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Hello Everyone! I ama fellow cosmonaut who after years of using the DMT-Nexus to heed my curiosity on DMT and other psychadelics finally decided to experience it myself this past year. I do not use any drugs other than Alcohol and the very rare (less than 5 times in the past 5 years) use of other drugs (marijuana ketamine).
I first became fascinated with DMT after taking a college course on the effects of drugs. seeing that DMT has no long term side effects (other than mentally being more aware of the universe) I was fascinated with it. I startedto research it and 4 years later I have used it a few times and been to hyperspace twice.
The reason for my name is it was the first Entity I met. It was an undescribable friend who kept showing me unrecognizable objects. he seemed like he was trying to catch up from old times, like i knew him but havent seen him in a very long time.
being new to this forum I would like to just say thank you all (especially gibran who always has helpful advice) for being so knowledgable and kind. you guys have all obviously been beyond the crysanthenum!
Peace out,
I first became fascinated with DMT after taking a college course on the effects of drugs. seeing that DMT has no long term side effects (other than mentally being more aware of the universe) I was fascinated with it. I startedto research it and 4 years later I have used it a few times and been to hyperspace twice.
The reason for my name is it was the first Entity I met. It was an undescribable friend who kept showing me unrecognizable objects. he seemed like he was trying to catch up from old times, like i knew him but havent seen him in a very long time.
being new to this forum I would like to just say thank you all (especially gibran who always has helpful advice) for being so knowledgable and kind. you guys have all obviously been beyond the crysanthenum!
Peace out,