As I write this, I'm sitting in a Starbucks at 5:30 am because I got tired of laying in bed. Four nights in a row I've gotten NO sleep. Apparently my brain does shut down from time to time because at some point I'll notice that I no longer know what's being talked about on the radio. It never is more than 15 minutes though.
Since I got off methadone this has been the case. 4 nights is the longest but stretches of 2 or 3 punctuated by a night of restless sleep has been the norm since late September.
I suffered bad insomnia as a young man and it was partially responsible for me flunking out of high school. In my late twenties I learned a breathing trick that would help me sleep and i started sleeping fine.
The problem back then was perseverant thought. With the breathing I could turn it off and drift into peaceful sleep. Now however it seems a purely physical thing. There are no thoughts to stop, other than normal stuff. I actually thought for awhile that since I moved indoors and that relieved a major component if my depression that having positive thoughts were so novel time that I just needed to adjust to having a certain excitement about living. Now, i dont know.
I've tried kratom and valerian and even thought about getting back on juice, but I worked too hard to do that. I know methadone wd takes a long time but COME ON! I'm functioning okay cognitively and not suffering a depression, per se, but feel like utter crap. If I was a horse, they'd take pity and shoot me.
Since I got off methadone this has been the case. 4 nights is the longest but stretches of 2 or 3 punctuated by a night of restless sleep has been the norm since late September.
I suffered bad insomnia as a young man and it was partially responsible for me flunking out of high school. In my late twenties I learned a breathing trick that would help me sleep and i started sleeping fine.
The problem back then was perseverant thought. With the breathing I could turn it off and drift into peaceful sleep. Now however it seems a purely physical thing. There are no thoughts to stop, other than normal stuff. I actually thought for awhile that since I moved indoors and that relieved a major component if my depression that having positive thoughts were so novel time that I just needed to adjust to having a certain excitement about living. Now, i dont know.
I've tried kratom and valerian and even thought about getting back on juice, but I worked too hard to do that. I know methadone wd takes a long time but COME ON! I'm functioning okay cognitively and not suffering a depression, per se, but feel like utter crap. If I was a horse, they'd take pity and shoot me.