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India Attacks Agenda

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello, polytrip had started a topic talking about the India attacks already but I just wanted to post an article I wrote showing my views on the attacks and figured I would start my own topic to dissociate my opinions with polytrip's just to be safe in case anyone is in disagreement. Differing views? Let me hear em ;)

Former Senator, current Vice President Joe Biden warned that within six months of Obama being elected that there would be an international crisis in which he would become involved to test his integrity. Check it out for yourself -

But Joe Biden wasn't alone in the prophecies. Colin Powell also publicly stated that there would be a crisis to test Obama, "but we don't know what". You can view that statement here -

Now let's asses the so called terrorist attacks that occurred in India recently. One eyewitness during the attacks said that 2 of the men he saw carrying guns and shooting were foreigners, Caucasian specifically and that one was blond and the other had a 'punk' style haircut. A security camera in a cafe recorded these 2 men drinking beer before they walked into the street and starting shooting. The official blame has been put on Pakistani Muslim militants. Now last time I checked Muslims have very strict religious guidelines prohibiting them from having non-traditional style of hair and also PROHIBITED FROM DRINKING ALCOHOL. If indeed radical Muslim militants are to blame, who are these 'fair-skinned' plainclothes men that were also shooting and killing people? Why would white guys being working with these Muslims from Pakistan? The official explanation doesn't make any sense, does that remind you of another major 'terrorist' attack? 9/11 anyone? This event was yet another False Flag attack, this time in a country bordering a country of interest to the US agenda.

False Flag means that it was an event orchestrated by a certain government and blamed on someone else. This has much historical precedent, Hitler burned down one of his own buildings the Reichstag building in Berlin and blamed it on the German Communist Party, his political rival, to gain public support for his National Socialists (Nazis). The Gulf of Tonkin incident where the US claimed that North Vietnamese had sunk their destroyer the Maddox in 1964, this time they just made it up, it never even happened. Yet this incident spurred the Vietnam war. On September 11th 2001, American agents trained in America hijacked jetliners and flew them into the World Trade Center in New York city. This was immediately blamed on a small group of Afghanis living in caves across the globe. Osama Bin Laden denied carrying out the attacks. President Bush used this event to attack Afghanistan and later Iraq for a 'Tonkin' type rumor of WMD's owned by Saddam Hussein. There is a lengthy list of these incidences all through history, although America has a larger list than most others (more on that here: History of American false flag operations)

Now lets get back to the white guys in the India attacks. A growing concern in Iraq is the number and apparent lack of accountability of private security firms operating in Iraq. These private companies are mercenaries, hired guns and they are above any military or police authority in any country. One company called Blackwater, hired to protect US officials in Iraq, is especially brutal, operatives slaughtering innocent people in the name of protecting their American cargo. The operatives after having killed 17 civilians on September 16th 2007, were quietly flown out of the country back to the US where they were not charged and were granted immunity from both American and Iraqi law. After much pressing, The Bush administration was reluctantly made to have an investigation on the matter in Iraq and sent FBI investigators to Iraq to check out the scene. Well guess who they had protecting them in Iraq? BLACKWATER!! The company that they went to investigate. Now these are overwhelmingly American contractors but they also do hire local gunmen all over the world and could easily have had Pakistani operatives working along side with them. I am saying that either Blackwater or another company like them orchestrated the attacks in Mumbai as a false flag to provoke India along with heavy American support, to attack Pakistan, another nuclear power. The Americans have had their eye on Pakistan for years as it is an integral part of their global control scheme, which was in fact outlined by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his 1997 book The Grand Chessboard, in which he outlined the need for US to have control of key countries including, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. You may recognize Brzezinski's name as he is currently Barrack Obama's foreign policy minister. He is the man behind Obama and this is one of the final moves in Brzezinski's plan.

I have been to Mumbai, I have walked around in the Taj Hotel in Mumbai and a few of the other places hit in the city. It is a beautiful country and a great city and now I fear that I may not be able to return there in the future as it may be enveloped in war. This is not the type of world I want to live in, we cannot let these psychopaths continue to destroy our world! We need a revolt, a revolution, a coup against the government. This is the only way we can truly be free, the elite must be destroyed!

For more information on Blackwater please visit, Blackwater: Hired Guns, Above the Law - Global Research or pick up a copy of Jermy Scahill's book - Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army which is an excellent read.

Question what is fed to you by the mainstream media, don't take anything at face value, dig deeper to find out what is really going on. Here are some links to alternate news websites, please check them out before believing CNN or FOX as they are the voice of the New World Order as much as Blackwater is the global Police Force of the New World Order.

World War III may be upon us, it is up to you to find out the truth behind it and not be swept up in the insane propaganda.
I have not seen any pictures like the ones you are describing of white guys going on a shooting spree. Also it would require some kind of coverup because all the people doing the shooting were killed/or arrested (but they might have all been shot i forget).

What evidence is there for such a coverup/false flag attack? One should question the mainstream media but also conspiracy theories.
There was only the one security camera footage that I saw showing them and it was very grainy but they were definitely not Muslim. One of the Pakistani men arrested said that there were 15 attackers, not only the 10 that were arrested/killed. The men were very professional about it rather than Muslim militants that would likely not have attempted such perfect coordination. All the attacks happened at the same time all over the city, this would have required tremendous planning and precision to execute as perfectly as they did. This is why I believe that they were private mercenary contractors with a high level of training and heavy military background. An Indian police chief in Mumbai was one of the first people killed and it's interesting as he had gone to the Indian media saying that the other Mumbai bombings from 2006 in the trains were carried out by the Indian government. Also former Pakistani ISI Lieutenant General Hamid Gul was interviewed on CNN and said that these attacks as well as 911 both were 'inside jobs'. Youtube his name and you can find the video.

This is just a possible scenario, all the evidence is not in as of yet and my stance could change depending on new evidence but this is just a theory right now. Sure, call me a conspiracy theorist, I am one. When you start to research these things, things that used to sound crazy and paranoid start to make sense and fit in to the larger picture. There are so many avenues to these things that if you just look at one part of it, it sounds crazy, but once you start to put all the different pieces together a cohesive whole emerges.
There have been other coordinated attacks in Mumbai back in 93 or 94 I think. There were a series of bombs that went off all over the city around about the same time. This was followed by rioting between Hindus and Muslims.
I've read about Brzenski being behind Obama. He is also an attender of the notorious Bilderberg group meetings. I completely agree about pop media playing the propaganda game and creating a consensus for us to believe in that keeps the social elite in power. Once you start investigating it, it becomes clear as day and to not have seen it before becomes a matter of WTF??!! How could I not have seen this before.
I wouldn't know about all this. It's an unfortunate fact that there are religious fanatics living in india and pakistan as much as in the rest of the world. It is clear that they want social tensions to escalate. There have been attacks before, from muslim as well as from hindu-radicals.
India is as much a region with a great diversity, like europe, as it is a country. It's incredible diversity and income inequality is being used against it's people, by the fanatic's.
The role of Pakistan in all this, is a mystery, even to it's own leaders.
Maybe some people think they can benefit from escalations in this region, but that would be the most stupid and disastrous mistake anybody could make.
India is a superpower. You cannot play games with it, without it coming back at you like a boomerang.
As far as I know this is related to the dispute between the kashmir region. I asked a friend from india and they said so. But is the US going to try to use this situation to get pakistan to do more about so called "militants" and use it as another set up for another war? That is the real question. I hope not because its flat out stupid.

As far as this being a conspiracy between some mercenary group hired to set up a war like situation until some real solid evidence appears its just like every other conspiracy theory, same goes for this bilderburg group conspiracy. I don't really buy it. There is no evidence that the people who attend bilderburg meetings plan how they will continue to dominate the world.
The US has been sending missiles into Pakistan and killing people recently. India is preparing to go to war with Pakistan, while Pakistan doesn't want to go to war, they say they are prepared to defend themselves and will go to war if they have to. I believe that yes, war between India and Pakistan is going to occur very soon. Whether or not private mercenaries were involved is merely my own speculation I am not claiming any hard evidence for that, just a thought.

As for the Bilderberg group, what exactly do you think they are doing? They meet every year at a different location and try as hard as they can to deter the media from covering them. The list of attendees in the past has included: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton, Melinda Gates, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, David; Jay Rockefeller, Stephen Harper....and the list is very long. Now they meet in a heavily guarded place every year and don't tell anyone what they are talking about. From Princes and Queens in Europe to business leaders and bank owners and Presidents of the USA meeting secretly with no media allowed to cover. Now I think that is just a little bit suspicious. Alex Jones has done some great coverage on the Bilderberger meetings, check it out here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1070329053600562261

Burnt, it may do you some good to actually research things that you are claiming to be false.
I have also researched them I know the groups and videos you are talking about. Its not that I think they are outright lies or false or complete conspiracy theories but sometimes people especially alex jones goes waaaaay to far (alex jones has said some really dumb things that was completely wrong before).

As far as what bilderburg is doing I think they are just trying to have meetings without the press jamming words down everyone who attends throats. However it is illegal for someone in office to meet in private like that so when that goes on I think its wrong. But yes I am sure they plan some big business deals but as far as planning to take over the world I doubt it, it just seems a bit far fetched. I do think bankers and governments are trying to take over the world its obvious if you watch whats going on, but in the way that some of these conspiracy vidoes claim its being done I am skeptical about. Like I don't think they are planning to eradicate half the worlds population in some nazi style manner. I just don't really believe that is going on but I do think people are planning economic take overs of various regions.

The US has been sending missiles into Pakistan and killing people recently. India is preparing to go to war with Pakistan, while Pakistan doesn't want to go to war, they say they are prepared to defend themselves and will go to war if they have to. I believe that yes, war between India and Pakistan is going to occur very soon. Whether or not private mercenaries were involved is merely my own speculation I am not claiming any hard evidence for that, just a thought.

Yes this is true (don't know about mercenary groups either). And it is very bad and scary considering nuclear capabilities of both countries. I spoke to some of my indian friends and they think its almost about time to settle this issue with war (they prefer peace of course but what can you do when people keep attacking you over and over and over, its not like this was the first attack). I'd like to hear more things from the pakistan side but haven't had chance to talk to some people i know from there.
I know that the current U.S. administration lacks any serious brains, but i have doubts if they would be THAT stupid. It could and probably will come boomerang back at you and even a retarded monkeybaby could see this; they're both nuclear powers of wich one is politicly unstable. Nobody knows who's got control over pakistans red-button and i think even many people within the pakistan government don't know.
I don't think kashmir is directly involved. I think it's more likely that extremists in kashmir as well as in the rest of india and pakistan will benefit heavily from tensions between the two nations.
It is more likely that it ARE extremists who might come from pakistan or from india, using religious tensions as fuel, hoping to start a fire in the region. It is easy to see how they could benefit from this. I don't see the U.S. benefitting from escalating tensions between the two nations, nor the official pakistani government or the moderate perties in india. Simply because non of those 'suspects' pobably knows who the real enemy in pakistan is and how far they're willing to go. You don't play 'chicken' with people you don't know, who might be able to use nuclear wheapons, because you chances are 2 to 1 you will lose anyway. In one of those two losses you will only have lost your credibillity, but that's the most vital thing in a cold-war environment.
Yes Alex Jones has made some pretty bogus claims in the past, but for the most part he has been right on. Now I am very interested in a lot of conspiracy theories, having said that there are some absolutely ridiculous theories out there as well. The Bilderberg group plan big things at these meetings and I do think that it goes beyond just business as there are so many political figures at these meetings as well as business leaders. As for the population reduction agenda, as scary as it may sound I do believe that this is in the works. There are already hundreds of FEMA concentration style camps set up all over the USA, they are quite easy to find info on. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones shed some light on the plan as well. Codex Alimentarius, the eradication of natural food products is a step towards this goal. AIDS was developed to wipe out third world nations' populations. Vaccines containing deadly chemicals such as mercury are being forcefully injected into thousands of third world peoples, these are all part of the population reduction agenda. Now as horrendous as it may sound, they are right. Overpopulation has been the demise of countless species and we are no different. There are way too many of us on this planet, we are killing her and draining her without doing anything to help her.

Also yes, attacking Pakistan is likely a very bad idea. Pakistan is backed by China, Pakistan didn't have it's own nuclear weapons but China supplied them to show the world that they wouldn't take it. If this transpires the way it seems it may, this could be a very messy affair. I hope it doesn't, we'll see. I would be interested to hear the views of your Pakistani friends, I've lost contact with my one friend from Pakistan.
I'm suspicious of the Bildeberg groups meeting. I think they are about secret political manouvres and setting puppet regimes which act according to the wants of world banks. The people who run these world banks in my opinion are the culprits behind many of the atrocities of history and world governments and politics are just a diversion.
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