When you look into modern tuning, equal temperament -> what pianos use, its not perfect, like Pythagorean tuning sounded better except wolf interval. Now we are used to equal temperament and other tuning might sound to you "not right" or "wrong"... you have been conditioned for what feels right to you (Beethoven wrote music but his piano was tuned bit differently).
In that video they talk about the test with African tribe that doesn't have a word for blue color. Which impacted their ability to find different dot in the group of dots - they were faster to find lighter green dot in the group of green dots, while slower to find blue dot in the group of green dots. While people who do have a word for blue - like you and me will have it other way around.
Hardware is the same, same eyes, same brains. Only difference is the word.
So basically that would mean not having a name for something, will change the way you interact with a thing. We could even connect this to psychedelic experiences. If you are only ever knew some kind of religion, only thing you might get out of it is that you personally spoke to god. If you would get Buddhist on them, they would have different idea based on their religion- probably. Conclusions would be grafted from ideas about the world, or words they knew.
But apparently the "you need a name for it to make sense of it" permeates into to physical world and our interactions. Maybe even in scary way.
Not only this implies, or show again importance of words(and thoughts, can we even think without words properly?). But also brings up questions like, how much is center of speech in our brain responsible for - even indirectly? Is there connection between early consumption of mushrooms by proto humans causing development of speech center and "this"?
In this case, word blue, changes the way they interact with a world, while word blue roughly describes border of color spectrum. If you would describe musical tones properly to a kid, would he acquire great "musical hearing" easily?
Can we affect people, ourselves and world with this knowledge?
Do you see where I am going?
Words describe borders in some cases, how we see them changes how we interact and see them. It doesn't matter if its color, sound or complex ideas (experience). Now is this going even more deep? Can it affect other things?
Is this understandable?