For sure! Me too, every now and then I get that really strong smell.
In fact I've had something happen a few times on high doses of LSD and such. I'm not sure if anyone else gets this but have you ever had tactile hallucinations around your lips and mouth as soon as you finish inhaling spice? When I smoke it the flavour, the smell and this physical feeling all intertwine and become one homgenised sensation. It kinda feels like there's plastic grass growing out of my lips and mouth. Like millions of miniscule little ice crystals or pine needles all rubbing against eachother as they grow and intertwine. That's what the taste and smell of DMT is to me lol.
Yeah so anyway, was at a pretty intimate psytrance party a couple of years ago, it was a send off for a mate who had passed earlier that year. Was a hugely emotional messy party with some extremely deep voyages. At one point I was in the forest by myself meditating and tripping and I was hearing all these angels voices singing in harmony and could see a white light in the sky... And I could feel my friend just beyond the veil. And as this whole experience was happening I had this dmt taste/smell/sensation all through my mouth and throat and getting stronger, and it felt like it was pushing me to a higher level. It kinda felt like I was approaching the barrier but couldn't break through, not that I was really trying. It was really strange. And there was definitely no one smoking near me, I was a good 1000+ metres in to a forest all by my lonesome behind the camp site, and 90% of people were on the dancefloor ages away from the camp the other way.
Had that taste/smell/feel sensation a few other times to lesser degrees, but it was never like that time.