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How to get the most out of shrooms?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I never tried shrooms before besides truffles which i didn't really notice anything but giggles and feeling very heavy and wavy when i was younger but today and a friend gave me 3.5grams of dried golden teacher cubensis and i would like to know would it be better to try 1 gram first then 2.5 grams another time to get more out of the substance as 2 trips for the price of one or just take the whole thing for a fuller experience?

I'm quite sensitive so i can go really deep with small doses of DMT, LSD and even weed at times can be psychedelic for me, I had pinch of changa the other day and i was in a deep chill state for a good 15-20minutes before i starts to come back to normal.. I meditate from time to time and spiritual person in general and have a clean lifestyle/diet so my body is quite pure most of the time and i don't really eat until evening so i am in a fasted-state and maybe this is why everything hits me so hard?

I have never been able to come across shrooms for years so i am trying to make the most out of this. Thanks
Oh yes, I would definately take them all. If shrooms are so rare in your life then why split a moderate dose in 2 underwhelming doses? I've never heard of people freaking out on 3,5g of Cubensis (that doesn't mean it never happened off course). But generally 3,5g is what most recommend as a beginner dose (cubensis).
Do it in a secluded spot somewhere in nature, with your friend, and you should have a great experience.
If you have some changa, then smoke it during peak or post-peak. It's a great combo.
With mushrooms one of the most important things IMHO is to completely trust the mushroom. In my book a mushroom trip always starts difficult but it ends in glory :)
Personally I'd eat it all and smoalk DMT on the peak. :lol:

Mushrooms have this funny in between dose that is uncomfortable, unlike other psychedelics. I find 1-1.5 grams unpleasant whilst 3-3.5 grams is euphoric. I'm also quite sensitive to psychedelics, though I ate 3 grams my first time. The come up was crazy and a little scary for a while, I didn't know it wasn't going to creep like LSD. But once I was there I realised I could have taken more.

It depends if you like light trips or heavy trips though and possibly on your previous experience. I prefer medium to heavy. I like immersion in visuals and particularly sound and colour synesthesia. If you are more cautious, well be more cautious. It could be good advice to start low with a new substance, even if the effect ends up being mild. But you don't seem inexperienced and you've taken other substances in the same class.

It also depends on what you want from the experience too. Less can be more, but more can be so much more.

edit: you came up with much the same as me teotenakeltje, whilst I was typing mine. :)
Sweet, thanks for the feedback :) I asked mainly because i wanted to see if i could get 2 great experiences from the 3.5g total. I've had 110ug very high quality lSD a few times and those experiences stayed with me for several months and the first being still one of the best nights of my life, other times we were either drinking so not as good or my friend was too drunk and the vibe went way weird.

I'm going to do this one alone, i can do deeper alone because i don't have to worry about others, the only thing i don't like about LSD is my mind races a lot and i have too much energy at times and i start talking to myself because i keep figuring shit out and its never ending loops of realizations ultimately leading back to the same thing.

Now the only thing im curious about is if i should do it during the day in nature or access to nature/outdoors or at night with chill music and or darkness/silence mode :D
I find thought loops aren't such a problem with mushies as with LSD. With LSD it's the 2nd half of the trip where the loops really kick in (T +6) whereas with mushies it's all starting to fizzle a bit around that point.

Definitely at night and alone imho, much better. In a safe place too with no chance of visitors. Good music and possibly even paints and musical instruments are a must for me, but many love silence and introspection. Really depends what you want out of it mate.
you need to take maois (3-5 g of syrian rue seeds powdered in a capsul) from 24 hours every 8 hour mark up to dosing shrooms (pay attention to tyramine containing foods and drug interactions if you take anything) and 5 hours before you take the mushrooms grind them to a fine powder and pour just enough fresh lemon juice on it so its fittingly wrapped in lemon juice but no juice overlay ed on top, you let it sit for about 5 hours in a plastic bag (empty any air in the bag and close it) and eat the whole thing with a cup of giger tea (you should have dosed your last 3-5 g capsul 60min before dosing mushrooms) and drink a cup of thick gigner tea with a sugar cube dissolved in it on top of your mushrooms slowly, prepare a harmala extract from your stash of rue seeds (we consider crystals here) sandwich 150-300mg of your crystals in between a joint or your bong and hit it furiously when the come up has 100% started, this is by far my method of squeezing the last drip from my mushrooms, i usually dose a 4-8 g with this method but you can dose based on your own situation, remember doing yoga after eating the mushrooms and producing a hummmm noise with your closed mouth are key to later comfortably, during the come up you will be very calm from the anti depressant effects of the harmalas, but remember to let your mind drift and not engage in thinking until the come up, one must switch between an ordinary state to an extra ordinary state and back as fast as possible, you might experience a very heavy headspace after coming down t+5 so you might wanna hit the canna again, sip son.
A little cannabis will make the experience much smoother. Cannabis hugely amplifies the effects of shrooms, and shrooms amplify the effects of cannabis. If you combine shrooms with larger amounts of cannabis the effects can easily become too powerfull, but a small amount will definately add something without completely taking over the experience.
dragonrider said:
A little cannabis will make the experience much smoother. Cannabis hugely amplifies the effects of shrooms, and shrooms amplify the effects of cannabis. If you combine shrooms with larger amounts of cannabis the effects can easily become too powerfull, but a small amount will definately add something without completely taking over the experience.

The exact oposite is true for me: smoking cannabis on any psychedelic will make the experience more edgy. Even one toke can alter my headspace dramatically, and not in a positive way.
But that's just me, I'm hyper sensitive to cannabis.
Do them on a nice sunny day in nature away from people . Find a really nice but safe area. You'll be glad you did .
espahbodforghani said:
you need to take maois (3-5 g of syrian rue seeds powdered in a capsul) from 24 hours every 8 hour mark up to dosing shrooms (pay attention to tyramine containing foods and drug interactions if you take anything) and 5 hours before you take the mushrooms grind them to a fine powder and pour just enough fresh lemon juice on it so its fittingly wrapped in lemon juice but no juice overlay ed on top, you let it sit for about 5 hours in a plastic bag (empty any air in the bag and close it) and eat the whole thing with a cup of giger tea (you should have dosed your last 3-5 g capsul 60min before dosing mushrooms) and drink a cup of thick gigner tea with a sugar cube dissolved in it on top of your mushrooms slowly, prepare a harmala extract from your stash of rue seeds (we consider crystals here) sandwich 150-300mg of your crystals in between a joint or your bong and hit it furiously when the come up has 100% started, this is by far my method of squeezing the last drip from my mushrooms, i usually dose a 4-8 g with this method but you can dose based on your own situation, remember doing yoga after eating the mushrooms and producing a hummmm noise with your closed mouth are key to later comfortably, during the come up you will be very calm from the anti depressant effects of the harmalas, but remember to let your mind drift and not engage in thinking until the come up, one must switch between an ordinary state to an extra ordinary state and back as fast as possible, you might experience a very heavy headspace after coming down t+5 so you might wanna hit the canna again, sip son.

That's A LOT of harmalas man... are you sure you ingest 20g of rue seeds (approx 1-2grams of harmalas) in a single day?
ymer said:
espahbodforghani said:
you need to take maois (3-5 g of syrian rue seeds powdered in a capsul) from 24 hours every 8 hour mark up to dosing shrooms (pay attention to tyramine containing foods and drug interactions if you take anything) and 5 hours before you take the mushrooms grind them to a fine powder and pour just enough fresh lemon juice on it so its fittingly wrapped in lemon juice but no juice overlay ed on top, you let it sit for about 5 hours in a plastic bag (empty any air in the bag and close it) and eat the whole thing with a cup of giger tea (you should have dosed your last 3-5 g capsul 60min before dosing mushrooms) and drink a cup of thick gigner tea with a sugar cube dissolved in it on top of your mushrooms slowly, prepare a harmala extract from your stash of rue seeds (we consider crystals here) sandwich 150-300mg of your crystals in between a joint or your bong and hit it furiously when the come up has 100% started, this is by far my method of squeezing the last drip from my mushrooms, i usually dose a 4-8 g with this method but you can dose based on your own situation, remember doing yoga after eating the mushrooms and producing a hummmm noise with your closed mouth are key to later comfortably, during the come up you will be very calm from the anti depressant effects of the harmalas, but remember to let your mind drift and not engage in thinking until the come up, one must switch between an ordinary state to an extra ordinary state and back as fast as possible, you might experience a very heavy headspace after coming down t+5 so you might wanna hit the canna again, sip son.

That's A LOT of harmalas man... are you sure you ingest 20g of rue seeds (approx 1-2grams of harmalas) in a single day?
hi :D
yeah i go with the 3g option, which is 9g oral in the span of 24 hours and 150mg smoked, my diet has been tyramine free since i was born and i've never taken any meds, i've done this about 11-12 times now and never ran into a problem, never even threw up other than one occasion, threw up on the tail end cause i was running (working out)
harmalas are pretty safe in lower doses if your diet is okay, do note that fasting is essential here, i spend the 24hour before dosing only drinking juice and 16hour after dosing with ginger tea, this works you just need to be delicate about it(unless you have special sensitivity to harmalas)
I wouldn't recommend adding harmalas or other substances until you are more familiar with the mushroom, psilohuasca has its place but these days I take the view mushrooms are better ingested pure, as is (although I've got nothing against adding a little DMT/changa). Mushrooms are plenty powerful enough alone at good doses, and other substances will affect the signature of the experience.

I would personally recommend the 3.5g dose alone (minus other substances). I would recommend either consuming them on a sunny day, out in nature, or lying in/on bed in silent darkness, or alternatively listening to music lacking in human vocals (recommended by the researchers involved with the recent Johns Hopkins and New York University psilocybin research, vocals can ground the experiencer and have an effect on the direction of the trip). If going for the later darkness and meditative approach, experienced psilonauts recommend using breathe as a meditative anchor, in a similar manner to Buddhist meditation, keeping awareness on breathe as it leaves and enters the nostrils, to induce a state of stillness and allow you to venture deeper into the mushroom space.

I love mushrooms, they're the best IMO. I hope you have a great experience :thumb_up:
Bancopuma said:
I wouldn't recommend adding harmalas or other substances until you are more familiar with the mushroom, psilohuasca has its place but these days I take the view mushrooms are better ingested pure, as is (although I've got nothing against adding a little DMT/changa). Mushrooms are plenty powerful enough alone at good doses, and other substances will affect the signature of the experience.

I would personally recommend the 3.5g dose alone (minus other substances). I would recommend either consuming them on a sunny day, out in nature, or lying in/on bed in silent darkness, or alternatively listening to music lacking in human vocals (recommended by the researchers involved with the recent Johns Hopkins and New York University psilocybin research, vocals can ground the experiencer and have an effect on the direction of the trip). If going for the later darkness and meditative approach, experienced psilonauts recommend using breathe as a meditative anchor, in a similar manner to Buddhist meditation, keeping awareness on breathe as it leaves and enters the nostrils, to induce a state of stillness and allow you to venture deeper into the mushroom space.

I love mushrooms, they're the best IMO. I hope you have a great experience :thumb_up:

I second this.

Adding harmalas might make the trip more powerful, but also adds its own color to the experience and a few complexities. Even if you have cut out all the MAOI contraindications, there is a significant motion sickness element that comes along with harmalas and a sort of drunkenness. You can combat this with meclazine, but you will still experience a disconnect between vision and equilibrium.

I find cannabis to be great at the tail end of the trip when I've been through the thick of it and I'm ready to calm my nerves a bit and relax. For me, smoking around the peak will take some of the intensity out of the trip. This is great if I'm having an unpleasant trip, as it sort of dulls the sharp edges. I'm also very sensitive to stimulants, so this dulling effect is much more effective on substances like LSD or DMT. I will rarely smoke with shrooms because it tends to dull the visuals. The one thing I will usually do is have a smoking device ready just in case the trip goes south so that all I have to do is put a flame to it and inhale.
Yeah thanks guys i agree, i just going to consume them as naturally as possible and experience how they taste, how they feel, chill music and yeah vocals is not my thing especially with psychedelics.

If i do have some cannabis i am probably going to smoke after its almost worn off because when i did cannabis on my LSD trip it ruined the experience because i was already at a state of pure bliss the state felt very pure and clean so the cannabis only brought me back down in a darker or heavier state which didn't feel so clean anymore.

I did it just out of experimental curiosity but found out its not worth mixing things especially when your trying to get to know the experience purely on its own.

I was initially asking to get the most out of the "weight" to try score 2 deep experiences for the price of one since i am quite sensitive not actually enhancing the the effect to blow me into another universe haha, i have DMT for that. I want to be conscious at the same time also be able to go deep when i feel like it so i can bring things back with me and learn from the experience and apply it to my life hopefully for the better.

DMT is amazing and life-resetting/refreshing as i would say but my 100ug LSD trips have been far more effective/learning experiences because i can remember everything and bring it back with me.
Just one more question, empty stomach is best? or should i have some light fruits, maybe some coconut water for some vitamins/minerals an hour or two before hand?

I see myself doing it in the morning or daytime when i am completely alone but if i were to take it at night any specific foods i should avoid on the day?

I mostly fast during the morning hours but sometimes i have herbal teas and raw cacao (hot chocolate) with stevia or honey to kick-start my day i heard this has a synergistic effect with shrooms and may have a more positive/euphoric effect.

Thanks again :)
From my experience, just avoid things that will sit heavy in your stomach the day of and don't eat anything for a couple hours before dosing. If you are fasting, it will hit you harder but it usually makes me a little nauseous to eat shrooms on a shrunken stomach.
Dark chocolate with lots of cocoa will definitely potentiate the trip IME, you sound like you could handle the whole eigth, meditating will help you calm yourself down and get a handle on the experience if it becomes intense.

I never did any meditating and ended up taking at least 1/4 ounce dry grams for my first REAL mushroom trip.
If I can learn to calm my own mind and not freak out on that, then I'm sure you'll be just fine.

An empty stomach had my insides wretching and felt like my body was trying to vomit up my organs for a while, but it subsided in a while.
Also it is very difficult to walk on high doses, your legs will jump in front of each other trying to trip you,
also they seem to be made of rubber or jell-o or something. The cop cars that pass you will make weird noises out of their CB radio and laugh at you also, they know what's up. You may also have deep meaningful conversations with giant building-type entities while alien spaceships are circling the purple-green moon.

Lay on the ground and feel the earth breathe.
Have a safe journey!
Just eat them.

Don't even bother doing the tea, and potentiating it with lemon, cocoa, rue or cannabis. Making the tea will only result in a faster come up, which might seem as a more potent trip but really isn't. I find eating them results in a more smooth ride than tea.

The lemon and cocoa AFAIK is probably a placebo since with shrooms the potency varies from batch to batch, you never know how many mg of psilocybin/psilocin there is.

Harmalas tend to potentiate shrooms very much, by half I would say. You could potentially want to do that, but keep in mind that this will increase the body load. The experience will be pretty much indistinguishable from a high dose of ayahuasca if this is what you're looking for.

I assume it's not since most people choose shrooms over ayahuasca because they have a recreational potential and no real need to prepare it in any particular way. Worth to note, I did drink a lot of ayahuasca, and the reason I do not do it to this date is that awful awful body load. If you decide to go down this route, watch out for that.

Cannabis, well this one depends on the individual but reading your post I would give it a miss, or at least wait for the comedown.
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