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How much Banisteriopsis Caapi to take before DMT hit?

Migrated topic.
SWIM bought some Banisteriopsis Caapi foilage (28 grams I believe)
You got foilage, which is not what people are refering to when they say caapi. It is the stem you want. The foilage does contain MAOI, but it seems to be a very unreliable source. You might want to try smoking smaller amounts of it.
Just brew all your leafs up... Caapi leafs also contain psychoactive compounds... it will at least enhance the experience.
One of the things that I find most interesting about Ayahuasca, is that people report seeing "the serpent", and it is belived that the serpent is the plant spirit of the vine.
Soooo....i was just wondering, has anyone who used Cappi as a Maoi before a spice hit, ever seen/felt the presence of the serpent plant spirit?
soulman said:
Soooo....i was just wondering, has anyone who used Cappi as a MAOI before a spice hit, ever seen/felt the presence of the serpent plant spirit?

Have experience with ethnobotanicals 200x extract of their caapi at a 300mg dose locked in a gel cap followed with a chaliponga extract. This pharmahuasca showed me a distinct buddah nature, which I was never really aware of. Sometimes she reveals her true self, and other times it seems my world has turned into a painting that of pablo amaringo.. But the experience made from the extracts were very vivid and complete.

However, there would be a few times where I'd be struck by a swarm of snakes extricating from the lungs and out of the body. However, it wasn't as if my body had struck out from the experience into shock, but as though they were preparing me for something soon to come.. Which I was fully prepared for.

..a little overwhelming looking back on it.

The Buddah twist sound pretty cool.
But have you ever had caapi, followed by smoked spice.
Presumably, this would be like instant Ayahuasca. SWIM is interested to experimemt with this!
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