Rising Star
Hey people
I have used the nexus to learn a whole hell of a lot over the course of about three years
. i have a question here that is bolded/underlind below if any member would like to chime in
swim has experimented with DMT extensively among other substances and have found that the experience is helpful and relaxing, which is saying a lot since swim has anxiety troubles and a lot of the time psychedelic usage can make that worse
swim is very interested in the visual side of these substances and the places they can take you, and has an appreciation for the spiritual side also. but for swim, tripping revolves heavily around hallucination and has been left feeling somewhat disappointed with substances recently such as LSD.
swim has found that LSD is not that powerful of a hallucinogen, and prefers substances like DMT that are actually capable of transporting a person. swim likes the LSD feeling but finds that he needs to take an uncomfortable amount in order to really get anywhere. by uncomfortable this means body load and anxiety. swim thinks L just isn't that good anymore. swim has tried 'good' L from sources enough times and does not need to be told to find something more pure.
swim's main reason for this post is this: swim extracted 8 grams of something from 300g Acacia confusa powdered root bark. swim used a FASA tek and freebased with sodium carbonate saturated water at the end of the tek. after 2 days in the fridge, one large crystal appeared.
the 8 grams extracted from the Acacia root bark is not gooey or waxy at all, it formed one large crystal which was then crushed to powder. the math made sense to swim, seeing as Acacia is supposed to have 2.8% alkaloid content in the root bark this means that there would have been 8.5 grams of alkaloids in 300 grams bark, and swim got about 8 using rather hot xylene pulls. swim figured about 5 or so grams was NMT, 3 was DMT.
swim is confused for multiple reasons: :?: swim was not able to really hallucinate seriously on this substance. he noted that the product was remarkably clean however with little body load. he suspects that the product is largely NMT, perhaps something like 6 grams of the 8. swim's friend was able to hallucinate significantly with this substance twice, albeit only for a few minutes. the amount that he had inhaled would have sent him to hyperspace with different products.
the product is remarkably clean but the visual effects are short-lasting and hard to attain. nothing like mimosa spice that has been tried by swim.
1 - would such a high percentage of NMT cause serotonin binding sites to be overly occupied, leaving no room for DMT to reach true psychoactive levels?
2 - is there something else wrong with the product? swim thought that NMT is supposed to result in a gooey or waxy consistency to the product, but his product is solid crystal.
3 - could a significant amount of NMT be removed by dissolving the product in naptha? swim has read that xylene is a solvent that picks up lots of things, compared to others that are more selective of DMT
thank you members :thumb_up:
I have used the nexus to learn a whole hell of a lot over the course of about three years
swim has experimented with DMT extensively among other substances and have found that the experience is helpful and relaxing, which is saying a lot since swim has anxiety troubles and a lot of the time psychedelic usage can make that worse
swim is very interested in the visual side of these substances and the places they can take you, and has an appreciation for the spiritual side also. but for swim, tripping revolves heavily around hallucination and has been left feeling somewhat disappointed with substances recently such as LSD.
swim has found that LSD is not that powerful of a hallucinogen, and prefers substances like DMT that are actually capable of transporting a person. swim likes the LSD feeling but finds that he needs to take an uncomfortable amount in order to really get anywhere. by uncomfortable this means body load and anxiety. swim thinks L just isn't that good anymore. swim has tried 'good' L from sources enough times and does not need to be told to find something more pure.
swim's main reason for this post is this: swim extracted 8 grams of something from 300g Acacia confusa powdered root bark. swim used a FASA tek and freebased with sodium carbonate saturated water at the end of the tek. after 2 days in the fridge, one large crystal appeared.
the 8 grams extracted from the Acacia root bark is not gooey or waxy at all, it formed one large crystal which was then crushed to powder. the math made sense to swim, seeing as Acacia is supposed to have 2.8% alkaloid content in the root bark this means that there would have been 8.5 grams of alkaloids in 300 grams bark, and swim got about 8 using rather hot xylene pulls. swim figured about 5 or so grams was NMT, 3 was DMT.
swim is confused for multiple reasons: :?: swim was not able to really hallucinate seriously on this substance. he noted that the product was remarkably clean however with little body load. he suspects that the product is largely NMT, perhaps something like 6 grams of the 8. swim's friend was able to hallucinate significantly with this substance twice, albeit only for a few minutes. the amount that he had inhaled would have sent him to hyperspace with different products.
the product is remarkably clean but the visual effects are short-lasting and hard to attain. nothing like mimosa spice that has been tried by swim.
1 - would such a high percentage of NMT cause serotonin binding sites to be overly occupied, leaving no room for DMT to reach true psychoactive levels?
2 - is there something else wrong with the product? swim thought that NMT is supposed to result in a gooey or waxy consistency to the product, but his product is solid crystal.
3 - could a significant amount of NMT be removed by dissolving the product in naptha? swim has read that xylene is a solvent that picks up lots of things, compared to others that are more selective of DMT
thank you members :thumb_up: