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Hello everybody!

Migrated topic.


Ontological Philosopher
Hello everyone!
My name is Sky, I am an avid Psychonaut and traveler.
I use the tools , Psilocin to travel through the deepest depths of my consciousness, & DMT to travel.
I have used Psilocin for the past two years, and I am currently writing a book called ''The Mushroom'' Which contains the mushroom & DMT experiences, philosophies, & ontology. I just recently started my experience with DMT, which has been nothing short of prodigious pulchritudinous. I hope to grow and learn with everybody. I will be posting my 1st DMT experience in a moment. Thank you for taking the time to read
my introduction and I hope you have a great day!
pulchritudinous - [puhl-kri-tood-n-uh s, -tyood-]
physically beautiful; comely.

Yep.... had to look that one up! LOL

Great to have you here! I read your other post pertaining to your first DMT experience, and I enjoyed it very much! I like your writing and would certainly entertain buying your book, especially if you include the word pulchritudinous! :d

Welcome to the nexus!

DmnStr8 said:
Great to have you here! I read your other post pertaining to your first DMT experience, and I enjoyed it very much! I like your writing and would certainly entertain buying your book, especially if you include the word pulchritudinous! :d

Welcome to the nexus!

Thank you very much for the reply and read!
I emphatically appreciate the amiability.
I Hope to have the book done within 6 months; I want it to be indefectable.
Yes it will include that word, among multifarious others. lol
I have another experience I will be posting, peculiar to say the least.
I emphatically appreciate the welcoming, and I hope to learn, as well as share my sapience.
:) Elated to finally be apart of the university.
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