peak wears off, so maybe there is something to the cream idea.

There is a method of injecting liquid into the head of the penis into the urethra which is very effective, but often very painful and prone to causing infections.
I'm always surprised of your extensive knowledge. The penis injection thing doesn't sound very nice, but rectal use - why not? I guess one of the main problems is the association with homosexuality (and that it burns, of course).
On most other forums, the mere mention of intra-rectal use will cause a thread to turn into a gay bashing thread. In reality, there is nothing at all sexual about putting a burning substance in any part of the body.

SWIM prefers sublingual use when oral use or smoking doesn’t work. Sublingual is pretty much the same as snorting, but harder to do right. The main problem with sublingual use is that if done wrong, your mouth fills with saliva and this interferes with absorption. And then there’s the fact that it’s hard not to swallow. For something like bufotenine, which causes nausea orally, you want to absorb it sublingually and not swallow any of it. That’s hard to do.

In order get benefits from HBWR use sublingually, you’d want to NOT swallow any of it to avoid bodily effects just as you should for bufotenine. That’s hard.
the problem I have with sublingual is that with in 2 min my mouth fills up with saliva like I poured a cup of water in it.

So has anyone else on here got the snuff to work at all?

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