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I have lost my purspose in life because of DMT


Esteemed member
Dear DMT users,
I am writing here to clear my thoughts. I have read a lot about DMT, mainly other people's experiences but also scientific articles. My problem is that I have lost my purpose in life because of DMT. Since my student years, I have believed in the afterlife, astral projection, higher self, karma, in God... But it turns out that what I thought was parapsychology could just be a "trip" caused by the natural occurrence of DMT in the brain. Most DMT experiences closely resemble astral projection, near-death experiences, communication with angelic beings, etc. So everything that I believed in and gave me strength and hope is suddenly gone. I am writing here because I do not have any real experience with DMT. I am curious to hear the opinion of an experienced DMT user - what do you think about it?
Dear Pandora,

you write that you had a "textbook mystical experience". Why do you think it was mystical? What if it was just a DMT trip in your head?

Well when the mystical experience happened I did not know that was what it was, LOL. I talked to anyone who would listen but it was not until I read Strassman's DMT The Spirit Molecule where he defines a mystical experience that I realized that was what had happened.

I smoked the DMT and was instantly out of my body and in an indescribable space that I will do my best to describe. Floating bodiless in a space of gorgeous, galaxy sized helixes with a line running through the "center." The line was a screeching tinnitus tone and a single point on it contained EVERYTHING. Everything that ever was, ever could have been, ever would have been, ever will be, never could have been. It was all right there. Everyone in all of history, alive or dead, was all right there. Everything, everyone, every time was all right there. It transcended life, death, time, morality, judgement, the physical, . . . . it literally knocked my metaphysical socks off. It was an experience of ALL ONE that defies language.

There was a PALPABLE sense that I had returned to where I was before I was born and a strong understanding (no belief is necessary) that I would return there after the death of my body. No faith was needed. I had visited the space. I had had the experience. I was, quite literally, forever changed. I never looked at anything the same way again.

15 years later I have utterly self-transformed my attitudes and LOL, my career, for better or worse.

And now my disrespect for organized religion has not to do with lack of fundamental belief but more a realization that these modern religions are THOUSANDS of years removed from an experience like mine. You have an experience like mine, you want to share it, you want to help folks, you want to give of yourself. Get hundreds or thousands of years removed and all you want to do is diddle little boys and fleece the sheep for all they are worth.

When I go to "church" and partake of my sacrament I have a chance of not a semblance of ecstasy (which to be honest I have only witnessed when I attended African American churches a few times), but rather, authentically and directly touching the numinous. No guarantees, but a very real chance.

For sure it was just a DMT trip in my head. But I'm not 100% sure what that means.

Did part of my "soul" transport somewhere else for lack of better terminology?

Or, is my mind truly infinite, full of endless and inhabited UNIVERSES that never cease to surprise, filled with art that is far GREATER than anything ever produced by the history of mankind or AI? And all of this available by dosing a drug without using any volitional control or attempt at creativity. . .. ?

I find either answer to be satisfying in that it opens up a myriad of new questions.

Finally, regarding harsh hits yielding bad trips - if you choose to work with DMT, I encourage you to get a sophisticated vaping devices such as a Vaporgenie or Glass Vaporgenie. These things permit for perfect vaporization and bypass the nastiness and causticness with burning chemicals.
I get what you're saying, but I don't think there's enough evidence to make it the most likely answer. Although, the study in rats that found higher levels of endogenous DMT in nenoates was pretty fascinating. Between days 12 and 17 after the rat being born, DMT levels increased quite a bit and then dropped again, I believe something similar was also found in rabbits, as well as raised INMT activity of placenta in many mammals, so I definitely think there's something to it, I just don't think the purpose is necessarily psychoactive, or that it accounts for the majority of mystical experiences that people have without drugs. It might play a role in birth, death, NDE's, etc., but even if that was proven I doubt it'd be the universal cause of all spiritual experiences. If it isn't just a byproduct, the theory about its action against hypoxia could also account for an increase in DMT levels during birth, death, and NDE's, considering there's usually a lack of oxygen in these situations. I really want endogenous DMT to serve some psychoactive role, and definitely think it could, but for the purposes of responding to OP's issue I don't think it's a conclusion that's likely enough to lose your life's purpose over.

Your breakdown of endo-DMT production was very interesting though, I appreciate the input! - wasn't familiar with a lot of that.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm pointing out. What if all those spiritual experiences, conversations with gods, astral projections, and more are just inner "trips" caused by DMT created by our bodies?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm pointing out. What if all those spiritual experiences, conversations with gods, astral projections, and more are just inner "trips" caused by DMT created by our bodies?
I have a counter question. What if flooding our brain with DMT just helps us to tune into some sort of frequency, a frequency that allows us to see something that is actually always there? Something we just can't see under "normal" circumstances?

I guess in the end nobody will ever figure out whether what we experience under the influence of DMT is something that just happens inside or outside of our minds.
Which doesn't mean that it's a fascinating topic to discuss.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm pointing out. What if all those spiritual experiences, conversations with gods, astral projections, and more are just inner "trips" caused by DMT created by our bodies?
What if?
Jung wrote about different "entities" which were part of us and archetypes in our subconscious. From what little I've read I think he believed in God, but his writings were mostly to help us be happier while we were still here on earth. I've been a Christian (in a pretty non-traditional sense) for years more because of good it brings my life more than because of a promised afterlife (although I will admit that is becoming more of a thing as I get older :) ).
Seeking meaning and purpose doesn't have to include something external or an afterlife. I do believe in something external. I think if you go into this with the intent and questing you are showing here you won't be disappointed. Possibly surprised.
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I just listened to a video on YT (it's spoken in Czech) where the person stopped believing in the afterlife after ingesting DMT. He described what DMT is and how the experiences changed his view of the soul and life. He also believes that in the case of NDEs, the brain releases more DMT to cause visions, often described by people who have returned back. It seems to him to be the most realistic possibility.
Weve given you endless reasons to continue believing in some form of higher meaning.

You are not wrong, it could be that there is this weird evolutionary advantage to having a molecule in your brain that triggers a neural circutry that makes you feel like there is a higher purpose, that makes you feel closer to a source of love, to God... and that this would specially trigger at death so you can die peacefully.
I just listened to a video on YT (it's spoken in Czech) where the person stopped believing in the afterlife after ingesting DMT. He described what DMT is and how the experiences changed his view of the soul and life. He also believes that in the case of NDEs, the brain releases more DMT to cause visions, often described by people who have returned back. It seems to him to be the most realistic possibility.
And the exact opposite has happened as well. People have said they weren't afraid to die after ingesting DMT.
Ya know what? You might be questioning your beliefs more with knowledge that DMT exists than you would from ingesting it.
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Dear DMT users,
I am writing here to clear my thoughts. I have read a lot about DMT, mainly other people's experiences but also scientific articles. My problem is that I have lost my purpose in life because of DMT. Since my student years, I have believed in the afterlife, astral projection, higher self, karma, in God... But it turns out that what I thought was parapsychology could just be a "trip" caused by the natural occurrence of DMT in the brain. Most DMT experiences closely resemble astral projection, near-death experiences, communication with angelic beings, etc. So everything that I believed in and gave me strength and hope is suddenly gone. I am writing here because I do not have any real experience with DMT. I am curious to hear the opinion of an experienced DMT user - what do you think about it?
I see this as a somewhat strange perspective, especially as you never did DMT.

By and large the majority who partake of DMT come to believe through direct experience, in some of the types of things you describe or related views through witnessing aspects of it first hand.

Clearly as human beings, our experiences are mediated by the brain. Strassman hypothesized, based on earlier theories by Descartes that the pineal gland was where God interacted with humans and that DMT could be involved in this. He called DMT the spirit molecule, not 'the spirit simulation molecule'.

The thing is for those who argue its just a drug interaction, why would a drug be triggering these type of transcedent experiences? Surely if it was just drug effects one would expect a scattered and discordant experience not vivid perfect visions of God and the angelic hosts, the afterlife and cosmos that can happen and often does. Doing DMT usually always affirms and deepens ones experience of spirituality.

There is the theory that consciousness is ultimately part of the universe and does not have a basis in matter, and the brain works as medium for consciousness in humans, like a radio or TV antennae picking up a signal. Change the channel and a different frequency of signal of consciousness picked up. DMT changes the channel of the brain to pick up God consciousness.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm pointing out. What if all those spiritual experiences, conversations with gods, astral projections, and more are just inner "trips" caused by DMT created by our bodies?
Well sure, they could be, but certainly you must've already considered the idea that spiritual experiences were internal before encountering DMT. I mean, the entirety of orthodox science already points to spiritual experiences being complete neurological delusions. Yet DMT sort of defies that idea, because it creates this unexplainable experience that is simply not understood, and for the most part entirely disregarded in the academic field because of that fact.

And if you think about it in a logical way, if spiritual experiences were real, there'd have to be some sort of neurochemical mechanism to allow the soul/mind/brain (call it what you will) to perceive this divergent reality. Point being, I don't think DMT is any more proof of spiritual experiences being internal hallucinations than it is a supporting argument for the existence of divine things outside of our possible perception.

And if you already had faith in the soul despite established science completely opposing that, I see no reason why DMT should disrupt that belief. Until we really understand the experience, which might never be the case, your belief is no less correct than anybody else's.
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What really gets me down is knowing all of the wonderful things experienced in life are just sensory impressions modulated by sodium and potassium ions swapping places and inducing release of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, all the while being regulated by glycine, glutamate, N-methyl-d-aspartate and a whole gamut of neuropeptides bouncing off an ever-changing machinery of nucleic acid expression, recycling and resynthesis. It's all just so depressing - but thank Dog for β-carbolines!

Time to up your neurochemistry game from a single molecule, perhaps.
I just listened to a video on YT (it's spoken in Czech) where the person stopped believing in the afterlife after ingesting DMT. He described what DMT is and how the experiences changed his view of the soul and life. He also believes that in the case of NDEs, the brain releases more DMT to cause visions, often described by people who have returned back. It seems to him to be the most realistic possibility.

I'd argue that anyone, and i do mean anyone, who feels that they can "conclude" with 100% certainty that they know everything that DMT can show us, is full of themselves and doesn't really know or understand much.

Imo, if one really wants to understand this stuff, oral DMT with Harmalas (Ayahuasca, Anahuasca, Pharmahuasca) is where one will learn the most and gain the most understanding, smoked DMT is nothing but a light show in comparison. And even if someone takes oral DMT and somehow concludes there's nothing going on there, i'd argue even further than they haven't gone deep enough. Heck, i took the stuff daily/near daily for 4 years straight, and i've experienced and learned and have come to understand and know a lot, but compared to what all there is to know/understand, i've barely scratched the surface, and if i've barely scratched the surface, i highly, highly doubt someone smoking DMT even hundreds of times is going to even leave the parking lot.

So imo, take people's views and experiences with a grain of salt, and pay no mind to people's experiences, pay no mind to anything external, have your own experiences, dive deep, and go at it long term as a serious and dedicated practice, and you will learn a lot most certainly. Everything you need is already within yourself, external influences/factors will only complicate things, so tune out the external, and tune into oneself.
I gave myself a few days to think. In the posts (thank you all for them) it is mainly about enjoying the uniqueness of life and not thinking about the end, etc... Here's my answer.

Often at work, my boss lets me know how bad I am and how I don't do anything. But it doesn't mean anything to me, I'm always calm and I take it easy. I believed that behind the materialistic Ego there is a pure soul. Whenever I saw suffering, I believed that it was for a reason, and even if children were dying, it was only physical and the immortal soul moved on to another life. So even the worst murderers will "understand" at the end of life. Otherwise, I would probably go crazy and fall into depressions. But when I discovered DMT and started researching this substance in detail, I was surprised at how much it reminded me of what I believed in - what people who have experienced NDE describe, what is written in astral projection books, what I read about in Buddhist books... And so I became skeptical. I asked myself if what I believed had ever been supported by any evidence/proofs. I haven't found the answer because it doesn't exist. We only believe, but to this day no one has proven that there is a life outside the body. Even the most experienced astral travelers could not perform a simple test - to see some real thing in another room and describe it. That amazes me. How many millions of people believe that the soul can leave the body (and they practice it themselves), but to this day no one has been able to verify it.

I found a box at home with equipment and the rest of 5-MEO-DMT. Last time I didn't have any experience, probably because of the poor setup of the e-mesh device. But I didn't care because I believed in something and I was happy with it. And even though I hit rock bottom now, it freed me from dogma and maybe I'll get further with DMT. I'll give DMT another chance...
I gave myself a few days to think. In the posts (thank you all for them) it is mainly about enjoying the uniqueness of life and not thinking about the end, etc... Here's my answer.

Often at work, my boss lets me know how bad I am and how I don't do anything. But it doesn't mean anything to me, I'm always calm and I take it easy. I believed that behind the materialistic Ego there is a pure soul. Whenever I saw suffering, I believed that it was for a reason, and even if children were dying, it was only physical and the immortal soul moved on to another life. So even the worst murderers will "understand" at the end of life. Otherwise, I would probably go crazy and fall into depressions. But when I discovered DMT and started researching this substance in detail, I was surprised at how much it reminded me of what I believed in - what people who have experienced NDE describe, what is written in astral projection books, what I read about in Buddhist books... And so I became skeptical. I asked myself if what I believed had ever been supported by any evidence/proofs. I haven't found the answer because it doesn't exist. We only believe, but to this day no one has proven that there is a life outside the body. Even the most experienced astral travelers could not perform a simple test - to see some real thing in another room and describe it. That amazes me. How many millions of people believe that the soul can leave the body (and they practice it themselves), but to this day no one has been able to verify it.

I found a box at home with equipment and the rest of 5-MEO-DMT. Last time I didn't have any experience, probably because of the poor setup of the e-mesh device. But I didn't care because I believed in something and I was happy with it. And even though I hit rock bottom now, it freed me from dogma and maybe I'll get further with DMT. I'll give DMT another chance...
You can only do yourself a favor by giving DMT another chance. Be brave, and remember to let go of all of those notions and beliefs when entering. There's a whole new world out there to explore, and it will enrich your life in ways you hadn't even imagined.

Fear not, my friend. We're all together in this madness. Sending you the goodest vibes I can vibe out ❤️
I gave myself a few days to think. In the posts (thank you all for them) it is mainly about enjoying the uniqueness of life and not thinking about the end, etc... Here's my answer.

Often at work, my boss lets me know how bad I am and how I don't do anything. But it doesn't mean anything to me, I'm always calm and I take it easy. I believed that behind the materialistic Ego there is a pure soul. Whenever I saw suffering, I believed that it was for a reason, and even if children were dying, it was only physical and the immortal soul moved on to another life. So even the worst murderers will "understand" at the end of life. Otherwise, I would probably go crazy and fall into depressions. But when I discovered DMT and started researching this substance in detail, I was surprised at how much it reminded me of what I believed in - what people who have experienced NDE describe, what is written in astral projection books, what I read about in Buddhist books... And so I became skeptical. I asked myself if what I believed had ever been supported by any evidence/proofs. I haven't found the answer because it doesn't exist. We only believe, but to this day no one has proven that there is a life outside the body. Even the most experienced astral travelers could not perform a simple test - to see some real thing in another room and describe it. That amazes me. How many millions of people believe that the soul can leave the body (and they practice it themselves), but to this day no one has been able to verify it.

I found a box at home with equipment and the rest of 5-MEO-DMT. Last time I didn't have any experience, probably because of the poor setup of the e-mesh device. But I didn't care because I believed in something and I was happy with it. And even though I hit rock bottom now, it freed me from dogma and maybe I'll get further with DMT. I'll give DMT another chance...
Just be aware, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are two distinct and different substances!
Just be aware, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are two distinct and different substances!

Yes I already know it and that's probably the reason why my first and last attempt didn't work. if I remember correctly, I set the temperature according to one YT video to about 200°C and that's probably for DMT. That's why I only inhaled foul hot smoke with no effect.
I asked myself if what I believed had ever been supported by any evidence/proofs.
I believe this point is actually quite fundamental, once we open ourselves to the need for proof our mind is free to wreak havoc.
The whole point is that deep down you already know, seeking proof could very well only distort the truth.
Yes I already know it and that's probably the reason why my first and last attempt didn't work. if I remember correctly, I set the temperature according to one YT video to about 200°C and that's probably for DMT. That's why I only inhaled foul hot smoke with no effect.
Foul hot smoke with no effect? This does sound like the temperature was set too high. Best to start lower and step up slowly towards a temperature that does work - maybe you realised that already too! 😁
Just wait. Lets check things out. They say to live life and love correct?

When people are stressed they eat and its usually sweets, like desserts.
Desserts backwards=stressed.

There is a reason alcohol is called spirits.
The english language is black magic. When we were kids in school we learned to read write and SPELL. To get a spell out, what do we have to do? Cast it correct.
That why tv is called broadcasting. Casting abroad. Dirty huh. 1945 hitler used fluoride against us jews to dumb us down make us subserviant and control us. Not to mention the number one secret. To block the pineal (3rd eye). After the war in dec 1945. The whole earths water system becomes fluoridated after this. Make sure you don't drink your tap water or bottled water and pop as well as juice. Fluoride does not have to be listed on the bottles. Stop swearing immediately when you swear it puts a seal on you of the bad egyptian. His name will not be repeated but it starts with an r and ends in one more letter. All of this world is a trick to block us from finding the truth. Watch out who you tell your journeys to. They are to be kept secret, that is why they are unique to each individual. Start drinking spring water direct from the earth, it will help heal and vaccinate you with special earth ingredients. Nothing can replicate it just like nothing can replicate breast milk. When your kids are born do not cut the cord. When we cut it, it is us who cut the connection to the mother and sever it. The placenta has special things inside of it. Once fully drained the cor will fall off on its own. When we die and are told to go into the light, never go into it, that is us being reborn into this world through the vagina, the light is man made electric lights of the delivery room. Stay in the darkness to go to the next level. If you can, fast for at least 5 or 6 days and try sugar after that, see what happens? You will feel what sugar truly is and never touch it again. It is the hardest drug on earth that basically the entire human race is addicted to. You will feel it pulse through you and feel your whole life and realize how bad sugar is. But here everyone will judge and not ever do it. For the ones who can and do, it will help you towards your path of healing. You are elemental beings made from the earth wind water and fire. You intake air and blow out wind=Wind
The cats and dogs nose is a mushroom cut in half, the womens placenta is the tree of life, the dick is a mushroom, when it has the foreskin, it becomes the elephants trunk. A snakes mouth wide open is the vagina, the tree cut in half has its life rings. Thats our fingerprint Wow huh. Our fingers came from the spiders legs and what do we do with our hands, we smash and kill the spider. When the bible said to not kill, it meant every being and species in the entire universe, not just humans. When a mosquito lands on you let him feed. The disease did not come from the earth and the mosquito, it came from man, man kills and poisons, the earth loves and heals us. Every disease man has created can be cured from something out of the earth. Lie down under neath a tree and look up. The branches our the branches in our lungs moving to clean them. The leafs are like the silica in our lungs that clean and purify. The creeks and river networks are our veins. The marks on our hands, the lines are the lines in leafs. None of this has to do with dog whoops meant "god" spelt it backwards. No allah or jesus or another of the made up deity's. The bad one is the egyptian. That's why at then end of everyone's prayer they seal it with am#n, his older name. War spelt backwards is raw( who's name is that) he runs the council with every bad every bad being from each planet. There are 12. Jacob rothschild is the human from earth on that council. Get ready folks, bad times are coming for most. There is going to be a genocide in america. They are going to blame it on the migrants coming in but it secretly will be done by our government which is run by the egyptian and his crew. Free masons high up, very high up know about the egyptian. Many Masons are on this site and are part of the council of this website. Take a look at the oreo cookie and if you know about symbols, you will see it is masonic. The earth leaves no garbage, it all melts back into the earth or gets eaten. Everything created by man in turn is garbage. When you get a mortgage, a car, a phone, a license and so on. We have to sign for it and they always say, sign your life away. We sign parts of our spirit( or soul as we call it) away with every signature. Get your spirit back and clear your name. 25 year mortgage. 25 year spirit/soul owned. Free yourself from the lies. Then they will say when you want out you can't you signed a clause but really it because they have their claws in you. Black language english again huh. Get ready Pedro it's getting close.
Got it. So this is why you emit pus. OK.
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