Rising Star
I have been a member here approximately 2 months or so but mainly hang out in the chat room, so this will be my first thread. I started smoking DMT frequently in large doses around the same time. There were times where I had smoke 3 times a night, 3 or 4 days of the week. Before trying DMT I could hardly ever remember my dreams, in-fact I was thinking I was not having any at all which may be the case. I study physics, consciousness, religions and psychology heavily and it helps for a book that I am writing.
After trying DMT my dreams have become different and frequent. I still have a hard time remembering dreams, but what I notice is that these dreams or dreams close to when waking up, are feeling something like trying to understand consciousness. They feel so real and while in them I have an epiphany and a strong feeling of "knowing" or some kind of wisdom as well as trying to pick apart life and it's core building blocks from a consciousness perspective.
Had anyone else experienced changes in their dreams after heavy or single time DMT experiences and if so how did they change?
I have been a member here approximately 2 months or so but mainly hang out in the chat room, so this will be my first thread. I started smoking DMT frequently in large doses around the same time. There were times where I had smoke 3 times a night, 3 or 4 days of the week. Before trying DMT I could hardly ever remember my dreams, in-fact I was thinking I was not having any at all which may be the case. I study physics, consciousness, religions and psychology heavily and it helps for a book that I am writing.
After trying DMT my dreams have become different and frequent. I still have a hard time remembering dreams, but what I notice is that these dreams or dreams close to when waking up, are feeling something like trying to understand consciousness. They feel so real and while in them I have an epiphany and a strong feeling of "knowing" or some kind of wisdom as well as trying to pick apart life and it's core building blocks from a consciousness perspective.
Had anyone else experienced changes in their dreams after heavy or single time DMT experiences and if so how did they change?