Uncle Knucles said:Cuz PhD's just don't usually express themselves like high school dudes, and you most definitely do.
Uncle Knucles said:To suggest SPIKING unwilling participants for their own good is STUPID, CALLOUS AND CRIMINAL. I can't imagine anyone with an advanced education (or any education for that matter) thinking that this would be an even remotely acceptable thing to do - or even arguing its theoretical merits. It's just a DUMB point of view.
Uncle Knucles said:But this place has a recent history of bullshit posts from bad intentioned, make-believe knuckleheads - and frankly, I'm kinda hoping you're one of them.
lbeing789 said:A actually I'm not even sure of that, for those people sometimes I think it would be good to spike them or something because I think personally think they're wasting their lives... especially the religious puritan folks, obviously SWIM would never do such a thing, but SWIM wonders what the world would be like if they took good drugs instead of bad ones...
lbeing789 said:SWIM finds it impossible to believe something with such radically different effects could become addictive, in fact, the drug itself seems to illicit sum kind of irrational fear (super respect) that doesn't make sense considering the stuff is so amazing and SWIM has never had a negative effect, SWIM cant do it more than once every 3 months, even if SWIM really wants to, it's strange really.
Infundibulum said:Thread unlocked