Rising Star
Cognitive Heart said:I'm fairly sure Dawkins already dove into the experience himself(albeit with high skepticism) and reported his findings via online. He wrote about it and was completely floored and surprised! :lol: No matter how sure you are of everything in life, something will always appear or exist to alter that comforting thought.
And I don't think Hawking would be interested. At least from what I've read. It isn't for anyone to decide these matters, anyways. Once the topic has surfaced to those who are open to it can choose for themselves.![]()
these data suggest that regular use of psychedelic drugs could potentially lead to structural changes in brain areas supporting attentional processes, self-referential thought, and internal mentation. These changes could underlie the previously reported personality changes in long-term users and highlight the involvement of the PCC [posterior cingulate cortex] in the effects of psychedelics.
entheogenic-gnosis said:Cognitive Heart said:I'm fairly sure Dawkins already dove into the experience himself(albeit with high skepticism) and reported his findings via online. He wrote about it and was completely floored and surprised! :lol: No matter how sure you are of everything in life, something will always appear or exist to alter that comforting thought.
And I don't think Hawking would be interested. At least from what I've read. It isn't for anyone to decide these matters, anyways. Once the topic has surfaced to those who are open to it can choose for themselves.![]()
No way...are you serious?
maybe it can cure being a dick...
hug46 said:entheogenic-gnosis said:Cognitive Heart said:I'm fairly sure Dawkins already dove into the experience himself(albeit with high skepticism) and reported his findings via online. He wrote about it and was completely floored and surprised! :lol: No matter how sure you are of everything in life, something will always appear or exist to alter that comforting thought.
And I don't think Hawking would be interested. At least from what I've read. It isn't for anyone to decide these matters, anyways. Once the topic has surfaced to those who are open to it can choose for themselves.![]()
No way...are you serious?
Yes way. It's true.
Richard Dawkins Renounces Atheism After Smoking DMT
Shrill, anti-theist professor of unnecessary controversy, Richard Dawkins, has reportedly renounced his atheist beliefs after apparently finding existence of a higher power during a recent DMT trip. Reportedly telling friends and confidantes that there is a higher power Dawkins wept claiming...wundergroundmusic.com
maybe it can cure being a dick...
I really do not think that it is dickish or arrogant if you are an atheist. It's just another opinion and no more naive than resolutely believing that there is some kind of enveloping field of consciousness, non corporeal awareness or god (or any such theory of that ilk). Especially if one has come to conclusions such as these after taking drugs...
Why do people (whether they are atheist or gung ho spiritualists) get so defensive when their belief systems are challenged? True faith should be impervious to a doubting Thomas shouldn't it?
hug46 said:entheogenic-gnosis said:Cognitive Heart said:I'm fairly sure Dawkins already dove into the experience himself(albeit with high skepticism) and reported his findings via online. He wrote about it and was completely floored and surprised! :lol: No matter how sure you are of everything in life, something will always appear or exist to alter that comforting thought.
And I don't think Hawking would be interested. At least from what I've read. It isn't for anyone to decide these matters, anyways. Once the topic has surfaced to those who are open to it can choose for themselves.![]()
No way...are you serious?
Yes way. It's true.
Richard Dawkins Renounces Atheism After Smoking DMT
Shrill, anti-theist professor of unnecessary controversy, Richard Dawkins, has reportedly renounced his atheist beliefs after apparently finding existence of a higher power during a recent DMT trip. Reportedly telling friends and confidantes that there is a higher power Dawkins wept claiming...wundergroundmusic.com
maybe it can cure being a dick...
I really do not think that it is dickish or arrogant if you are an atheist. It's just another opinion and no more naive than resolutely believing that there is some kind of enveloping field of consciousness, non corporeal awareness or god (or any such theory of that ilk). Especially if one has come to conclusions such as these after taking drugs...
Why do people (whether they are atheist or gung ho spiritualists) get so defensive when their belief systems are challenged? True faith should be impervious to a doubting Thomas shouldn't it?
True faith should be impervious to a doubting Thomas shouldn't it?
the DMT provided my evidence, it was my hand in Christ's wound.Before DMT I was agnostic, leaning towards atheist, and now I'm a very spiritual person, DMT was a catalyst in this realization that a physical body is not a prerequisite for conscious existance, and the implications of this realization lead me to spirituality, plus during my first flash i experienced death, dismemberment, resurrection, and birth...
my favorite story in the gospels, is the story of the apostel Thomas. Because you will recall that after the crucifixion - this is a good place to end, this is an alchemical story - after the crucifixion Christ appeared to the apostels in the upper room in Jerusalem, 40 days after, and Thomas was not there. I don't know where he was, somewhere, they sent him out for sandwiches or something. Anyway he came back, and they said "the master was with us" and he said "come oooon you guys," he said, "you been smoking too much red lab we brought in 3 weeks ago," and they said "no no the master was with us," and he said, "unless I put my hand into the wound, I will not believe it."
So then time passed, and then Christ came again to the apostels, and Thomas was among them on this second get go, and Christ walked in and kicked off his overshoes and looked around the room, and he said "Thomas, come forward, put your hand into the wound," which he did, which he did.
Now, people have different interpretations of this story, my interpretation of it ... is that alone among all human beings, in all of human history, only one person was ever so priviliged as to be allowed to touch the resurrected body, it was Thomas the Doubter, who was allowed to touch the resurrection body because he didn't believe.
-terence mckenna
entheogenic-gnosis said:...But it's how you go about it, Dawkins had this arrogant "dick-ish" way of demeaning anybody who was not an atheist, as if only uneducated, ignorant, or delusional people believe in spirituality, he was very condescending and prideful when it came to the "correctness" of his beliefs.
richard said:the main residual reason why I was religious was from being so impressed with the complexity of life and feeling that it had to have a designer, and I think it was when I realised that Darwinism was a far superior explanation that pulled the rug out from under the argument of design. And that left me with nothing.
I've never seen faith as being essential or even necessary for spiritual practice.
entheogenic-gnosis said:But DMT can't cure being a dick...
acacian said:entheogenic-gnosis said:But DMT can't cure being a dick...
i wouldn't be so sure of that, entheogenic-gnosis - afterall dmt does hold a profound ability to show a person the unscathed truth of their actions and falsities.
hug46 said:entheogenic-gnosis said:...But it's how you go about it, Dawkins had this arrogant "dick-ish" way of demeaning anybody who was not an atheist, as if only uneducated, ignorant, or delusional people believe in spirituality, he was very condescending and prideful when it came to the "correctness" of his beliefs.
Yeah a lot of my friends and people on the nexus who's opinions i respect have said the same thing. I have never really noticed his condescending attitude. I see in him a reactionary attitude against the injustices that have taken place in the name of one god or another, so for me his zealousness is understandable. I actually quite like the dude and he did start off by being a christian.....
richard said:the main residual reason why I was religious was from being so impressed with the complexity of life and feeling that it had to have a designer, and I think it was when I realised that Darwinism was a far superior explanation that pulled the rug out from under the argument of design. And that left me with nothing.
No matter how arrogant he may appear to be in his views i think that there is a possibility that he maybe right in relation to intelligent design.
I've never seen faith as being essential or even necessary for spiritual practice.
Ok then faith in one's beliefs.If one has true belief, words from people like Dawkins should be like water off of a ducks back.
Steven Hawking... He has made ground breaking thoerems on singularities, theoretical predictions about black holes, is working towards an understanding of the universe and is believed by many to be the greatest mind in physics since Einstein but the guy doesn't believe in God??? What an arrogant tosser!!!!
I am an agnostic fundamentalist and therefore believe that anyone who is either an atheist or a creationist or indeed anyone who claims to know anything in relation to these matters is a charlatan. Agnosticism is the only truth. I have true faith in my ignorance in such matters so i guess that make me as condescending as Richard Dawkins.
This quote (above), was it from this thread? It just confused me I could nit figure out where the where it came from or who said it.richard said:the main residual reason why I was religious was from being so impressed with the complexity of life and feeling that it had to have a designer, and I think it was when I realised that Darwinism was a far superior explanation that pulled the rug out from under the argument of design. And that left me with nothing.
Yeah a lot of my friends and people on the nexus who's opinions i respect have said the same thing. I have never really noticed his condescending attitude. I see in him a reactionary attitude against the injustices that have taken place in the name of one god or another, so for me his zealousness is understandable. I actually quite like the dude and he did start off by being a christian.....
Ok then faith in one's beliefs.If one has true belief, words from people like Dawkins should be like water off of a ducks back.
Steven Hawking... He has made ground breaking thoerems on singularities, theoretical predictions about black holes, is working towards an understanding of the universe and is believed by many to be the greatest mind in physics since Einstein but the guy doesn't believe in God??? What an arrogant tosser!!!!
acacian said:entheogenic-gnosis said:But DMT can't cure being a dick...
i wouldn't be so sure of that, entheogenic-gnosis - afterall dmt does hold a profound ability to show a person the unscathed truth of their actions and falsities. dawkins and hawkins may be locked into a particular world view at this current moment in time, but I've seen some seemingly 'closed minds' undergo deep healing and remarkable behavioral shifts after working with dmt.. you never knowdawkins, while incredibly arrogant, holds a fairly warrented prejudice against the major religions operating in the world today - and this has no doubt stemmed from his observation of deep injustices present in their doctrines/practices... an observation I would say is a product of an inherent capacity for compassion...
i'd like to think dawkins is a decent person at heart.. misguided, sure, but hopefully his work will be steered in the right direction one of these days as he's a pretty prominent voice on religious matters and if people saw a perceptual shift in him they may be inclined to embark on some rewarding philosophical inquiries
No way...are you serious?
maybe it can cure being a dick...
Hawkins seemed pretty arrogant and dead set on claiming non-physical conscious-being was a delusion of the unintelligent...
Maybe this could help explain personality changes (article below), this is in relation to long term psychedelic use, but DMT May be a "fast-track", like mckenna called it "noetic lightening"
(Is it strange if the dead's "steal your face" logo automatically makes me think of "noetic lightening"...it is a visual representation of that term...Though it was designed by owsley Stanley, and was probably a reference to white lightening LSD. )
Long-term use of psychedelic drugs is associated with differences in brain structure and personality in humans - PubMed
these data suggest that regular use of psychedelic drugs could potentially lead to structural changes in brain areas supporting attentional processes, self-referential thought, and internal mentation. These changes could underlie the previously reported personality changes in long-term users and highlight the involvement of the PCC [posterior cingulate cortex] in the effects of psychedelics.
entheogenic-gnosis said:Where did the "Richard" quote come from? Just out of curiosity.
I don't have faith, or beliefs.
Beliefs are held onto even in the face of evidence, beliefs are not meant to be changed, I have ideas, which can be changed at any point as new evidence is presented.
hug46 said:entheogenic-gnosis said:Where did the "Richard" quote come from? Just out of curiosity.
Richard Dawkins. Richard Dawkins - Wikipedia
I don't have faith, or beliefs.
Beliefs are held onto even in the face of evidence, beliefs are not meant to be changed, I have ideas, which can be changed at any point as new evidence is presented.
Everyone has beliefs and i do not think that beliefs are singularly held onto inspite of evidence. They can be moulded by evidence and changed depending on the rigidity of an individuals state of mind or they could exist independantly of evidence but we could be at odds over the semantics of what belief actually is.
hug46 said:entheogenic-gnosis said:Cognitive Heart said:I'm fairly sure Dawkins already dove into the experience himself(albeit with high skepticism) and reported his findings via online. He wrote about it and was completely floored and surprised! :lol: No matter how sure you are of everything in life, something will always appear or exist to alter that comforting thought.
And I don't think Hawking would be interested. At least from what I've read. It isn't for anyone to decide these matters, anyways. Once the topic has surfaced to those who are open to it can choose for themselves.![]()
No way...are you serious?
Yes way. It's true.
Richard Dawkins Renounces Atheism After Smoking DMT
Shrill, anti-theist professor of unnecessary controversy, Richard Dawkins, has reportedly renounced his atheist beliefs after apparently finding existence of a higher power during a recent DMT trip. Reportedly telling friends and confidantes that there is a higher power Dawkins wept claiming...wundergroundmusic.com
maybe it can cure being a dick...
I really do not think that it is dickish or arrogant if you are an atheist. It's just another opinion and no more naive than resolutely believing that there is some kind of enveloping field of consciousness, non corporeal awareness or god (or any such theory of that ilk). Especially if one has come to conclusions such as these after taking drugs...
Why do people (whether they are atheist or gung ho spiritualists) get so defensive when their belief systems are challenged? True faith should be impervious to a doubting Thomas shouldn't it?
universecannon said:Do you guys really think this article is legit? :d
“So last Friday Attenborough pops round with some of the stuff that he got off some Peruvian tribespeople,” continued Dawkins. “He always gets top gear does Attenborough and he had his crack pipe with him so we took a few hits each and fell straight into the trip.”
"Describing evolution as “bollocks” and burning his copy of The Origin Of Species Dawkins claims that the “machine elves” showed him a higher plane of existence, called him a supercilious cunt and told him to “stop being such a po-faced and certain dick-rocketeer"
“I can’t believe I’ve been so wrong all of these years,” raged an exasperated Dawkins while smashing his private collection of dinosaur bones. "