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Introduction and problem with Acacia

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey people

I have used the nexus to learn a whole hell of a lot over the course of about three years :). i have a question here that is bolded/underlind below if any member would like to chime in

swim has experimented with DMT extensively among other substances and have found that the experience is helpful and relaxing, which is saying a lot since swim has anxiety troubles and a lot of the time psychedelic usage can make that worse

swim is very interested in the visual side of these substances and the places they can take you, and has an appreciation for the spiritual side also. but for swim, tripping revolves heavily around hallucination and has been left feeling somewhat disappointed with substances recently such as LSD.

swim has found that LSD is not that powerful of a hallucinogen, and prefers substances like DMT that are actually capable of transporting a person. swim likes the LSD feeling but finds that he needs to take an uncomfortable amount in order to really get anywhere. by uncomfortable this means body load and anxiety. swim thinks L just isn't that good anymore. swim has tried 'good' L from sources enough times and does not need to be told to find something more pure.

swim's main reason for this post is this: swim extracted 8 grams of something from 300g Acacia confusa powdered root bark. swim used a FASA tek and freebased with sodium carbonate saturated water at the end of the tek. after 2 days in the fridge, one large crystal appeared.

the 8 grams extracted from the Acacia root bark is not gooey or waxy at all, it formed one large crystal which was then crushed to powder. the math made sense to swim, seeing as Acacia is supposed to have 2.8% alkaloid content in the root bark this means that there would have been 8.5 grams of alkaloids in 300 grams bark, and swim got about 8 using rather hot xylene pulls. swim figured about 5 or so grams was NMT, 3 was DMT.

swim is confused for multiple reasons: :?: swim was not able to really hallucinate seriously on this substance. he noted that the product was remarkably clean however with little body load. he suspects that the product is largely NMT, perhaps something like 6 grams of the 8. swim's friend was able to hallucinate significantly with this substance twice, albeit only for a few minutes. the amount that he had inhaled would have sent him to hyperspace with different products.

the product is remarkably clean but the visual effects are short-lasting and hard to attain. nothing like mimosa spice that has been tried by swim.

1 - would such a high percentage of NMT cause serotonin binding sites to be overly occupied, leaving no room for DMT to reach true psychoactive levels?

2 - is there something else wrong with the product? swim thought that NMT is supposed to result in a gooey or waxy consistency to the product, but his product is solid crystal.

3 - could a significant amount of NMT be removed by dissolving the product in naptha? swim has read that xylene is a solvent that picks up lots of things, compared to others that are more selective of DMT

thank you members :thumb_up:
I doubt that your problems are coming from NMT in your product, given that it's not gooey and your friend is able to obtain effects. I also know that a lot of people really like having NMT in their spice and can still break through on it, so having it in the product really shouldn't prevent you from having an experience. You can always try recrystallizing it though and see if it helps, it can't hurt anything. There are plenty of teks that you can find on google/in the wiki. I also find in my experience that ACRB likes room temperature precipitation better than freezing.

I know this is like a broken record at this point, but are you sure you're not burning the spice when you smoke it? I don't know what method you're using and I know you said you've had some luck with mimosa spice before, but double check that. Even if you're pretty sure you've got the smoking technique down, try switching inhalation methods up, especially if you're using a piece that's been designed for cannabis.

It also could be that if you're taking multiple hits, you could be taking them too slowly and you could be building a tolerance before you're able to take the next hit. It's better IMO to take as large of hits as possible to avoid that problem.

The only other thing that I can think of is that if there are a lot of impurities in your product (not necessarily NMT, could be other alkaloids), it might make the amount of DMT by weight less. If you don't want to recrystallize, you can try increasing your dosage just a little bit and see if that changes anything.

Good luck!!
thank you for insight Indicunt :)

i think that on top of being mostly NMT the product might have some sodium carbonate crystal within. swim thinks that he added too much sodium carbonate saturated water to the DMT-fumarate water when freebasing.

i understand that sodium carbonate is insoluble in acetone while DMT and NMT are, so swim will try dissolving a gram of the product in acetone and evapping off to see how much of the product disappears.

swim uses an e-cigarette to hit the spice so he will try using a shakenbake pipe instead next time. swim feels as though he has done the extraction properly but due to using hot xylene that picks up lots of things other than DMT and too much sodium carbonate he thinks the product is weak due to impurity from sodium carbonate and other alkaloids. swim will try using naptha next time and post the results. swim also intends to upload the tek that he used relatively soon so the nexus members can see.
I have found that with acacia the cleaner clearer the crystals] are... the less visual it can be..!
After many extractions of acacia that the more yellow the final product is ...the more visual and physical it can be!

My acacia is from the islands...

I find that my white crystals can melt down to a honey yellow and its quite powerfull and visual!

Also it may be posible that your strongest dmt has yet to be extracted so..[ dont throw away the soup] it may not be spent yet... with acacia it can take more pulls from the soup before the good stuff releases!

I have pulled white crystal like stuff from acacia in first 4 pulls that felt like NMT...only to find the good stuff came out in pulls 5...6...7..8!

With acacia... Its posible to pull up to 12 or more times to get it out!
Could we stop this "swim" thing once forever, or be a little more creative ?
BTW, Hello RadicalGnome ! I am glad to meet you here ! Welcome !
I've found Acadia to be variable with results. Sometimes my yellow crystalline spice yields an intense catapult into space, other times only vague shapes and colors CEVs. My white spice always seems to give me a blast off. Whole alkaloid(very hot naptha pulls) usually blasts me off in my freebase pipe regardless of how much white crystals are interspersed. I have only tried my enhanced leaf in my gvg, but I didn't blast off.

I'm happy with the experiences overall, regardless of where they take me. Smoking techniques are very, very important as well. Below I have attached all different extracts from the SAME pacific kg of ACRB. From left to right: 2 Jars enhanced leaf 1:1(using nmt oil that some crystals had dissolved in), 1 jar white and tan crystal(just warm nps 1st pull fridge/freezer percip), 1 jar of yellow sticky crystals that have not been allowing blast off (hot nps pulls combined and re-xed using warm heptane), 1 jar tan flakes that blast off (hot nps pulls, re-xed with very gentle agitation), and 1 jar dark whole alkaloid from a 2nd pull that doesn't cause blast off at 40mg.

What I'm trying to demonstrate here is that no matter what technique or tek I use the results always vary. My most recent extraction yesterday gave me white crystals and some white/tan oil. My next goal is to use a zinc reduction to attempt to get pure spice from my yellow sticky crystals. This is a hobby. It's fun, and exciting. Don't get too hung up on your products, but try to learn, improve technique, and grow.


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