Mister_Niles said:
Someone there may have information for you. It's possible that there are far more people with 5-meo experience at that forum. It sounds like you need some help from people who may have seen this before.
5 Hive - 5-MeO-DMT Forum - Index
I'll second that, there are some people familiar with 5meoDMT's peculiarities there.
I didn't initials read your post because of the flashback word in the title; I assumed it had something to do with LSD and hppd or whatever they call it.
I can attest to the nature of 5meoDMT, and it is known to have this effect on people, it's even been given a name: "reactivation", by some proponents and practitioners. I feel that the substance saved my life, through a transformative experience which gave me an experiential awareness of something far greater than myself but of which at the same time I am an intrinsic part of. It was the most powerful event of my life, and it shattered my reality wholly and completely. I began to experience what your friend is.
I would have spontaneous visions of an esoteric nature that could not relate in any way to any kind of consensus reality. Western materialist culture meant less than nothing, being a part of it was hard. I had no people around me that could relate, the only literature i could find was of religious nature, and I wasn't interested in that.
Finally I joined this community and found many others that had had similar experiences and had learned how to integrate it into their lives in a productive sense. Eventually, I learned how to do so myself through a long process of trial and error, the Braille approach I guess. Several years later, I feel that my life is the best it's ever been, with my actions rooted in love and thoughts motivated by understanding like it never could have been without that experience, but it took lots of perseverance and work to get there.
What your friend went through, in all likelihood, is not something that needs to be medicated but rather talked about. And talked about, and talked about. It cannot be quantified in any empirical sense, imagine finding out all if the sudden that everything they ever said was true. Now what questions would you have?
My advice is to join the community. Direct him here, and to the other site. Ask him to get a therapist, and to interview then until he finds one that shares his world view if the experience opened up psychological wounds.
If, on the other hand, he has latent psychosis and you think it may be triggered, i.e. if he's a danger, then disregard this and get professional attention.
Chances are, he just met God, and is a little freaked out.