Rising Star
SWIM crushed up 5 hbwr seeds with a mortar and pestle. The seeds were from a friend and were reportedly potent (4-6 seeds a dose).
The mortar and pestle got them to a rather coarse consistency, so they were crushed with whatever apparatus available, to no avail. The crushed seeds were thrown into a kief box and rubbed against the screen, while being powdered and crushed between the fingers.
100mg of very fine white powder was obtained in the collection tray of the kief box.
50mg insufflated. Painful, but not intolerable burning ensues. SWIM coughs out the drip over the course of ten minutes as it is pretty nasty.
Light color sensations noted at about 15 minutes, elated feelings of euphoria. Vaping some weed leads to a nice, enhanced high. This feeling fades over the course of an hour or so, leaving only the pot high, and a few unpleasant body sensations.
If the entire pile had been insufflated, effects would likely have been pronounced. All in all, not an ROA SWIM will be further acquainting himself with.
If SWIY is comfortable with insufflation, go for it, cause it would likely be better on you than eating the seeds. SWIM found that insufflation is not much fun when it's not a chemical that makes your sinuses numb.
The mortar and pestle got them to a rather coarse consistency, so they were crushed with whatever apparatus available, to no avail. The crushed seeds were thrown into a kief box and rubbed against the screen, while being powdered and crushed between the fingers.
100mg of very fine white powder was obtained in the collection tray of the kief box.
50mg insufflated. Painful, but not intolerable burning ensues. SWIM coughs out the drip over the course of ten minutes as it is pretty nasty.
Light color sensations noted at about 15 minutes, elated feelings of euphoria. Vaping some weed leads to a nice, enhanced high. This feeling fades over the course of an hour or so, leaving only the pot high, and a few unpleasant body sensations.
If the entire pile had been insufflated, effects would likely have been pronounced. All in all, not an ROA SWIM will be further acquainting himself with.
If SWIY is comfortable with insufflation, go for it, cause it would likely be better on you than eating the seeds. SWIM found that insufflation is not much fun when it's not a chemical that makes your sinuses numb.