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hello everybody

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hello everybody!
i am glad to have made an account here after reading for a while

im not going to go on and on and on an d on and on

just a little bit about myzelf; first and formost i must inform yall that i am an addict i definetly have the genes and the stuff ive done on top of them has made them worse haha. however i am grateful to be sober for like 1.5 years now and thats great i use AA as a source for spiritual practices, helping people cheifly and i LOVE to take things i learn in the program and integrate them into my daily life. (its the trancendent nature of working a spiritual program has parrallals with a constructive psychedelic exp) that for me is the key, if i learn something i dont really KNOW it untill i do it and do it. if i dont than its just like a theory or fact otherwise that i can talk about but thats it. (and probably-defintely will feel a mounting sense of cognative dissonance as i continue to not pay the idea its deserved respect)

before that (im mid 20's) i used pills alcohol and weed in highschool and then alot of high dose intranasal oxycodone during the first half of collage. eventually iv heroin went to rehab and rejected that lifestyle however within a few years
alcohol distillation followed by mycology& that kind of thing; a more cerebral form of drug abuse took hold
i first took dmt about 2 years after i stopped the smack and it was powerful, the effects were amazing, i did nearly all sub break thru doses ( i think) but almost everytime used nitrous while doing it which while the effets are plesant it did do anything positive for me it was just crazyness soon..

i was going nuts with nitrous edible weed items and hallucigens at regular intervals with NOO intigration with NO regard for set (or setting sometimes) and let me tell you BADDD moVEEEEEE haha it was just drug abuse at that point! i eventually melted down for a little while like 2months and was pretty fried. however in this period my ego was greatly (most of the time) diminished this was precipitated by a big dose of mushrooms at a time when i was already paranoid and just shot through and i was primed to take accurate stock of myself. my behaviors. my thoughts and what i was abusing in this life. which was the first time i got a benefit from hallucigens that i was able to cash in the real world& apply to my life. amazing i am super convinced at this point that NITROUS OXIDE used in conjunction with hallucigens diminishes any positive effect they may have for me. perhaps others may do a couple bulbs during an experiance but i would do it constantly for hours and hours during the entire trip conusming hundreds of bulbs i would not suggest this. but i just coudlnt help it at that time the addicted state was mad pernounced in me at that time.

thank god for that experiance now ive been grounded solidly for a good while, everythings going great a couple months ago i started reading these forums and while im not using ethnogens at this time and have no real plans to use them currently due to my maturity level, living arrangements, and just general trepidation to use a "drug" even though triptimines shouldnt technically cause adicted delta fos b-behavior its still pretty radical and if i was to do it right i really would have to wait ! i am interested in this stuff still and very interested to talk with some of the people here!

so i just wanted to say hi! hopefully i can add something to this great community:grin:
Welcome to the Nexus!

Great job getting off the drugs! That must have been a very hard road to travel. I am sure it now gives you a unique perspective and knowledge that many others have not seen. Perhaps one day that knowledge will help you guide someone else through the hells of drug addiction.

Respect indeed!!
Welcome to the Nexus!

Im glad you were able to control your destructive drug using patterns... Im sure this experience has made you a stronger person and now you can help others who are going down a similar path.

I would recommend you to take some b12 supplements if you don't, because heavy nitrous oxide use depletes b12 reserves in the body.

Did you take oral dmt/ayahuasca in those past experiments of yours? Personally I find it to be way more appropriate for personalized lessons and learning about oneself, as opposed to vaporized dmt which is more like an (amazingly beautiful and mind boggling) existential shock but that is hard to really digest and find specific lessons to apply in life. At least thats my experience.
dmnstr8 it was insanely shot ive been helping my fellos & its pretty fun, been integrating my new experiences today to the best of my ability but that event was certainly the catalyst. im glad i had it though, while stressful there werent any real consequences cept freaked out parents, mindblowing & prolonged introspection and the traumatic experience of a new me being extruded, thankfully the new me is being molded by a better set of choices today. (didnt see any responses untill now, thank you for replying) :d

endlessness said:
Welcome to the Nexus!

Im glad you were able to control your destructive drug using patterns... Im sure this experience has made you a stronger person and now you can help others who are going down a similar path.

I would recommend you to take some b12 supplements if you don't, because heavy nitrous oxide use depletes b12 reserves in the body.

Did you take oral dmt/ayahuasca in those past experiments of yours? Personally I find it to be way more appropriate for personalized lessons and learning about oneself, as opposed to vaporized dmt which is more like an (amazingly beautiful and mind boggling) existential shock but that is hard to really digest and find specific lessons to apply in life. At least thats my experience.

endlessness thanks for your reply, this episode was about a year and a half ago. i was supplementing with sublingual b12 every day back then at least 1000% daily value bc i read that co enzymes are also zapped by nitrous inhibiting gastric absorption. even so i did have a certain extent of tingling/dropping things (mostly nangs) but that subsided after a little while.

i never did aye really. i took some fb harmine once and really didnt like the way i felt/thought i was pretty scared to take more than about 15- 20 mg dmt on top of that to be honest. i knew the depth of the exp and would not of been able to deal properly. i think i would of just experienced a new level of cognitive dissonance bc i was addicted to nitrous/ oral thc and couldnt change my behaviors if i didnt bail entirely from the addictive dopermenegic drugs and work a structured spiritual program.

in the future if i do partake in psychs again i shall certainly use them in a more sustainable fashion with the correct intentions at the for front of my mind before and after aye def included

and MOST def sans nitrous oxide.
thanks again!
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