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How do i milk bufo alvarius?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
i want to start by saying this so far is an awsome website ill be visiting quite often i think. nyways... ive been saving my money for almost a month now, ive read enough to know how to keep their terarium maintained, the only problem is i havent been able to find a walkthrough to teach me how to milk the suckers. ive read a couple things that sounded like im just supposed to squeeze the glands like a zit or pimple. but i dont want to hur the little guys. anything helps guys. thanks!!
Squeeze the glands until the venom drips onto the windscreen of your 4WD then scrape the dried material into a film cannister with a razor blade :)
ive also read that you can just hold them in your hand and tickle benieth their chin, and eventually i guess they will secret venom. i was just trying to find the most efficiant and less harmful manor of milking the toad.
If you buy a Bufo alvarius you are possibly ABUSING something Sacred and if you wish to become an Ally with the Bufo alvarius, start by becoming a Conscious Being, Remember this is a Sacred Being. Living here in the SW has allowed one to observe the Bufo Alvarius in ones own backyard. Bufo only produces venom once, then must be forced into hibernation while in captivity for more venom to be produced. 99% of Bufo's milked are abused, tickling will not work, Toads love to piss in defense when picked up, so the Bufo alvarius looses it precious Water supply and dehydrates. Bufo alvarius is not a pond dweller! so if you cause it to loose it's water it dies slowly in captivity. you can not toss it into a bucket and expect the Bufo alvarius to rehydrate. Rehydration is a slow process from eating food and hibernation. Toads in captivity will only produce enough venom once a year, during their hibernation stage. They don't stop because one handles them, it's because of abuse and overharvesting this Ally. Bufo alvarius DOES NOT shoot venom. It will excreet it through pressure as the Toad inflates itself with air, when the toad is threatened by a predator. The Toad as stated, does not shoot venom, yet it does excreet alot if you get them angry, thats impossible unless you torture them. All that is needed is slight pressure on the glan, aiming the glan at a mirror. On all four apendages the Toad has 5+ glans, the head has 2 massive glans and around the mouth there are 4-7 on each side, all produce venom. 5-meo-dmt. If you squeeze the glans to hard they will start to bleed a bit, seriuosly. The milky whitish yellow tinged venom will cover the glass and takes about 2 hours to dry. Once dried take a razorblade and scrape down the glass. The Venom to work must dry to crystals, then the crystals must be vaporized and the smoke inhaled to experience effects. Toad licking is a Myth. Bevis and Butthead BS. People have done it, only to get stomache aches, never tripping as CARTOONS show. Toad Venom is Anxiety at the worst and best if you can say best, is without visuals, and tiny distortions on the edge of ones vision. One toad will not produce enough venom for any experience. NASTY TOAD HOLE.
Leave the little critters alone. You only want to make friends with them so you can raid their drug stash. Its not nice. I would hate people if they did that to me.
I've read information contrary to that, That the toads can be milked once every 2 months or so, and produce copious amounts of venom. They do hibernate, but in artificial environment it is not nessicary. Milking the venom does not harm the toads and you do not have to anger them. Simply agitating the gland with a suitably gloved finger above a plate of glass will alow it to be collected. keeping a breeding pair of toads is no different from harvesting copious amount of plants, which incedently take far longer to grow back, And I should hope you treat them well. 'COSIDER' ... hmn... im cosidering... cosidering real hard.
Experienced here after over 20yrs of having Bufo Alvarius as an Ally here in the SW. living in my backyard. Bufo alvarius can not be milked more than once a year, you do not need to force them into hibernation, but you will not receive the Gift. They must hibernate for potent venom. You have no clue. Also, These are not poor little critters, these are extremely hardy rough tough land locked desert dwelling amphibians, that have evloved to live in extremely harsh conditions, who have lived in our backyard forever, and live down below in the ancient Native American irrigation canals and who eats my wolfs food freely out of the food bowl in the backyard. These guys come freely and give themselves never hopping away. Just one of the perks of living here in the SW. We have over 7 species of toad living here on our prop. all feed freely every summer night. Agitating the glans will not work, you need to apply gentle squeezing pressure to cause them to pop, yes the glans squirt, pop, it is a weird feeling as they empty. and they do bleed, just like the Hornded Lizard bleeding from their eyes, the Bufo Alvarius can cause blood to flow from their glans along with the venom, it is a defense mechinism. You can see this happen without squeezing, it happens when they puff up when aggitated, yet it is real hard to aggitate a Toad, they like to play. Bufo Alvarius does not breed freely in captivity, I have been working with them since 1989 here in the SW. Started trying to breed them in 2001, have had some success, but only outdoors, all is temperature dependent. yet there are other factors. You can not just purchase a male and female thinking they will mate. Won't happen, Bufo Alvarius goes through a strange mating ritual of calls fights and the female choosing its mate. She won't let just any male Toad clasp. you have a lot to learn. Bufo Alvarius toad breeding will only work outside with a selection of more than a 20:1 ratio male to female. One other thing, the Bufo Alvarius is extremely sensitive to environmental changes and chemicals. They last about 6months to a year in captivity, when owned by 85% of the public. Yes, dreaming nn-DMT from MHRB is 1000x better, and produces a better Vision. Toad venom is the WORST experience ever. Toad hole. BBBRRRUUMMMPPP As the other stated, Use MHRB, forget abusing the Toad. Become a Conscious Being if you intend to try and become an Ally, it is the only way One will come to You.

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"Yes, dreaming nn-DMT from MHRB is 1000x better, and produces a better Vision. Toad venom is the WORST experience ever. Toad hole. BBBRRRUUMMMPPP As the other stated, Use MHRB, forget abusing the Toad." Thank you Elfspice

Edited by moderator
I read they replace their venom in 4-6 weeks. That if you harvest correctly tou do not harm the little critter. And that the stuff is v ery potent. What I would like to know is where can |get a few of these little things from?
Ive been thinking of just getting one as a pet in a huge terrarium tank. I don't know of I would milk it though. Maybe once or twice once I develop a relationship with it. I've been wanting to try 5-meo but id rather extract from yopo seeds and save the animal possible pain and suffering.
I say leave the poor animals alone.

Of course having such a special animal sounds nice but if you really care for the Bufo alvarius then I think it is best to make sure their natural environment stays healthy and that includes not removing them from it.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
We've had members in the past who were unable to provide proper care and the animals died. Other sources are available, use those.
If you can go find Bufos in the wild and their natural habitat, I would say milk those, but heed the warnings of the other members: don't buy one just so you can milk it for drugs.

Toads are not great allies in my (limited) experience. It's very hard to have a relationship with one. If you need an ally, get a dog.
Having gone through my 'toad phase' twenty some years ago I have to say I agree...leave the little guys in their habitat. The venom experience for me was of limited value. It reliably felt like getting shot out of a cannon straight into the white light. No visuals, no insight, no nuthin' except montrous acceleration and then white light. The acceleration was exhilirating but the white light part strangely enough was emotionally flat. I kept at it for a while thinking there would be more to it but I eventually shrugged and gave it up with a "meh..."

I have to disagree though with the notion that a single toad cannot provide enough venom for a trip. A couple flakes that together would be about the size of a matchhead is all that is needed and a single animal is fully capable of producing that much in one milking.
On topic of 5 meo dmt...

I was looking through an old thread about mimosa species. I saw that trout reported that mimosa pudica produces 5-meo-dmt in the leaves.

I'm interested in 5-meo, but don't feel like shaking down a toad for his goods. However, I don't mind convincing my pudica that it wants to help me out. :)

Has anyone got any experience with this?
Toads have a very unique compound and are used sacredly around the world for shamanistic purposes. Specifically within the Amazon region. Not sure how widespread it is now but they are very invasive. Even in Australia. However, the population of toad is of least concern, and populate incredibly fast and probably don't mind sharing their secret, as with mimosa, both are alive and are of aid to our evolution (without excess). Toad could be possibly one the most powerful psychedelic creatures known (besides us). And most times a docile / calm creature at that. Although, they have been known to cause problems with overpopulation in rural areas.

Just my 2 cents..
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