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How much is too much?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
This is a topic I see rarely being talked about, but I feel it should be mentioned.

A lot of people on the internet are claiming to have done overly huge amounts of psychedelics, for example 1 miligram or more of acid, or even a thumbprint, a gram or more of mescaline, 10 or more grams of mushrooms, and I've even seen it go as far as someone claiming to have done pharma consisting of a gram of pure DMT and 500mg of harmalas.

In my opinion all of that listed above is obviously too much, so if someone would to be responsible, what is the maximum amount of a certain drug that you would recommend for someone to do if somebody with experience really wanted to go far out there?

For me it would be...

400-500ug of LSD, but personally I wouldn't do more than 300ug nowadays.
5 grams of medium strength to potent mushrooms (this is a tricky one because it varies in strength)
Never done mescaline so I can't say for this one, I would guess about 500-700mg.
Never done pharma either, so I can't say for that either for aya I would say start low to gauge the potency and move up gradually, but if you wanted to go far out there smoked DMT is probably a safer way to get there.

What do you guys think is a maximum dose for psychedelics is that could end up being an beneficial yet powerful experience? I remember myself going overboard, and that resulted in a lot of amnesia which I don't consider to be beneficial especially if it ends bad.
I think this really depends on the person and what they are looking for. There are obviously a fair amount of people who are just full of shit, but there are some who legitimately have very high tolerances. I think that the best we can do is highlight the middle of the bell curve.
Some people's egos feed off amount, regardless of what is taken away from the experience. Somehow by doing a large amount it somehow sets them above 'simple normal people'. I suppose whatever works for them, so be it.

I think at this point the focus should be on the manner in which a certain substance is taken and not the amount. It really doesn't take much when done right to receive an answer. And two-three shifts in perspective usually trump one massive one when it comes to collecting information. Personal view.
I think it's difficult to have any correlation at all between dose and experience. I have had meditations and sober instances that have been deeper and more influential than some peaks, and I have also had experiences where I forgot much of what happened during the trip because I took too much. Furthermore, I have also been unable to record particular lessons during trips where it is hard to think to write anything down.

Smaller doses paired with deep thinking and controlled meditation can be more powerful than larger doses where you just run wild. And like Asher said, a lot of people get off on having done very large amounts as it makes them feel like they can handle powerful journeys with ease. Others just have super high tolerances for whatever reason.

Playing around with dosages can be part of the fun, as long as it is within a safe range. For newer users it is great to start small and work their way up to what they find is a manageable dose, then experiment around that level. Set and setting can make a small trip feel like a very intense one, so it is very important to be mindful of those as well.
i think it all comes down on how you deal with it.

most people i know do take psychedelics while going to the dance floor and just doing stuff.
when i do it i make myself very comfortable put on some nice music and just travel invert.
at least in my mind the dose does not have to be as big for traveling this way. just a small dose can take you far.

at festivals:
i am pretty sure that if you would pull most people on multiple tabs of acid from the dance floor and sit them in the chillout, give them a nice mandala tapestry to stare at and provide some nice chillout tunes they would not be able to handle it.

i think the maximum amount that can be beneficial depends like everything on set and setting.
for me i had 350ug of acid... part of it was the most beautiful flying through the universe in a mandala i have ever seen, but the 2nd part of it was the worst horror trip i ever had.
Still it was the most beneficial thing i have ever done, i learned so much from it.
AwesomeUsername said:
This is a topic I see rarely being talked about, but I feel it should be mentioned.

A lot of people on the internet are claiming to have done overly huge amounts of psychedelics, for example 1 miligram or more of acid, or even a thumbprint, a gram or more of mescaline, 10 or more grams of mushrooms, and I've even seen it go as far as someone claiming to have done pharma consisting of a gram of pure DMT and 500mg of harmalas.

In my opinion all of that listed above is obviously too much, so if someone would to be responsible, what is the maximum amount of a certain drug that you would recommend for someone to do if somebody with experience really wanted to go far out there?

For me it would be...

400-500ug of LSD, but personally I wouldn't do more than 300ug nowadays.
5 grams of medium strength to potent mushrooms (this is a tricky one because it varies in strength)
Never done mescaline so I can't say for this one, I would guess about 500-700mg.
Never done pharma either, so I can't say for that either for aya I would say start low to gauge the potency and move up gradually, but if you wanted to go far out there smoked DMT is probably a safer way to get there.

What do you guys think is a maximum dose for psychedelics is that could end up being an beneficial yet powerful experience? I remember myself going overboard, and that resulted in a lot of amnesia which I don't consider to be beneficial especially if it ends bad.

Generally are doses not figured by a milligrams to kilograms ratio? Meaning body weight is a factor?

...also, when given 5ht2a/c antagonists, these psychedelics have little to no effect, and it is my understanding that the quantity of your 5ht2a/c receptors is determined by genetics, if this is the case then those with low quantities of 5ht2a/c receptors would require larger dose...

1G of mescaline is "high", but it's only 200mgs over an 800mgs dose, plus, the various salts of mescaline have different weights based on the acid used to produce them, I think the hydrochloride has the least added weight while the citrate has near the most, so you would need a higher dose of the citrate than the hydrochloride or free-base...

20-30mgs of psilocybin is "high" dose range in my opinion...for LSD I would say 50-500+ugs, smoked DMT 30-100mgs, and so on...(always start low and work your way up to a reasonable dose that is suited for your needs)

...I think prior mindstate, set, and setting can matter far more than dose.

I think it's obvious that there are way too many factors too consider if trying to give a maximum benificial dose.
To each it's own. Everyone should take full responsibility for her/his actions.
There will always be psychedelic bodybuilders :)
I think this all comes down to the individual when it comes down to psychedelic maintenance during the experience, but physiologically there are safety issues to consider.

I've heard a couple of testimonies of people experiencing internal bleeding/bruising easily on high doses of mushrooms. Taking so much MDMA that the experience could not be recalled, psychotic-like episodes from high doses of LSD. I've experienced both the latter at dosages that my companions dealt with comfortably.

With cannabis for example I have friends who can smoke j after j and still be reasonably functional, whereas if I try to keep up I cant communicate very well and my heart feels like it's trying to escape my chest to compensate for the drop in blood pressure. Even though I currently use cannabis daily (mainly hashish) albeit at moderate levels.

As a concrete rule I always research the minimal effective dose and start there. I try not to redose if I'm not where I want to be, but make a note to slightly raise the dosage next time.
I'm totally with you on not redosing soulfood. I think it's a dangerous practice.

I've always started with mid range doses of just about everything, that's pretty much where I like to stay as well. Though there have been times when I've been feeling adventurous where I've taken silly doses of LSD, more than I'd admit. Sadly most of those times have lead to blackout so I don't do that anymore.

But as said it purely individual. Some things (like most phens and cannabis) make me feel physically unwell and I avoid them, except in very low doses. I can take more tryptamines and lysergamides than your average bear though. It could be physiological or psychological disposition. Maybe both.

There is that the tolerance of these substances is greatly influenced on our state or mind, I think it's something we are all aware of. On a happy outgoing day we could take a high dose. But on a spiritual introverted day that same amount would produce great confusion, possibly even distress.
As a rule of thumb, I never smoalk moar than nine-thousand-grams a day, and I only take hits that are the size of my lungs

And I always pack heat whenever I go to hyperspace in case some six fingered clown goddess tries to gnaw my genitals to bits. (I've had this happen to me on more than one occasion. I would post pictures, but...)

But all jokes aside, everybody's got a different physiological makeup, psychological makeup, and various things going on within one's life that contribute to a vast difference in trips. I think tripping when not in a good headspace is just asking for a hyperslap. One ought to make sure there's ample time cushioning both before to gather oneself to embark, for the duration and after to recover and reflect. Preferably when one in is in a very positive state, when loose ends have been tied and no unexpected things may arise, electronics off, water nearby, and a tried and true dose. With spice, it doesn't really matter cause you'll always come back but there's really no reason to smoalk more than like 60mgs at a time. I think it actually has very little to do with the dosage at a certain point and moreso the lack of blocks within ones psyche that enable a deeper trip with any of these beautiful compounds. If I sit entirely still and focus, on a gram of mushrooms I can elucidate beautiful and powerful visions that would be unavoidable at higher doses. Perhaps its not about how much is too much, but how much is enough?
Now days just the thought of can bring what the scope has to offer into, plain view.

You glass a field and put the binos down, you know what's there. Binos aside.
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