Ok... I thought that this Might require its own thread...
SWIM wants to recommend the snuffing of HBWR seeds. One or two seeds Ground up fine (SWIM used a finger nail file for maximum sinus coverage... Swim has done this a number of times... insulflating 1-2 seeds obtained from basement shaman, high quality seeds from what SWIM hears from others. Swim has never ingested them because Swim does not like the nausea SWim got from morning glories... so when swim was advised at an entheogen conference to snuff them... swim jumped on it...
no nausea, lower dosage... no real sinus pain so to speak... long duration... POWERFUL effects. total immersion into OEV AND CEV.
SWIM comes to think of this state as dreaming awake... the edative effects and intoxication are strong... SWIM could just sit there and watch it all but could not really interact with the space... there where spirits... human and animal interacting with SWIM but SWIM could not really interact back just kinda silently watch. A bit of Keef was smoked each time to increase effects... oh and does it ever... but it really increases the sedative effects even more along with the visionary effects...
SWIM wishes to figure out how to manifest a more stimulating Snuff with HBWR seeds... SWIM is wondering how one would do this... no extraction seems to be nessecary with snuffing them. there is no nausea at all... so no problem. No extraction TEK is needed ( i know you guys love your crystals but if it aint broke why fix it?) So...
A mentholated HBWR seed snuff would be splendid indeed... SWim LOVES menthol tobacco snuff ( especially the raspberry menthol mmmmm) So snuffing peppermint infused seeds would be a lovely experience...
So how would one do this...
converting the snuff from LSA to LSH? could it be done with out doing an extraction. Swim has read that 69rons FOAF drinks the seeds in peppermint tea and that seems to work. is the heat of the tea having an effect? along with the peppermint?
Here is SWIMS proposed Idea...
-Take 1/2 teaspoon of Ethanol mix with one drop of peppermint oil (organic pure peppermint oil).
-Heat oil infused ethanol until warm in a hot water bath.
-add peppermint infused ethanol to six ground/finely powdered seeds of HBWR and allow to cool and evaporate.
-once snuff is evaporated divide into three equal piles.
-put pile number one on a nice decorative plate with meaningful patterns of what ever spirits you align your self with... and snuff with hollowed out bone found from a tree an eagles nest is in...
-get lots of work done... commune with spirits of your ancestors... make agreements with local deities and gain insight on how to make the world a better place... viola...
-save other two doses of snuff for freinds or patients in healing practice... place snuff in freezer for storage.
See if this works for yah... if any one has any insights into this or making it work let SWim know...
SWIM wants to recommend the snuffing of HBWR seeds. One or two seeds Ground up fine (SWIM used a finger nail file for maximum sinus coverage... Swim has done this a number of times... insulflating 1-2 seeds obtained from basement shaman, high quality seeds from what SWIM hears from others. Swim has never ingested them because Swim does not like the nausea SWim got from morning glories... so when swim was advised at an entheogen conference to snuff them... swim jumped on it...
no nausea, lower dosage... no real sinus pain so to speak... long duration... POWERFUL effects. total immersion into OEV AND CEV.
SWIM comes to think of this state as dreaming awake... the edative effects and intoxication are strong... SWIM could just sit there and watch it all but could not really interact with the space... there where spirits... human and animal interacting with SWIM but SWIM could not really interact back just kinda silently watch. A bit of Keef was smoked each time to increase effects... oh and does it ever... but it really increases the sedative effects even more along with the visionary effects...
SWIM wishes to figure out how to manifest a more stimulating Snuff with HBWR seeds... SWIM is wondering how one would do this... no extraction seems to be nessecary with snuffing them. there is no nausea at all... so no problem. No extraction TEK is needed ( i know you guys love your crystals but if it aint broke why fix it?) So...
A mentholated HBWR seed snuff would be splendid indeed... SWim LOVES menthol tobacco snuff ( especially the raspberry menthol mmmmm) So snuffing peppermint infused seeds would be a lovely experience...
So how would one do this...
converting the snuff from LSA to LSH? could it be done with out doing an extraction. Swim has read that 69rons FOAF drinks the seeds in peppermint tea and that seems to work. is the heat of the tea having an effect? along with the peppermint?
Here is SWIMS proposed Idea...
-Take 1/2 teaspoon of Ethanol mix with one drop of peppermint oil (organic pure peppermint oil).
-Heat oil infused ethanol until warm in a hot water bath.
-add peppermint infused ethanol to six ground/finely powdered seeds of HBWR and allow to cool and evaporate.
-once snuff is evaporated divide into three equal piles.
-put pile number one on a nice decorative plate with meaningful patterns of what ever spirits you align your self with... and snuff with hollowed out bone found from a tree an eagles nest is in...
-get lots of work done... commune with spirits of your ancestors... make agreements with local deities and gain insight on how to make the world a better place... viola...
-save other two doses of snuff for freinds or patients in healing practice... place snuff in freezer for storage.
See if this works for yah... if any one has any insights into this or making it work let SWim know...