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Keeping DMT off the Street...

Migrated topic.
DMT is not for everyone. If people are searching for it they will find it. Teks are all over the internet.
not meaning to convey hostility. I just think it is a very important cornerstone to understanding consciousness and different states of it. I think we are becoming aware but not so much we as individuals but we as a race of people. it takes more then a couple dmt travelers to change the world while it does only take a couple dmt travelers to realize there is something wrong. got it?
mattimus said:
If you could make amazing cheeseburgers wouldn't you want others to enjoy them?
The buns, beef and tomatoes aren't free and what if these burgers took hours of careful time to make, you wouldn't want to lose money just so they can taste a cheeseburger.
The key word I think here is 'profit'. I don't think there should be harm in giving it to close friends and there should be nothing wrong with accepting a few dollars as payment.
I can understand mass producing and flooding the street with it though, that is something that should never be done.

Exactly. the only time swim ever turned anyone on was for 5 to ten bucks depending on his stash and he stayed with them the whole time and would give them good fat doses. And the said people were very happy and felt very satisfied. And it helps swim get more supplies!
i didnt mean he literally had a pee sized brain. it was more a device to convey what the average man knows is nothing, compared to what some of us know they might as well have pees for brains lol. not intentionally abrasive... but none the less a lil. just trying to clarify
bonestoner said:
i didnt mean he literally had a pee sized brain. it was more a device to convey what the average man knows is nothing, compared to what some of us know they might as well have pees for brains lol. not intentionally abrasive... but none the less a lil. just trying to clarify

Thanks for the clarification. This is a topic people get worked up on both sides of the isle.
there has been a definite increase in awareness with regards spice, more people have heard about it, probably because the internet spreads these experiences quite far.... also I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the effects of spice have something to do with the culture and time we live in... for example, I would be surprised if shamans had similar futuristic, graphical, digitised experiences that SWIM has had on spice (then again, maybe they did, then the ontological implications are even more bizarre)...

...but anyway, I don't think we have much to worry about with regards spice becoming a highly used street drug, something SWIM has learned is that dealers only sling addictive substances that reap large dividends, SWIM finds it impossible to believe something with such radically different effects could become addictive, in fact, the drug itself seems to illicit sum kind of irrational fear (super respect) that doesn't make sense considering the stuff is so amazing and SWIM has never had a negative effect, SWIM cant do it more than once every 3 months, even if SWIM really wants to, it's strange really.

Finally, although extractions are relatively easy, SWIM suspects large scale operations actually makes far less profit than the other popular street drugs... and if the law was smart they should focus their attention on the drugs that cause real social harm... utopian I know.

SWIM does believe however that everyone should try it, because it is a truly humbling and has fascinating implications on the nature of being and our purpose as human beings... it's still a mega mystery but all humans need hope and many act on faith alone, spice taught me that most theology is even more wrong than I thought it was before, but on the other hand, it also taught me that there is so much out there that we dont understand and it's a truly gratious experience to breakthrough and realise that. SWIM spent most of his life pondering existence and had formed a rather dogmatic view that was shattered by those revelations, well, I dont want to say shattered because this stuff is just unknown at the moment... it's crazy when I read or listen to great authors or lecturers pondering existence, now I cant take them that seriously because they havent tried it and half the time I know that a real psychedelic experience would give them more to think about.

It shouldn't be sold that's for sure, it is truly sacred in that respect in that something so magical shouldn't be overused because like everything in life it may lose it's magic and SWIM loves having the ultimate experience reserved for special moments in time. I am slightly concerned about everyone finding out the secret because sometimes I'm conflicted about whether I wanted to see it myself... I mean, once you've stared into the vortex of infinity can you ever be the same again? :roll:
lbeing789 said:
there has been a definite increase in awareness with regards spice, more people have heard about it, probably because the internet spreads these experiences quite far.... also I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the effects of spice have something to do with the culture and time we live in... for example, I would be surprised if shamans had similar futuristic, graphical, digitised experiences that SWIM has had on spice (then again, maybe they did, then the ontological implications are even more bizarre)...

...but anyway, I don't think we have much to worry about with regards spice becoming a highly used street drug, something SWIM has learned is that dealers only sling addictive substances that reap large dividends, SWIM finds it impossible to believe something with such radically different effects could become addictive, in fact, the drug itself seems to illicit sum kind of irrational fear (super respect) that doesn't make sense considering the stuff is so amazing and SWIM has never had a negative effect, SWIM cant do it more than once every 3 months, even if SWIM really wants to, it's strange really.

Finally, although extractions are relatively easy, SWIM suspects large scale operations actually makes far less profit than the other popular street drugs... and if the law was smart they should focus their attention on the drugs that cause real social harm... utopian I know.

SWIM does believe however that everyone should try it, because it is a truly humbling and has fascinating implications on the nature of being and our purpose as human beings... it's still a mega mystery but all humans need hope and many act on faith alone, spice taught me that most theology is even more wrong than I thought it was before, but on the other hand, it also taught me that there is so much out there that we dont understand and it's a truly gratious experience to breakthrough and realise that. SWIM spent most of his life pondering existence and had formed a rather dogmatic view that was shattered by those revelations, well, I dont want to say shattered because this stuff is just unknown at the moment... it's crazy when I read or listen to great authors or lecturers pondering existence, now I cant take them that seriously because they havent tried it and half the time I know that a real psychedelic experience would give them more to think about.

It shouldn't be sold that's for sure, it is truly sacred in that respect in that something so magical shouldn't be overused because like everything in life it may lose it's magic and SWIM loves having the ultimate experience reserved for special moments in time. I am slightly concerned about everyone finding out the secret because sometimes I'm conflicted about whether I wanted to see it myself... I mean, once you've stared into the vortex of infinity can you ever be the same again? :roll:
Well stated Ibeing789. Those are all very good points that I hadn't really considered much (with regard to street sales and profitability). Finally we're back on track with this debate! :) With some rationality too! Thanks for your reply. ;)

it's crazy when I read or listen to great authors or lecturers pondering existence, now I cant take them that seriously because they havent tried it and half the time I know that a real psychedelic experience would give them more to think about.

Sure. I remember asking: Why me? Why me who sees these things, in my small room, unknown to the rest of humanity? This should be seen by people who are among the most respected members of society: scientists, politicians, businessmen, those who have the control in their hands! Something seems totally backwards here, when the secrets of the universe are discovered by hippie freaks and teenagers stoned out of their minds. The Light humanity is looking for is hidden in the shadows, where no one would search it.
cellux said:
it's crazy when I read or listen to great authors or lecturers pondering existence, now I cant take them that seriously because they havent tried it and half the time I know that a real psychedelic experience would give them more to think about.

Sure. I remember asking: Why me? Why me who sees these things, in my small room, unknown to the rest of humanity? This should be seen by people who are among the most respected members of society: scientists, politicians, businessmen, those who have the control in their hands! Something seems totally backwards here, when the secrets of the universe are discovered by hippie freaks and teenagers stoned out of their minds. The Light humanity is looking for is hidden in the shadows, where no one would search it.
Rest assured that scientists, politicians, businessmen, etc. are all amongst the members of this small society who are experiencing the wonders of psychedelics and, to a smaller extent, DMT. The problem is that societal mores, and stigmas repress the desire for these influential people to speak out in public.

Steve Job's of Apple Computers once said that taking LSD was "one of the two or three most important things [he had] done in [his] life." I respect him for saying that in a public forum. We just need more of that. Unfortunately it's going to be a long time coming before the truths of psychedelics become accepted by general society. I do have hope though! ;)

SWIM has once traded the spice for some cannabis and even felt very awkward in doing that as well. Even though the person SWIM traded it with was a friend's really close friend. SWIM still felt very awkward. SWIM explained to him that this was not to be sold and was to be used only by himself, not to be shared and the whole shebang.

A few months down the line i got in contact with my friend to see how his friend handled the situation and what SWIM told him. Everything went well. But still SWIM feels awkward in doing the trade.

When it comes to selling..... SWIMs cannabis man had told SWIM that his friends, a group of teenagers and drug/cannabis dealers from Texas were selling the spice in "small amounts" for "decent prices", as in available to anyone who wanted it... I assume this group was offering it to their customers along with the cannabis... This saddened me deeply, he was even speaking of wanted to deal it himself if he could get his hands on it. Very sad to hear, i no longer associate with him for that reasons and some others.

Spice is gaining popularity very quickly. Its in a lot of conversations at some of the small private festivals i go to. This wasnt the case 2 years ago... Now its booming.
Let's hope it stays out of the media, seriously. There is no quicker way to get something done than to rile up a couple thousand angry moms.
I think it would be so awkward to hear a news caster talking about DMT that I cant imagine it happening. Even when helicopters and a swat team rained down on Professor Fanaticus, the local news (this happened in my county) didn't seem to pick the story up or at least it didn't become a profitable topic to discuss from the media's perspective.

If there is a conspiracy to keep the masses complacent then one of the first line of offense would be keeping the letters D.M.T. out of the public's attention. As it is I think most people who obtain it on the streets would get into their pipes gung ho and quickly find out that becoming ego soup isn't something they would wish on their arch enemy.
Jumiem said:
As it is I think most people who obtain it on the streets would get into their pipes gung ho and quickly find out that becoming ego soup isn't something they would wish on their arch enemy.

Very true, its not that people are being denied spice, most really just don't want it, and if they do happen to come across it, most will only try it once, and find out it really isn't for them.

The whole "spread it to the masses" thing is flawed in so many ways. It just won't work like that.
^Well, I do know that's it's already in the media to some extent. There were a couple of posts (I think on the Nexus, but maybe on bluelight, drugs, or erowid) that had links to news articles about a mother turning in her son for making DMT in his room, and another guy who was recently busted for making DMT in his home.

I don't think it will become a top priority for the feds or law enforcement in and of itself, but I think our biggest risk right now is the use of similar extraction chemical to meth. We need to seriously focus on new methods of extraction, using less caustic and non watched chemicals. The new teks people are finding using limonine, etc. are a great start. I think this is an effort that we should focus a lot of energy on.

The bust reports I've seen so far all compare the spice to meth, purely based on the chemicals that are used for extraction. This is so far from the truth, but that is what the public feeds on.

EDIT: This is in response to post #25. I prematurely epostulated. :oops:

acolon_5 said:
its not that people are being denied spice, most really just don't want it, and if they do happen to come across it, most will only try it once, and find out it really isn't for them.

The whole "spread it to the masses" thing is flawed in so many ways. It just won't work like that.

I agree with acolon_5.
I have tried to guide a total of 6 people into the world of spice, but only 2 of the 6 wished to continue exploring the sacred molecule.
It's just not for everyone.
From what swim seems to notice, the people trying or wanting to sell it, have no relationship with spice whatsoever. To them its just another commodity to exploit. People with a good relationship with spice (like people here) know that selling spice is wrong in their hearts. Also people trying to make money, dont want to be extracting and researching, they just want to buy and resell, so eventually they realize its not even worth it to sell and leave it alone.

dmt, spirit molecule, dream powder a way to get down usually smoked but can be taken orally with inhibitors. getting digitial is a must. pineal gland 3rd eye visions.

got down and digitial. im with the spirits right now

getting digital, huh?
Seven said:
From what swim seems to notice, the people trying or wanting to sell it, have no relationship with spice whatsoever. To them its just another commodity to exploit. People with a good relationship with spice (like people here) know that selling spice is wrong in their hearts. Also people trying to make money, dont want to be extracting and researching, they just want to buy and resell, so eventually they realize its not even worth it to sell and leave it alone.

There is a differnce between exploitation and a fair price for work and supplies. i know swim sells it because he doesnt have enough money to pay 100 dollars for supplies on a whim. now swim hooking his friends up with doses for ten bucks doesnt feel wrong to him. it feels right actually. an even trade. without him they would have never experienxed spice. so youre wrong. i have an excellent relationship with the spice. and yes i peddle it to my friends and im so sorry im not rich enough to just give it away LMFAO
Seven said:
From what swim seems to notice, the people trying or wanting to sell it, have no relationship with spice whatsoever. To them its just another commodity to exploit. People with a good relationship with spice (like people here) know that selling spice is wrong in their hearts. Also people trying to make money, dont want to be extracting and researching, they just want to buy and resell, so eventually they realize its not even worth it to sell and leave it alone.
The source I procured it from was a wise teacher of the spice and had been using it for a fairly long time, their product was very good and their prices were more than reasonable (I doubt they were making money). Just because someone sells DMT doesn't mean they don't respect it, they're just trying to spread the respect - and I'm not talking about some mass DMT awareness, just making it available to the people who need it.
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