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Implication of language on perception of reality?

language emerged from an interpretation of reality, which created language and not the other way around
The point from a beginning is that language affects your perception of reality. We could shift it to - ideas which language represents affect your perception of reality. Its visible on you not being able to understand that, exact borders of concepts inside that pile of proteins you have in your skull can twist your ability to interact and understand outside world.

In episode of House, he once told: "Give me a doctor and I will give you diagnose!" Meaning specialist doctor will look for and illness inside his field and wont see the real issue.

Cookie, you are not baked yet. Go back into oven and come back when you will be ready to learn and to teach, instead of arguing and being hostile.
The deaf blind and cant taste or smell... (video)
This at some point almost had me in tears. Also, pure amazement, I once saw piece in our country news about deaf blind kids, and it looked to me like lost causes... But looks like I will be ordering a book by Helen Keller for my grandma and mother. Might look into it as well.

Other point of basically "proto language or concepts" almost going together by themselves on by touch. That's just amazing, it, I feel strengthens my theory about perfect pitch people. When you understand a way to "solve" or "sort" something, at early age - which might happen spontaneously or while learning. Then it improves with time just by using it "passively". Like you will get better at writing on keyboard even without really practicing it... Or driving without being focused on improving... just by doing it... in that case it would be listening, then playing the instrument. Once I will have kids, I will try to force perfect pitch on them for sure ;)

Be polite, or be gone.
From his not well enough though out sentences I have a feeling that he either goes by himself or he will be gone by someone else... 😔


one thing which amazes me, is the amount of things you guys read upon. Some of the things you mention I will for sure look up, and read up. But the volume is scary already. I have huge backlog of things to read and do. While many of them are important and some of them quite time consuming. Reading "Food of the God" with intention to understand it properly and not just skim it - for example.

There is a little bit of me that wishes I could focus only on this, but we live in a world where we need to balance lot of things. Even if these days I feel guilty for not doing things I should, and just browsing and maybe even resting after some time. There will again be time where I will have to be focused, and practicing music - has to be done, because learning takes time, has to be done daily. And creating portfolio to compound interest, to be able to look towards future with expectations will take another part of me... Not sure how much will be left.

Far often come to me sentence by Ashitaka from Mononoke-hime: "I came here to see with eyes unclouded by hate."

I guess/hope I don't hate. So I would short it. "I came here to see with eyes unclouded".

Unclouded, by anything, ideas, perception, language, feeling. Or at least try to as much as possible. "I know that I know nothing" as I read, listen and think. After that one might carefully try to expand out, with intention to not be "specialist doctors mentioned above".

I talked to my mother about this concept of language affecting our perception of reality, today. She instantly connected it to he work "Three in one concepts One Brain". While I cant say that she is wrong and while "if you know the way broadly you will see it in all things (Miyamoto Musashi)" it feels to me that it is forcing a road on me... Which went back full circle - she connects it right where here ideas and constructs are - which I am not even surprised by this point, I would be if it would be otherwise.

I feel fortunate that I am able to discuss things here, with you guys.

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What the fuck...

Can you guys watch this, and have a think?

Implication would be, that us having a way to name something drastically changes our ability to interact with a world. When it can impact vision, it therefore can impact other types of senses - hearing for sure (when you think about modern music and microtonality). There might be possibility for it affecting touch? - I am not sure about that. But for sure there might be effects on thinking as well.

I see just an opening for a rabbit hole...

Lets jump!

Did you guys see this debunk clip...?
Just watched (mostly relevant parts),

he was debunking multiple videos, in the video I have posted The Himba Experiment was described correctly. So this thread and arguments are still relevant.

Even parts of the video debunking the myths still confirms or align that language shapes perception of reality.

Just watched (mostly relevant parts),

he was debunking multiple videos, in the video I have posted The Himba Experiment was described correctly. So this thread and arguments are still relevant.

Even parts of the video debunking the myths still confirms or align that language shapes perception of reality.

It was fairly clear that the original video appears to take a somewhat loose approach to historical accuracy, and is more a YouTuber’s interpretation made for clicks and likes rather than a fully factual or comprehensive account. However, it does succeed in delivering an entertaining narrative, the same goes for the debunking video that seems a bit more convincing on the subject but might also be just his way of getting clicks and likes.

In short YouTube is not a good source for anything other then entertainment😄
I don’t want to distract away from this precise topic per se, but simply pointing the finger at ‘script’ (meaning: language in the form of the alfabet, let’s say) seems to be a little too … pacified, I think?

As it happens, it’s the power structures in society that dictate the way we perceive reality. (Can be said to be ‘language’ in the broad sense.)

See: Ways of Seeing
I recall writing a text about the movie Sound of Metal, portraying a drummer who loses his hearing and joins a community of deaf people.

While preparing for the movie, the lead actor Riz Ahmed was initiated in the deaf community. It’s pretty amazing to learn what the actor took away from that experience: “There’s a saying in the deaf community that hearing people are emotionally repressed because we hide behind words. We use words to mask our true feelings.”

Later, he went on to state: “I learned sign language but I also learned what real communication is, what real listening is, from the deaf community. And I’m so grateful for that.” (That was from an interview with Colbert.)
That’s really a great film. I loved it
Well i'm not following nor falling for it, literally. And if one thinks The Matrix defines a proper language to deceipher reality just try Wanted, the 2008 film with Morgan Freeman playing a vilain...
Well i'm not following nor falling for it, literally. And if one thinks The Matrix defines a proper language to deceipher reality just try Wanted, the 2008 film with Morgan Freeman playing a vilain...
Hey ya, rocket!

Decipher reality? Go for it. 🚀
As it happens, it’s the power structures in society that dictate the way we perceive reality. (Can be said to be ‘language’ in the broad sense.)
Language/words can be broken into two camps: descriptive use and prescriptive use.

Descriptive use entails developing definitions of words based on how people use them, hence the change in definitions of terms over time.

Then there's prescriptive use where are word is developed and then given a definition. This commonly occurs in specific fields, but is not exempt from entering the mechanisms of the descriptive camp.

One love
Because our friend @Egzoset mentioned the word 'decipher', it made me think of cipher - an algorithm used for performing encryption.

Kind of funny to think of words as forms of encryption, that hide and conceal a certain felt experience, only to be deciphered by those who know how to pick the message apart. Those who create, develop and maintain that algorithm exercise power over those who are unable to read or program it. Program or be programmed.
Because our friend @Egzoset mentioned the word 'decipher', it made me think of cipher - an algorithm used for performing encryption.

Kind of funny to think of words as forms of encryption, that hide and conceal a certain felt experience, only to be deciphered by those who know how to pick the message apart. Those who create, develop and maintain that algorithm exercise power over those who are unable to read or program it. Program or be programmed.
This is exactly why etymology and linguistics hold such value, in my view. Knowledge of the history and derivation of certain words can give valuable insights into power relationships in the world.
But would certainly have different connotations and associations if it were called a turd 🤣

One love
I disagree - consider how, for example, in Danish a boat trip is a bådfart…

Also, phonically, "turd" and "rose" are but a few commonplace mutations apart:
turd --> trud --> (t)rud --> rud(z) --> ruz == "rose"

Not to mention, a good turd helps the roses grow :)
I disagree - consider how, for example, in Danish a boat trip is a bådfart…

Also, phonically, "turd" and "rose" are but a few commonplace mutations apart:
turd --> trud --> (t)rud --> rud(z) --> ruz == "rose"

Not to mention, a good turd helps the roses grow :)
But they're still different, so are still likely to cause different associations and connotations. Granted, this is relative to a persons adaption to a given language. I don't speak Danish, so naturally I think of a fart that was wet or something. That's a badfart lol. But in no way am I thinking of a boat.

It would still smell as sweet though.

One love
But they're still different, so are still likely to cause different associations and connotations. Granted, this is relative to a persons adaption to a given language. I don't speak Danish, so naturally I think of a fart that was wet or something. That's a badfart lol. But in no way am I thinking of a boat.

It would still smell as sweet though.

One love
boat == båd - the "o" is effectively a circular diacritic above the a, and "d" is the voiced equivalent of "t" (Danish pronunciation notwithstanding!) "Fart" means "journey, trip", just as with German "Fahrt". "Ferry" might be a cognate word in English (maybe).

Speaking of German, here "Bad" simply means, very generally, "bath", which also illustrates the d,t <--> th relationship.

PS - you also don't speak a version of English where a rose is known as a turd!
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