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KD drug laced with bug spray??!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
yuk!... bug spray:cry: this is pretty desperate...:cry:

Street drug laced with bug spray produces zombie-like effects - FOX10 ...
Meet Our Team · Sign up for News Alerts · FCC Public File · EEO Report · Closed Captioning · Powered by WorldNow CNN. All content © 2018, WALA; Mobile, AL. (A Meredith Corporation Station) . All Rights Reserved. March 21 2018 | For more information on this site, please read our Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service, ...
Street drug laced with bug spray produces zombie-like effects - KMOV ...
18 hours ago - (WXIN/Meredith) – A street drug that contains bug spray is taking a toll on drug users while producing zombie-like effects. Officials in Indiana said they are seeing a big spike in overdoses from a drug called KD. "We describe it as being like a zombie. They cannot talk to us," said Captain Chris Major of the ...
Missing: warning ‎tube
khou.com | Drugs laced with bug spray have zombie-like effects: 'Think ...
2 days ago - Indianapolis firefighter Scott Lebherz told IndyStar this variation of KD can take many forms — marijuana, spice, tobacco, even banana leaves — but shares a common trait: all laced with a heavy-duty bug spray, like Raid. It's cheap — you can buy a bag for about $20, Lebherz said — and it gives users a ...
People high on bug spray, or KD, eating grass, acting like zombies ...
2 days ago - People are using KD — the street name for a substance like marijuana or tobacco that is laced with bug spray — and getting high with dangerous effects, Indiana firefighters told local ... You can legally buy bug spray at a store or online, he told ABC, and those who use it can't get caught with a drug test.
Authorities Warn Of Street Drug Laced With Bug Spray That Causes ...
Authorities Warn Of Street Drug Laced With Bug Spray That Causes Zombie-Like Effects : Health : Tech Times. President Trump says countries that had success dealing with drugs chose to be 'very harsh'. Users of the bug spray-laced street drug known as KD passed out with the drug still in their hands. Some were ...
US Health Officials have reported a surge in the use of bug spray to ...
Blasting News - Independent news and video › Lifestyle › 2018 › 03
2 days ago - During the month of January (2018), medical personnel responded to 17 emergency calls pertaining to those who possibly overdosed on “Katie”, also known as “KD” (bug spray-laced drugs), which is another mixture-type of spice laced with some unknown chemical or unknown type of drug that was found ...
here is a video...

People are using bug spray to get high and it's really ... - YouTube
Video for kd bug spray drug warning...you tube▶ 2:28
3 days ago - Uploaded by RTV6 The Indy Channel
In a state where drug overdoses continue to rise, people are finding new ways to get high and emergency
Wait so they are spraying the insect spray onto something and then smoke it?

Wew :sick:

Also your post looks like you wrote that high on KD.
Only 1 of those links work.
Ulim said:
Wait so they are spraying the insect spray onto something and then smoke it?

Wew :sick:

Also your post looks like you wrote that high on KD.
Only 1 of those links work.

No way! I would never smoke that shit!.. its disgusting! but it shows the results of the the illimination of mental health institutions in the usa for the very sick...

There are many sick people in the world ... for them..living in their reality can be unbarable... they cant find a better drug thanks to the extreeme government in that state throwing everyone in prison for minor drug ofenses ...

So they experament with this poision ...its very sad!
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