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Is safrole psychedelic?

Migrated topic.
try adding it to a shot of vodka... seriously. one shot 10 drops... this will speed things up supposedly. a cap has to have time to digest. booze is fairly instant. its worth a shot... no pun intended.

honestlyI thinkits time we start looking into simple kitchen chemistry ways to work with these essential oils. If we can make really base psychoactive compounds with these aromatic plants that are in every ones kitchen already we are goingt o revolutionize the political systems ability to legislate psychoactives. they are not going to control DILL for instance.
an interesting quote on elemi

"Its a ingredient for Ebbo and rituals for the Yoruban spirit called 'Obatala" (white cloth, or white threads) Called the spirit of clear consciousness. He is responsible for extended and clear sight, and relates to the personal principle of your own self guiding light. So it seems, that is pharmaceutically, induces the state of mind, of one of the pure spirits of light, in Africa. This is really cool. "

the etymology of elemi is also curiously "as above so below"
"As above so below" is apparently the source of the name Elemi. That indicates some sort of spiritual context. I wouldn't be surprised if that name is related to a long lost use of Elemi oil as an entheogen.
Think elemi oil (or more pure elemicin) could be injected into a tricho cacti similiar to how dopamine is injected? They're both precursors of mescaline, so who knows if it could convert to mescaline inside.
If i can find some of this elemi oil i will give it a try. Because of my location i will probably have to get it off the net.
This section is from the book "The Volatile Oils Vol1", by E. Gildemeister. Also available from Amazon: The Volatile Oils.
Elemicin 192

Elemicin (4-allyl-l,2,6-trimethoxy benzene), C12H1603, constitutes the principal constituent of Manila elemi oil, in which it was discovered by Semmler1) who also gave it its name. It is found in fraction 277 to 280° of elemi oil.2) In order to isolate elemicin, the fraction in question is boiled for half an hour with formic acid. As Semmler has demonstrated by experiments made on anethol and safrol, allyl compounds remain unchanged, whereas propenyl compounds are destroyed. Elemicin purified in this manner possessed the following properties:

B. p. 144 to 147°; d20o1,063; nD 1,52848.

When oxidized in acetone solution with potassium permanganate trimethylgallic acid, C10H12O5, m. p. 169°; b. p. 225 to 227°, results.

When heated with sodium or with alcoholic potassa, iso-elemicin, an isomer of position to asarone, results. Isoelemicin is 4-propenyl-1,2,6-trimethoxy benzene and is characterized by the following constants:

1) Berl. Berichte 41 (1908), 1768, 1918, 2183, 2556. 2) Report of Schimmel & Co. October 1896, 29; April 1907, 41; October 1908, 51.

B. p. 153 to 156° (10 mm.); d20o1,073; nD 1,54679.

Isoelemicin is characterized chemically by its dibromide, m. p. 88 to 89°. Like elemicin, it yields trimethylgallic acid upon oxidation with permanganate.
About 30 minutes ago, SWIM took another 10 drop dose of Elemi oil (0.28 ml to be exact). This time it was mixed with 5 ml of honey and taken orally as is with nothing to wash it down. The taste wasn’t bad at all. The honey goes well with it.

Well, 30 minutes after taking it, it’s already pretty strong. Effects felt: tingling, euphoria, mild stimulation, and some sort of psychoactive effect that’s hard to describe. His mouth is also tingling slightly.

This is the fastest come on from Elemi oil SWIM has ever felt. I think this method of ingestion is far superior to the capsule method.

So far there are no visuals, but it’s already mildly psychoactive, and very nice, peaceful, but SWIM also feels a little anxious, mostly because he’s a little nervous that maybe he took too much.

I’ll keep you guys posted as the trip progresses.
Well that definitely tell you something. Possibly the capsules are not allowing it to work in the amount of time it needs for it to be changed in digestion. SWIM still thinks that a alcohol carrier would do it well.
It's pretty strong now. It’s been about 1 hour. The nervousness has passed. SWIM feels warm, very euphoric, it feels a lot like mescaline, there’s a hint of visuals present, just a hint. Color perception is slightly altered. The pleasant tingling sensation is pretty strong now.

You’re probably right about the alcohol. SWIM doesn’t like alcohol though.

I’m wondering if some was absorbed sublingually and that’s why it’s so much stronger and the onset is much faster?
You would have to do some tests to see if it is even active subligually to know for sure I guess.
What SWIM is thinking is that you only need a small shot, not even enough to feel a little buzz for it to aid in absorption. Just a nice little brandy would do it. 8-10 drops in brandy me thinks... you could even warm it a bit then drink it.
But I think your going to find more direct results possibly even potentiation of the effects in doing so. Essential oils taken medicinaly have been added to alcohol for a very long time, and it has also been a traditional way of extracting oils that are medicinal from plants. take thujone and absinthe for example.
It peaked about 30 minutes ago. There were some visual distortions and lots of euphoria, very much like mescaline. Interesting. I think it absorbed sublingually. Overall it was the strongest experience so far with Elemi oil, but with a much faster onset (about 20 minutes or so), and much faster peak (about 1:45 hours after ingestion).

Now, if that’s correct and it works sublingually, then that would mean that elemicin is active on it’s own would it not? By absorbing sublingually, it’s bypassing the digestive system, so it’s maybe not converting into something else that’s active. Maybe the digestive system is actually inactivating it and the only reason it works orally sometimes is because it absorbs through the walls of the stomach before being fully digested?
At this point I don’t think elemicin has anything to do with nutmeg intoxication at all. The effects don’t last even half as long as nutmeg does. The experiences SWIM has had so far are so similar to mescaline at the doses tested, and they have no resemblance to any nutmeg trip I’ve ever read.

Nutmeg trips last a very long time, and are full of side effects, and are often described as being “marijuana like”, mentally stoning, never described as being anything like mescaline. Elemi oil is absolutely nothing like marijuana. The closest thing to it SWIM knows of is mescaline.
SWIM is now experiencing a second peak. So apparently some was absorbed through the digestive system, taking 4 hours to peak, and some was absorbed sublingually or through the walls of the stomach taking 1:45 hours to peak.

All in all a BEAUTIFUL experience.

Now it's time for some chamomile to see if there's any boost from that, probably not.
CEVs at all?
sort of MDMA like or just mescaline low dose like?
BTW do you think source of the oil makes a big difference? What brand or is the source of the oil your working with?
Update…the chamomile tea was synergistic with the elemicin, making it feel a little more tryptamine-ish, but there was NO potentiation at all. Nice combination though.

Dorge said:
CEVs at all?
sort of MDMA like or just mescaline low dose like?
BTW do you think source of the oil makes a big difference? What brand or is the source of the oil your working with?

No CEVs. I don’t think the dose was strong enough for that, at least not for SWIM. I think SWIM could easily go up to 20 drops before the visuals become enough for CEVs.

It’s like a low dose of mescaline more than anything else.

I don’t think the source of the oil makes any real difference. It’s all pretty much from the same place: the Philippines. I think any brand you get will be pretty much from the same exact source, it’s very likely that 1 or 2 companies located in the Philippines are actually producing the oil. The brand SWIM has is Auroma from the local herb store. It is 100% pure therapeutic grade steam distilled from Canarium luzonicum grown in the Philippines like all the other brands are.
Tried this yesterday. took about 3 drops? (spilled some down the sides of the capsule). took another 4 drops maybe about an hour later when I decided I didn't care if it kept me up till what I estimated could be 6am. It didn't take 3 hours for me to feel effects. I felt it quickly. 15 minutes? I have a crazy metabolism. It was a gentle come up with some bodily effects that may have felt good if I didn't have a tinge of anxiety having taken 7 drops for my first time. I'd say after the second 4 drops it took maybe an hour to perhaps convert to something else? or the effects plateaued. Because at this point the bodily effects practically disappeared and it was a very clean experience. definite effects of a low dose psychedelic. I'd say it felt like a really low dose of acid? very clean. definite sharper vision/color saturation. felt mentally stimulating, as if i wouldn't be able to get bored or tired. I got a few closed eyed images that formed before I fell asleep which was surprising, as this was hourss after I took it. I did not feel like I got more sleep than I did, as 69ron described. I was kinda tired today but I had been smoking weed, cigarettes, and hookah last night. Not exactly healthy for my body. Didn't feel any noticeable synergism after smoking cannabis at this dosage.

p.s. I didn't drink coffee but I drank a tea of Guayusa, Acai berry, and Coca tea before dosing.
will try coffee beforehand next time.
hope this helps.
PsilocybeChild, it’s so cool to see someone else posting trip reports on Elemi oil! It came on quick for you. How did you take it? Did you take it directly in the mouth?

It was like low dose of acid for you? I could see that, there are some similarities, that’s for sure. SWIM found it more like mescaline though.

You got a few closed eye images too! Very cool.

How long would you say it seemed to last for you?

How would you rate it? Is this something you'd say is worth doing again?
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