I found in life that it's all about experience.
So I got the Toads in first place, since I wanted to care for them, have them around.
And not by any means, that's why I wouldn't want to have wild caught Toads. The ones I care for are captive breed.
Then I milked them and many forces where at play. I didn't want to hurt them, but wanted to try it.
So I found from experience that it can be done without hurting them.
It's like with the Mushrooms. It's the Love you give is the Love you receive. My Toads live a healthy and happy life. And the milking is being done in a safe and careful way, not hurting them or overly stressing them.
And then I experienced their Magic myself and was so deeply touched, that I had to share that. That's why I started to offer it others. The same feeling, the same urge to share arose from my mushroom experiences as well, that's why I started to share them, too.
What I've seen what both do on our weekends is so shifting, opening to our true nature, that I feel deeply it's the right thing to do.
And that all comes from experience, not thinking and taking positions.
The use of sacraments can open our hearts very deeply to our true nature.
But not necessarily for everyone.
And if the path of the sacraments is taken, it also depends on the right dose, the right time in the incarnation and the will of the individual to open to true Love.
And it can also lead to positions, since the will to be enlightened is a deep search of the egoic mind.
In the entheogenic community are a lot of mind generated beliefs and positions present. Just like everywhere else. But it's nothing but a role to play.
What my experiences showed me is that all these roles and positions are just clouds in the endless, limitless sky we all are.
I know the "Toad topic" and also the "5MeO Topic" is something that's always generating a strong fear and refusal.
This sacrament goes way beyond the other ones can take you, even in small dosages. It's all about pure Love, pure source, pure godness within.
That's why the ego fears it, that's why there is so much judgement upon it.
The Toad deliver this Love pure. There is no preparation needed to experience it. Just like the shrooms. And that's what makes it so different than anything else.
Life is experience. We all learn from experience, we all are experience life is having to experience itself.
So let's enjoy the ride, whatever comes along.
Love. Namaste.