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I need lotsa help............

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ok, so SWIM just started researching the process of extracting DMT from Mimosa Hostilis bark and they come to realise this stuff is both extremely difficult and dangerous. So right now SWIM has 3 ounces of MHRB, Roebic drain opener (NaOH) and vm&p Naphtha, 1 gallon milk jug to mix... SWIM has read that NaOh is dangerous and can eat through glass and plastic , is this true? Plus NaOH is all SWIM can get ATM...

So SWIM's questions are, What tek would you recommend SWIM start with? Can SWIM use NaOH and still produce product? What does SWIM do if they don't have a separatory funnel? Can SWIM maybe get a few pointers?
i suggest you read all the techs you can find

you dont really need a separation funnel you can keep your mix in a milk jug and just pull off the top layer... with a turkey baster or something

but really my advice is read alot more before you try anything
you should understand the process and every step of it not only what to do but why you are doing it and what is actually happening... it will make things alot easier and you wont have problems...

its really not difficult at all once you understand it
and i would argue its not even dangerous when done responsibly and knowing what you are doing (proper ventilation, proper chemical handling )

the marsofolds tek is an old stand by (good clean yeild) however instead of the ammonia wash use a sodium carbonate wash on the naphtha suspension (like found in the spice washing tech)

but i mean i can spoon feed it all to you or you could go on google like i did
read all the information you can find and choose an educated approach that best suits your wants

oh and as for the lye.... dont mix in the jug get a pyrex mesuaring cup (2 or 4 quart i like 2 quart) and mix your lye in that ..... use common sense add lye SLOWLY like letting a tablespoon sprinkle in at a time while mixing and let cool before adding to jug
Another question.. sorry i got a lot...

In the Marsofold tek.. he starts with 1 pound of MHRB, but SWIM has only 3 ounces... how does SWIM adjust the tek around this factor?
Hey dude, I find that using a syringe is good for separating the layers, just buy a pack of 100ml ones off ebay.

Don't worry about the lye eating through your glass. The problem a friend had with this is when he added it too quickly it heated up his mason jar and it cracked. Add it bit by bit and stir while you do so it dissolves.

Also, don't spill it on your surfaces, it corroded my friend's a bit, can be quite hard to explain; put newspaper down everywhere you're working (the same goes for your black basified liquid which can stain).

You might want to think about warming your naphtha to increase yields. DON'T directly heat it. I suggest investing in a pyrex measuring jug. This is invaluable in the process. To warm your naphtha boil some water in a pan. Put your naphtha into the pyrex jug and sit it in the pan (with no open flames etc near it).

(I'd recommend Noman's to start with, without the ammonia wash and with recrystallisation)
Great replies guys, Thanks. I take it SWIM can make Sodium Carbonate from these instructions then? http://www.welltellme.com/discuss/index.php?topic=20783.0

SWIM has another question if you all don't mind...

When SWIM ground up the MHRB in a grinder, he ended up with two piles.... one is mostly powder but with strains and tiny pieces of bark, and one that is mostly just strains and pieces of bark with a little powder... Can SWIM use the second pile for anything? Or should he just keep trying to blend it to get more powder out of it?
Here's the second pile i'm talking about.. see how it's mostly just bark strain?

now here's the pile of powder SWIM got...

Is that enough powder? The powder still has strains and pieces of bark.. is that bad? Do i need a considerable amount more powder?
heres what you do friend... get a half gallon milk jug make sure its HPDE (sp? trippin real hard) but you know what i mean... put all that bark in there strings and powder just shove it on in there... in a pyrex measuring cup mix two table spoons lye per 400 ml dH2O let cool before adding to the milk jug do this four times then shake the jug up it may heat up a bit so keep openin the cap to check for presure shake the shit out of it let it sit for two-three days in a warm place (80F degrees or so) while shaking vigorously every few hours then add 300 ml warm naphtha (80F degrees or so) and lay the jug on your leg roll it slowly up and down your leg for about 5 mins then let sit for a few mins repeat this about 3 times then let sit for awhile and pull the top layer the naphtha... now the freebase spice is in the naphtha take a empty small hdpe bottle like rubbing alcohol bottle and cut a small hole in the bottom of one corner.. this you can use for your carbonate wash put the carbonate wash in the bottle then add the naphtha while holding (with gloves:roll: ) a finger over the hole shake the shit out of it and let sit till you see the layers. then let your finger off the hole and let the wash drain... its best to use a container to drain into as you will be able to see the the naphtha float on top when a bit gets out.. drain till almost all the bottom layers off and cover the hole wash twice more with plain dH2O.. then put naphtha in a dish evap by a window! half way (mark glass with pen at start) cover with saran wrap then stick it in a COLD freezer for 24 hours ... most crystals will be stuck to glass pour carefully and slowly off thru a coffee filter and recover the dish with saran wrap right away till it warms to room temp then take the wrap off and let the remaining naphtha dry.... pour the filtered naphtha back into the milk jug and repeat till no more crystals!... that should get you about ~800 mg very clean freebase with minimual effort
psychosisdoses said:
heres what you do friend... get a half gallon milk jug make sure its HPDE (sp? trippin real hard) but you know what i mean... put all that bark in there strings and powder just shove it on in there... in a pyrex measuring cup mix two table spoons lye per 400 ml dH2O let cool before adding to the milk jug do this four times then shake the jug up it may heat up a bit so keep openin the cap to check for presure shake the shit out of it let it sit for two-three days in a warm place (80F degrees or so) while shaking vigorously every few hours then add 300 ml warm naphtha (80F degrees or so) and lay the jug on your leg roll it slowly up and down your leg for about 5 mins then let sit for a few mins repeat this about 3 times then let sit for awhile and pull the top layer the naphtha... now the freebase spice is in the naphtha take a empty small hdpe bottle like rubbing alcohol bottle and cut a small hole in the bottom of one corner.. this you can use for your carbonate wash put the carbonate wash in the bottle then add the naphtha while holding (with gloves:roll: ) a finger over the hole shake the shit out of it and let sit till you see the layers. then let your finger off the hole and let the wash drain... its best to use a container to drain into as you will be able to see the the naphtha float on top when a bit gets out.. drain till almost all the bottom layers off and cover the hole wash twice more with plain dH2O.. then put naphtha in a dish evap by a window! half way (mark glass with pen at start) cover with saran wrap then stick it in a COLD freezer for 24 hours ... most crystals will be stuck to glass pour carefully and slowly off thru a coffee filter and recover the dish with saran wrap right away till it warms to room temp then take the wrap off and let the remaining naphtha dry.... pour the filtered naphtha back into the milk jug and repeat till no more crystals!... that should get you about ~800 mg very clean freebase with minimual effort
WOW! Thanks for spelling it out simply like that for my simple mind :)

SWIM thinks he understands MOST of the process.. but there is one thing that is bugging him... what exactly is HDPE plastic? I know you don't exactly HAVE To use HDPE, but it is highly recommended. What SWIM was going to use as a mixing jug is this;
... i'm pretty sure that isn't HDPE, right?

Do you know where SWIM could acquire an HDPE gallon jug?
Dankone said:
psychosisdoses said:
heres what you do friend... get a half gallon milk jug make sure its HPDE (sp? trippin real hard) but you know what i mean... put all that bark in there strings and powder just shove it on in there... in a pyrex measuring cup mix two table spoons lye per 400 ml dH2O let cool before adding to the milk jug do this four times then shake the jug up it may heat up a bit so keep openin the cap to check for presure shake the shit out of it let it sit for two-three days in a warm place (80F degrees or so) while shaking vigorously every few hours then add 300 ml warm naphtha (80F degrees or so) and lay the jug on your leg roll it slowly up and down your leg for about 5 mins then let sit for a few mins repeat this about 3 times then let sit for awhile and pull the top layer the naphtha... now the freebase spice is in the naphtha take a empty small hdpe bottle like rubbing alcohol bottle and cut a small hole in the bottom of one corner.. this you can use for your carbonate wash put the carbonate wash in the bottle then add the naphtha while holding (with gloves:roll: ) a finger over the hole shake the shit out of it and let sit till you see the layers. then let your finger off the hole and let the wash drain... its best to use a container to drain into as you will be able to see the the naphtha float on top when a bit gets out.. drain till almost all the bottom layers off and cover the hole wash twice more with plain dH2O.. then put naphtha in a dish evap by a window! half way (mark glass with pen at start) cover with saran wrap then stick it in a COLD freezer for 24 hours ... most crystals will be stuck to glass pour carefully and slowly off thru a coffee filter and recover the dish with saran wrap right away till it warms to room temp then take the wrap off and let the remaining naphtha dry.... pour the filtered naphtha back into the milk jug and repeat till no more crystals!... that should get you about ~800 mg very clean freebase with minimual effort
WOW! Thanks for spelling it out simply like that for my simple mind :)

SWIM thinks he understands MOST of the process.. but there is one thing that is bugging him... what exactly is HDPE plastic? I know you don't exactly HAVE To use HDPE, but it is highly recommended. What SWIM was going to use as a mixing jug is this;
... i'm pretty sure that isn't HDPE, right?

Do you know where SWIM could acquire an HDPE gallon jug?

yes go get a *HALF* gallon of milk and drink it theres your jug
Awesome. Thanks for answering my questions so promptly, you have really helped me. Wish i could give you some rep or something :D

Thanks again dude, you rock
Dankone said:
Awesome. Thanks for answering my questions so promptly, you have really helped me. Wish i could give you some rep or something :D

Thanks again dude, you rock

thanks man :) thats what im here for good luck and remember this is just a start
the more you do and read the better youll understand it and be able to come up with your own methods... practice practice practice.. we are building towards tomorrow every day..
psychosisdoses said:
heres what you do friend... get a half gallon milk jug make sure its HPDE (sp? trippin real hard) but you know what i mean... put all that bark in there strings and powder just shove it on in there... in a pyrex measuring cup mix two table spoons lye per 400 ml dH2O let cool before adding to the milk jug do this four times then shake the jug up it may heat up a bit so keep openin the cap to check for presure shake the shit out of it let it sit for two-three days in a warm place (80F degrees or so) while shaking vigorously every few hours then add 300 ml warm naphtha (80F degrees or so) and lay the jug on your leg roll it slowly up and down your leg for about 5 mins then let sit for a few mins repeat this about 3 times then let sit for awhile and pull the top layer the naphtha... now the freebase spice is in the naphtha take a empty small hdpe bottle like rubbing alcohol bottle and cut a small hole in the bottom of one corner.. this you can use for your carbonate wash put the carbonate wash in the bottle then add the naphtha while holding (with gloves:roll: ) a finger over the hole shake the shit out of it and let sit till you see the layers. then let your finger off the hole and let the wash drain... its best to use a container to drain into as you will be able to see the the naphtha float on top when a bit gets out.. drain till almost all the bottom layers off and cover the hole wash twice more with plain dH2O.. then put naphtha in a dish evap by a window! half way (mark glass with pen at start) cover with saran wrap then stick it in a COLD freezer for 24 hours ... most crystals will be stuck to glass pour carefully and slowly off thru a coffee filter and recover the dish with saran wrap right away till it warms to room temp then take the wrap off and let the remaining naphtha dry.... pour the filtered naphtha back into the milk jug and repeat till no more crystals!... that should get you about ~800 mg very clean freebase with minimual effort
ok so i just wanna be sure i know precisely what i'm doing, since i'm still a bit foggy on some areas...
so this tek you described is kind of a minimal effort, but more time consuming tek since you have to wait about three days, as opposed to the Marsofold tek which only takes about 2 days, right?

And if i were to do the marsofold tek.. how would i adjust the ingredients to factor in that i only have about 1/5 of the pound of MHRB that is called for. What i mean is it calls for "1-Pint White Vinegar & 3-1/2 Quarts Water" per 1 pound of MHRB, i only have 3 ounces... how would i cut those to suit my recipe?

if anyone doesn't understand what i'm saying, just ask. I'm having a hard time trying to explain.
okay.... if you want to go with A/B heres what you do....

get two half gallon milk jugs in one stuff your bark pour in enough straight store bought vinegar to cover the bark let it sit on a space heater at about 80-90F for 2 days or so shaking as often as you think about it... i dont know if the added time helps but why rush?.... now pour the vinegar through a filter and put in your other jug... premix in advance a lye solution as described in the other post... as for how much to use i tend to use the same amount of lye if its right or not i dunno when you add it to the vinegar you will see the color change.. after doing it a few times you know what to look for it turns from red to greyish this is when you will see the freebase swirling out of the solution then it will turn jet black like soy sauce thats what your looking for... let it cool off and then add your naphtha top off the bottle with warm water to make it easier to pull the layers... mix the naphtha as described previously... and wash with sodium carbonate as described previously... this method will take more time and yield the same product... worthwhile to do another vinegar soak and repeat so it really lengths the procedure... id recommend the other method i described for a beginner ... ooooor you could do some reading and devise your own process...
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