psychosisdoses said:
heres what you do friend... get a half gallon milk jug make sure its HPDE (sp? trippin real hard) but you know what i mean... put all that bark in there strings and powder just shove it on in there... in a pyrex measuring cup mix two table spoons lye per 400 ml dH2O let cool before adding to the milk jug do this four times then shake the jug up it may heat up a bit so keep openin the cap to check for presure shake the shit out of it let it sit for two-three days in a warm place (80F degrees or so) while shaking vigorously every few hours then add 300 ml warm naphtha (80F degrees or so) and lay the jug on your leg roll it slowly up and down your leg for about 5 mins then let sit for a few mins repeat this about 3 times then let sit for awhile and pull the top layer the naphtha... now the freebase spice is in the naphtha take a empty small hdpe bottle like rubbing alcohol bottle and cut a small hole in the bottom of one corner.. this you can use for your carbonate wash put the carbonate wash in the bottle then add the naphtha while holding (with gloves:roll: ) a finger over the hole shake the shit out of it and let sit till you see the layers. then let your finger off the hole and let the wash drain... its best to use a container to drain into as you will be able to see the the naphtha float on top when a bit gets out.. drain till almost all the bottom layers off and cover the hole wash twice more with plain dH2O.. then put naphtha in a dish evap by a window! half way (mark glass with pen at start) cover with saran wrap then stick it in a COLD freezer for 24 hours ... most crystals will be stuck to glass pour carefully and slowly off thru a coffee filter and recover the dish with saran wrap right away till it warms to room temp then take the wrap off and let the remaining naphtha dry.... pour the filtered naphtha back into the milk jug and repeat till no more crystals!... that should get you about ~800 mg very clean freebase with minimual effort
WOW! Thanks for spelling it out simply like that for my simple mind
SWIM thinks he understands MOST of the process.. but there is one thing that is bugging him... what exactly is HDPE plastic? I know you don't exactly HAVE To use HDPE, but it is highly recommended. What SWIM was going to use as a mixing jug is this;
... i'm pretty sure that isn't HDPE, right?
Do you know where SWIM could acquire an HDPE gallon jug?