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I will breakthrough tonight part 2

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
(mind)Set: Clear
(physical condition) Set: Fair
Setting (location): Living room, couch
time of day: Sunny, hot day, 12:30 in the afternoon
recent drug use: Vaped DMT with sublingual harmalas 2 days ago
last meal: Homemade chicken and vegtable broth, at 07:00 that morning

Gender: Male
body weight: 80kg
known sensitivities: none
history of use: Novice
Substance(s): Harmalas extracted from Rue, DMT extracted almost white with a little pink tinge
Dose(s): 20mg harmalas , 30mg of DMT
Method of administration: Harmalas sublingual, DMT vaped in GVG


Administration time: Put the harmalas under my tongue for about 25 minutes. Then swished it around in my saliva a and swallowed it bit by bit for the next 5 or so minutes. Approx 10 mins after swallowing the last of the harmalas I vaped the dMT in 3 dcent sized hits.
Duration: effets lasted about 40 mins
First effects: it came on in less than a minute
Peak: Peak was for the first 10 mins or so
Come down: 10 mins of come down
Baseline: baseline in 40 mins

Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes: Complete breakthrough. Lost all sense of reality and my physical body and time.

Pleasantness: (0-4)2
Implesantness: (0-4)2
Visual Intensity: (0-4) 4


Hangover: 0
Afterglow: 3 General positive outlook on life. Renewed realization on beauty of reality


After attempting to delve deeper into the realm of hyperspace than I have previously, I was left feeling like I failed in my attempt. I thought about it for a day or so and realized I was the only one responsible. I decided I was going to attempt to delve again.

I waited until a time when my place was empty except for my dog, who is real cool about this stuff anyway. I fasted except for some homemade bone broth that morning. I came home from work at lunch, which is completely uncharacteristic for me to do something like this during a lunch break, but it had to be this way this time. I dropped the harmalas under my tongue and measured out my dose. Once I was ready I played around a bit with positioning, first sitting up, then realizing if I wanted to go deep laying down comfortably would be the best way.

I took my first big hit from the GVG and held it for maybe 10 seconds. It started to burn so I blew it out, and immediately took another big hit. As I held that one I watched the smoke that I blew out from the first one hang in the air. I blew my second puff out and it hung there, next to the first one, and I marveled at how they seemed to be frozen in the air and touching each other yet completely distinct from each other. I started to take the rest of what was loaded in the GVG, and felt the pressure come from the back of my head. Everything began to shake and a strong tone began to get louder and louder. I sat the gvg down, exhaled what was left and laid down on the couch. Instantly I was gone.

I was back with the machine elves, the ones I had seen before I presume. They were doing all the same things, only the colors were different. This time I was completely immersed, I felt as if I was really there and it was a little overwhelming. I had no connection to my body or reality or time in this world. Everything was moving so fast as usual, and I was trying to close in on something, anything.

When I became aware that I was there for a reason, not to just watch the craziness go by, I started to see something. It was symbol written on a small white tile. The craziness was still going on all around, but the more I focused on the tile, the less I noticed everything else. Now it felt like everything that was going on was centered around the tile, and they were "showing" it too me. As I focused on it, the more I felt my mind "expand", and a great feeling of huge significance came over me. The tile was not unlike a mahjong tile, except the symbol in the middle of it was simple. It was etched in black ink, a circle or perhaps an omega symbol (thanks Dmnstr8) with something inside of it. Two horizontal lines going through the middle of something, maybe text.

The more I focused and tried to see and understand this tile, the bigger the more overwhelming the feeling of how significant and big this moment was. I began to get scared, I felt that if I looked at it too long or figured it out something too big for me to handle would happen. I looked away from it with my minds eye and I was instantly gone from the machine elf world.

Now a female entity with lots of orange color and many tentacle like things appeared in front of me and seemingly angry or mean. The tentacles started stinging me and at this point I became aware of my body. AS they stung me I felt my body kind of jerk and I felt as if I needed to purge something from my body through my mouth. I wasn't afraid, although it was scary, I knew she was trying to help me release something negative. I wanted it to come out, but nothing did physically and I felt that I didn't get out what I needed to.

At this point I was back to reality and everything looked magnificent and futuristic. I was still pretty groggy and feeling week, very much still under the influence. I stumbled around trying to put my GVG and torch away, instantly feeling paranoid that I was all intoxicating during the day and needed to get back work. I got worried that the harmalas may have hot me harder than I though an I might be stuck in this state all afternoon. But surely I calmed myself down and with reason and explained to myself it had only been 15 minutes and I need to just relax for another 15 and everything will be alright.

I then took my dog outside and played with him for a bit. It was an exceptionally beautiful afternoon and I slowly returned to baseline while enjoying the beauty and my awesome dogs company.
It made we think about the Phoenician alphabet (from which Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, all Indian scripts and Mongolian, Greek, Tigrinya, Manchu, Amharic, Tibetian, Old South-Arabian and many moar incl. Latin & Angruish...etc derived)

It is still used today as ti-finagh (it means the Finiki=Phoenician she-script). It is like one our earliest abjad for Egyptian hieroglyphs prolly spread by (any of) the Hyksos/HekwShasu after they/we/them/us got expelled...?

We mention it because someone else has seen (one of)the tifinagh letter(s) before (yaz). We think it was Mustelid (...not sure tho) Maybe yours was a different one...?

yaz symbolism said:
....the yaz symbolizes the "free man" (and hence also Liberation), which is the meaning of the Berber word Amazigh, the Berbers' own name for themselves (endonym). It is in red (on the Berber Flag), the colour of life, and also the colour of resistance

RabbDom ZighZakh Example
It did resemble the writing style that mention. The Yaz is probably the most similar to what I saw, but inside a circle. Unfortunately I did not see it clearly.
hhhmmmh, a full circle could perhaps be an Ayn (Eye).

ayin symbolism said:
This means "eye" "wellspring," "source," or "center" and is linked with the Egyptian Eye of Horus. Ayin is, therefore, the symbol of Perception and Insight, of the Physical Eye and of the Spiritual Eye. It illustrates symbolically that the human eye can be taken as a microcosm of the universe.

We don't like to assume the function that suggests something's not right or negative, but is there a way of also looking at this like a warning? Because the original yaz hieroglyph is zen and/or ziqq. It means cuffs (hand-cuffs). In the past these could be both positive or negative (gold cuffs worn by kings, leather cuffs worn by soldiers and hunters/archers but also bronze cuffs for slaves and prisoners with chains).

In todays context hand-cuffs are almost always not positive, although intezam does have archery leather cuffs....but...

...but look at this, intezam avatar is orange too :)

We are all in a similar situation here, all cuffed by our short life spans, therefore there is a sense of urgency here (for us) -- the Buddha says, this is why the human experience is superior to that of the gods/demon/other entity and for that reason Allah orders their angels to prostrate before mankind.....(...we think)
I wouldn't be surprised to see a symbol representing "cuffs" in a negative context at this point in time.

Here is my best drawing of what I think I saw.

I did not see 100% clearly because the more I focused on it to see what it was the more of this very extremely overwhelming feeling came over me. To the point where I got scared and couldn't look at it anymore because I didn't think I could handle seeing it or understanding what it was.

Someone had mentioned the omega symbol and after looking at it, the circle could have been that instead.



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Yes I did indeed watch that video about the garden :thumb_up:

Yes interesting, I did notice his avatar was slightly more oranged. Although I did not leave mine blank, there is something there 😉
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