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Hello people of the Nexus!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have been lurking the threads here for quite some time now, and would most likely never make an account if i did not run into a problem with my science! A problem i have not found a single thread on here :eek: Well, i suppose this is not the place for such questions, so i will do as told and introduce myself.

I am a human male in my mid 30's. I have through the years done my share of psychadelics with mixed results. In the last few years i have found the respect the substances need. And i vary rarely push any of my mental bounderies. That is untill i finally came over some DMT :)

Reading and watching what i could about the magical substance for years before trying it still did not even almost prepare me for the ultraintense experiences i have had. And lifechanging.. I have went from a very nihilistic and depressed atheist to a very curious and much happier explorer of this strange three dimentional world we inhabit. That being said i will never join or agree with any of the mainstream religiouns. They seem too political and not at all on topic. It might sound corny.. But i honestly believe DMT gave me a new oppertunity to save my own life. Wich truth be told, was going nowhere but down.

Enough jammering! Hope you guys will allow me to hang arond here with you and also that some of you clever Nexians can help me with my science questions :)

PS: Sorry about any typos and gramatical errors. I am good at many things, but writing is not one of them.

Welcome to the Nexus!

The Nexus definitely has a lot to offer: from science to philosophy, how to grow your own plant medicine(s), trip reports, humor and many other things. Hope you enjoy the forum and have a blessed day!


I also had a very transformative experiance with DMT, if you are interested I can post the experience report, as we may have had somewhat similar experiences.

Just out of curiosity, and because I enjoy a challenge, What science questions do you have?

May the psychedelics help you guide yourself out of depression and bad moods.
But dont loose grip on your life because of them!

Just like eg said spit out your question :want:
Is it Chemistry? Physics? Astronomy? :want:
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