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I'd like to apologize to the nexus about making a bit of a mess around here.

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
It was pointed out to me that I have been posting a lot lately and they have been quite a few whacky topics and replies from my side.

For those that are tired of seeing it, and if I had stepped on someones toe I would like to apologize.

Unfortunately I am not quite sure how much I actually posted, since a lot of these posts were quite a lot drug-fueled which is not in the spirit of this forum.

From my understanding this is a forum that concentrates on legitimate re-seach and practical knowledge, and to a lesser degree sharing experiences from a clear minded reflective state for the case of helping others understand and not throwing around topics just for the sake of throwing them around.

Anyways, I'm sorry. Deleting some of the none sense and bad examples from my thoughtless behavior won't be that practical since replies have been made and I wouldn't be able to find all of it and fix it even if I tried to.

I wish you all the best.

Be safe.

Happy travels.

Sincerely, AwesomeUsername
Hey brother, no worries! Aren't we all a bit addle brained. Drugs can aggravate the best of us. Be careful, be safe and let your thoughts distill then age a while.

Additionally, RIMA, via rue or caapi, used judiciously, has been substantially demonstrated to be safe and "effective". It is altogether likely that used as a tonic, it surely could be rather healthful, physically and psychologically!

I tend to highly respect sincere apologies, so therefore, kudos to you AwesomeUsername for being human enough to give one.

On the other hand, I found it rather funny because I thought that I was one of only people on this forum that posts entirely sober/straight all the time!:lol: I guess that I am not alone in those regards either!

May we all find our Peace
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