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Hyper-Spatial Being/Elves

yup i think as a super set 'entities' works well enough
[in that it characterises 'them' as having a semblance of 'individuality']

there are [from my experience etc] different 'classes'
individual entities and 'hive' or 'homogenous' entities [i.e where while they appear in some sense as individuals they are also interconnected or 'linked' into a continuous connection with the others].

re shapes of entities -
it could be useful to attempt some form of classification system to relate those with continually adjusting shape [as a multi-dimensional shape would would appear to as it moved through the perception of a lower dimensionally constrained perspective [sensu a Flatlander viewing a spacelander passing through flatland]].
this would add an extra field to the more concrete shapes.
i don't really know how, but i'm sure someone will have some ideas.

maybe also attaching if the entities had emotions or similar expressions [in general i find the entities do not experience emotions (fear, anger, joy etc) and find them interesting and or quaint].
they often seem to have a form of e.g love or compassion though
anyone with psych experience know if there are classifications of difference re these?

perhaps also defining similarities and differences in sub breakthrough (eg flat images of entities, mind/consciousness interactions) and breakthrough (greater depth of entity images, mind/consciousness interactions)

p.s. i met a really friendly sea cucumber type (female?) entity once.
really really friendly :)
anyone else caught up? [green body, red/orange for the tentacle type structures]
if so say hi.
The Traveler said:
obliguhl said:
Entity. But why not specify typical appearances....

the praying mantis, the machine elf etc.

Indeed. Lets describe the subclasses of entities.

So here is the list:
* The Praying Mantis
* Machine elves
* Cartoons
* Grays
* ???

Other subclasses?
Light Beings. I have seen entities that resemble those words.
Updated list:
* The Praying Mantis
* Machine elves
* Cartoons
* Grays
* Dragon
* Snakes
* Gnomes (How do they look like?)
* Reptiloids
* Light beings
* ???

About the animals as listed by Observant, some do seem to be much more common as others, e.g. the snakes and praying mantis. I think we can list the not common ones as well but put them into the 'Other animals' subcategory.

We also need good desctiption for these entity types!
Also I saw an African mother earth that was various shades of brown and black and she was made of what I would call organic fractals. I guess that a new subclass could be made with that in mind. I just wouldnt know what to call it.
everything is possible:

the elder ones
the unnameable ones
the travelers between the worlds
the time travelers
the galactic citizens
the ancestors
the disembodied spirits
the carrier of light
the guards of wisdom

i personally call them:

rawmo said:
in general i find the entities do not experience emotions (fear, anger, joy etc) and find them interesting and or quaint.
they often seem to have a form of e.g love or compassion though
anyone with psych experience know if there are classifications of difference re these?
we must be aware that we contact an extra-terrestrial life form. we cannot understand yet what they want and what they do.
what we cannot understand, we can not judge.
If we state: these beings have no feelings, we could be wrong.
It could be that the observable actions of this beings is the expression of pure love or/and their individual way of expressing their feelings and needs.

what i wanna say is:
just imagine this beings, observing the humans, would judge:
"oh, this humans are interesting and quaint!"
this would not be alright!
so, please: don't you do that, while you observe them!

SWIM has only seen beings akin to paintings done by alex grey.
He likes the term "dmt entities"

After thinking about this a little more, he remembers a time he saw bee like creatures
buzzing around a machine type colony...
With DMT SWIM has seen clowns, aliens, egyptian motif pharaohs and beings, fairies.

Sometimes the beings are indescribable and novel but many other times they are definitely familiar recognizable objects and there is NO question about their identity.

Communication tends to be in the form of telekinesis. It always seems as if thoughts are being "beamed" directly into my head w/o any spoken word. they are more concepts than specific sentences too.
i once experienced an encounter we two egyptian-ish gods. one male one female. those however, are the only non human (or what i perceive to be humans) entities i have encountered. oh and there was a female human/jaguar entity that i saw when first trying DMT... i felt it was the spirit of the chemical introducing itself to me.
swim loves semantics as well as etymology, meaning is very important...
when we say " Hyper-Spatial Being/Elves" what the hell sis that supposed to mean? to swim that whole thing is a turn of a phrase by some one else. cultures all over the world have their own ways of talking about such beings, each deep and rippling with meaning that is intimate to them.
what swim finds even more important is what do these perceived entities call Themselves. swim finds that asking them always creates an interesting adventure unto itself.
Dorge said:
what swim finds even more important is what do these perceived entities call Themselves. swim finds that asking them always creates an interesting adventure unto itself.

I'd definitely agree that this approach could be really fruitful.
hopefully it'll take out one level of interpretation that could add to confusion or disagreement.

let the entities decide how they want to be classifed. genius!
now all we have to practice is holding it together whilst in there to ask and bring back that info : )

it'd be really interesting to see how much it universalises or categorises using this approach.

go semantics!!
I'm Back!!!!!

Entities used in The way you guys have figured out seems like the best word. Good work guys :d

they introduced themselves to me as "the illuminati".


Well that's not a very good marketing move now is it.
you'd have thought that multidimensional beings would have a better understanding of conspiracy theory 'bad guys' or at least do a name check on the internet first.
[just like they have one to check if someone else already has your bandname].

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