Sorry to dig up an old thread, but someone directed me here after I mentioned demonic possession in the "I Hate Cannabis" thread, and more or less everything Hyperspace Fool et al. have said (well, except maybe for the part about holes in energy fields; I don't know enough about subtle fields to comment on this) has resonated strongly enough with me that I feel compelled to offer my thoughts on the matter. Hopefully my comments will amount to more than a "me too" post. If they don't, I apologize now.
First of all this, in regards to cannabis: early in this thread, HF hypothesizes that perhaps the reason that people often receive perceived benefits from using cannabis in their youth, only to discover its uglier side later, is that the immediate benefits of of cannabis outweigh its drawbacks when dealing with the conditions that teenagers do (high testosterone, or what have you). This is certainly a possibility, but I would propose an alternate theory - that cannabis is inherently deceitful, and that it is harder for less discerning minds to see past the false smile. This may or may not be true; I'm just putting it out there. What I do know is that in my experience, the main tactic of demonic beings is deceit.
Hyperspace Fool said:
There are plenty of beings that are not on either side, and the grey entities can run the gamut. For instance, many of the parasites discussed here are not "dark" or "light" so much as voracious for negative emotions. Also, you may find some dragons (for instance) to be helpful and wise, while there are others that are as black-hearted and malicious as they come. In the end, though, it is my opinion that there are very few beings that are truly neutral. Even Switzerland wasn't and certainly isn't neutral. Everyone takes a side at some point. Or... they are serving the purpose of a side unawares.
I think this is right on the money. There are certainly a myriad of beings that inhabit this universe, and many are not overtly "dark" or "light" (e.g. faeries, or, say, most humans), but it all seems to come down to "which side are you on?"
Especially when you consider that
Hyperspace Fool said:
sitting on the fence and adopting grey philosophies or clinging to non-dual conceptions of what is going on (as nice and blissy as they tend to sound and feel) all tend to get in the way of you befriending and utilizing the help of the only people who can actually deal with the situation.
Hyperspace Fool said:
Sadly, there are limits to this. Non-dual philosophies etc. are fine and dandy, even work like a charm... until they don't. There comes a time when fence sitting is not an option for you anymore. You might feel neutral and above the fray, but they don't see you that way. To be neutral in the face of real darkness is to tacitly support it. Think of the Swiss and Hitler.
The dark and light are not "equal opposing forces." This is illusion... Darkness is sickness, disease and death.
This is so in line with my views that I don't even know what to add, except that my own first experience with demonic possession came when during a high dose mushroom trip in which I was repeatedly trying to find peace in an entity that claims to encompass both light and darkness. What I learned is this: why would you want to embrace both light and darkness? Darkness is suffering, sadness, despair, and it is the enemy of light.
Hyperspace Fool said:
I have read enough Western Occult to know that it is not my thing. I prefer to go to the source material in Kabbalah, Norse, and Druidic info... Zoroastrianism and Gypsy stuff. The problem with Crowley and his ilk is that they gleefully embrace the darkness, and many a young mystic has followed their lead down paths that lead to desolation and ruin.
You really don't want any of your hip dark rituals to succeed.
True that. I can corroborate from personal experience.
I think what it really comes down to is this:
Hyperspace Fool said:
The only surefire way to deal with negative entities and parasites is... POSITIVE ENTITIES. Light beings (angels) and the friendly "gods" are able to rid you of the parasites you carry, defend you against attack, and can destroy the dark entities.
to which I would add that while angelic beings are great allies, they are always secondary to the best friend you have, which is God, the source of the light.
Far too much of my life was spent serving, knowingly and unknowingly, the forces of darkness and their proxies, and far too much of my energy was spent studying false paths like nondualism and Crowleyite mumbo jumbo. It's an easy mistake to make that just because something exists in an unseen, spiritual realm, it must be worth peeking at, but this is far from the case.
Hope my post was worthwhile. I know it was for me, just for the sake of sharing a small fraction of my experiences with this sort of stuff.
Post Script:
Hyperspace Fool, if you're still around, I'd really like to hear this story:
Hyperspace Fool said:
I say this as someone who was kidnapped by sorcerer cultists in Mexico, and came this close to being sacrificed.