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In honor of Spring + the new moon (S.H.E.)

I signed up.

join the event, my friends!

let the light shine, you crazy diamonds!

THEY shall hear that we are willing and worthy to obtain the galactic citizenship!

I'm in! I've been meaning to have a spice journey, this gives me a good excuse.

If we're doing a wave, it would be nice to have a column for time zone on the participant list. I'm curious who's launching with me :)
whats say we get 3 more participants so we can get a nice even 42....

we got the answer now we just need to find the question.....
it is only right to hail the fine-ness of House for suggesting this whole 'thang' ...

Mr House: you are a legend.
88 said:
it is only right to hail the fine-ness of House for suggesting this whole 'thang' ...

Mr House: you are a legend.

Times are real tough for me right now. I can't make it to the other side with you guys today. You are all in my thoughts, as I am apparently in yours. I love this community tremendously. After some of the hardest days of my life, I can't even explain how good it feels to know that there are people out there who love me and my contributions. Puts a smile on my face ;]
I'll at least sit in full lotus later, press my palms, close my eyes, look up, and out, and tune in to the massive amount of love you are all weaving.

The others are watching our planet like fireworks. The grand finale begins Now.

blessed be
be strong
This is the first time I've done the whole S.H.E. thing and it was really silly. I don't think I like planning a date and time for an experience all so much and rather schedule on gut feeling. Basically what happened was I tidied my space, weighed my dose and prepared my head. It was all going great until just before my 3rd breath I noticed a large brown lump between me and my pipe that was like a big stop sign, so I put my pipe down and scratched my head for 10 minutes....

I didn't think that would make much of a report :?
I was unable to attend. In fact, the 13th passed by without me even realizing it.

A lot of things have been going on in the last week, including severe insomnia and intestinal discomfort, and by the time the 13th came around....well, like I said, I didn't even realize it had passed. I remember seeing 3/11 and 3/12 on my computer. Then, all of a sudden, it was 2am on the 14th. Oops.

Forgive me.
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