Section 2: Making DMT enhanced leaf
There are two main things to consider: the choice of leaf used, and how strong to make it
Leaf Choice
I’ve had different blends in which the trip varied from electro-psychedelic worlds where all
existence is merely energy, underground swamp lands with towering gangrenous insects, and
gorgeous sunny days in a earth-like place with a psychedelic spin, etc... The overall feel of the
experience is heavily influenced by the leaf; however the plant age and type of the DMT source is
another major factor.
Here are a few herbs which may be used:
(These are just suggestions, experiment away!)
Banisteriopsis Caapi: Contains MAOIs which will potentiate and lengthen the experience
Calea Zacatechichi: Calea is believed to increase dream lucidity and dream recall. Due to the
relationship between DMT and dream-like states, Calea may have a positive synergy.
Heimia Salicifolia: Heimia may increase vision and hearing ability, and auditory hallucinations.
Justicia Pectoralis: Dried herb contains coumarins, which give the blend a smoother taste and a
nice smell. There have also been reports that it can "smooth" the DMT experience.
Turnera Diffusa: Damiana would add a unique smell and taste to any smoking mixture.
DMT to Leaf Ratio
The ratio of DMT to leaf can make a significant impact on the experience. Firstly, the strength of
the leaf implies the amount needed to be smoked for full effects. Making a blend that is too weak
is undesirable as you may need to smoke a huge amount to breakthrough. Making a blend too
strong is fine for the experienced, but harder to dose for the inexperienced. Furthermore, the less
DMT there is in the leaf, the more leaf you need to smoke the more influence the leaf has on
the trip. Sometimes this may be exactly what’s desired. Regardless, careful experimentation is
necessary to result in a pleasant smoking blend.
I find a 1:1 ratio of DMT to leaf to be more than strong enough for more people. Only a small
amount is needed to breakthrough (about a standard level cone).
A 2:3 ratio (2 parts DMT, 3 parts leaf – slightly weaker than 1:1) allows a little more forgiveness if
a cone is overloaded, and gives the leaf more say in the experience.
To make your calculations, a simple formula is used:
= Weight of Leaf
= Weight of DMT
= Ratio: Parts of Leaf
= Ratio: Parts of DMT
As an example, we will use 5 grams of DMT to
make a 2 parts DMT to 3 parts leaf blend:
So we need 7.5 grams of leaf!
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1. Weigh an amount of the
leaf you wish to enhance
with DMT at the desired ratio
(see above)
Make sure the leaf is
chopped to the consistency
you wish to smoke it at.
Pictured is a mixture
containing 4 grams of Calea
leaf and 3.5 grams of
Brugmansia Sanguinea
2. Weigh the amount of DMT
you wish to use for your
3. Thoroughly dissolve the
DMT (use about 20mL of
solvent per gram of DMT) in
one of the following:
100% Ethyl Alcohol
Isopropyl Alcohol
You want to use a dish wide
enough for your leaf to sit
between 5-10mm high. Too
high is no good (the top leaf
will be weak) and all the dish
must be covered.
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4. Add the leaf to your DMT
saturated solvent. Swirl it
around so that all the leaf
spread evenly on the bottom
of your dish.
If you need to, add a little
more solvent so that your
leaf is completely covered.
Place your dish in a place
where it will be undisturbed
for several days. For the
amount shown, it took about
four days for the Acetone to
completely evaporate and
the leaf to dry.
5. Once completely dry, you
can weigh your leaf. It should
be heavier by the amount of
DMT you added.
By the way, the 100%
accuracy seen here was a
total fluke and likely it’ll never
happen again. To the
So, now that you have some nice spicy leaf you can go show all your friends and family how busy
you’ve been ☺
DMT is a magical wondrous substance that everyone should know about
Hopefully you’ll soon realise the same things I have
PEACE, and enjoy!