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Keeping DMT off the Street...

Migrated topic.
no bad drugs? right.. thats just idiotic.. there are more drugs that will kill you than will get you high... I use the word "cuz" and that's that childish???... yet you say there are no bad drugs and I'm in the wrong? you're the high school kid mate... you know nothing.
Spiking anyone (puritanical or otherwise) would NEVER be a good thing. Personally, I wonder what the world would look like without half-assed campus "gurus" who pretend that dosing all those who enter into their orbit is anything more than an ego boost. I wonder what the Nexus would look like without the recent wave of people who seem to think this is somehow a good idea.

I've read the whole post. From beginning to end. I don't respect your point of view. Let's agree to leave it at that.
Uncle Knucles said:
Cuz PhD's just don't usually express themselves like high school dudes, and you most definitely do.

But all you are doing is stereotyping people with PhD's... I know of a few people with PhD's and one of them acts like a complete moron most of the time. So who is to say what a "PhD" person should act like?

Uncle Knucles said:
To suggest SPIKING unwilling participants for their own good is STUPID, CALLOUS AND CRIMINAL. I can't imagine anyone with an advanced education (or any education for that matter) thinking that this would be an even remotely acceptable thing to do - or even arguing its theoretical merits. It's just a DUMB point of view.

And yet it happens every day in my city drinking water. I don't ask for fluoride in my water, yet it is put there "for my own good" based on its theoretical merits. [/quote]
Uncle Knucles... I think you're a fool who should shut his boring pointless mouth and stop twisting words around to suit your argument, plus I wrote multiple posts explaining my position from every angle... who said anything about dosing the world??? it was a speculative remark, a postulation, a thought experiment... You dont even have an opinion to respect... and you're using your amazing intuition to assume you know everything about everyone, which is so ignorant it's unbelievable, you dont know me, you know nothing about me, get off your high horse. I'm not gonna reply to another one of your posts, so dont waste your time...
Uncle Knucles said:
But this place has a recent history of bullshit posts from bad intentioned, make-believe knuckleheads - and frankly, I'm kinda hoping you're one of them.

You kinda hope I'm a make-believe knucklehead?, you got issues man.

Well, you voiced your opinions, which most people here apparently don't share. I know a good many scientists who actually have no ethical compass whatsoever, so I won't preclude that you are one.

I talked down a girl who was spiked with Acid in the early nineties - by a person who got more than just a mouthful from me and my friends afterwards, so don't expect any sympathy for your ideas from me there either. And LSD is child's play in comparison to spice.
pmm... geez man, r you just reading the attacks or my actual posts?... I NEVER SPIKED ANYONE... I even said originally that of course I would never do such a thing..... why am I getting shit for something I never even did or said?
Geez guys, stop it.

The issue was resolved on post #57 in page 3. Why do you keep it on?

Whatever lbeing789 said it didn't reserved thes attacks and continuation of the whole subject.

I am ashamed of the nexus.

And thread is getting locked for 2 days.

lbeing789, my apologies for everyone else but be careful in the future. You needn't be attacked by the others and you shouldn't have attacked back either.
lbeing789 said:
A actually I'm not even sure of that, for those people sometimes I think it would be good to spike them or something because I think personally think they're wasting their lives... especially the religious puritan folks, obviously SWIM would never do such a thing, but SWIM wonders what the world would be like if they took good drugs instead of bad ones...

Well, to me that sounds like you advocate the idea - of course with the caveat that you would never do such a thing. And I read the whole thread.
jeeeesus, you guys are at it quite good heh?

lbeing, you say you are being attacked, but you are reacting in a way to people's posts that paves the way for more attacks to come back.. like when you respond to dreads comment about time wasting, or other examples.. if you have an opinion and want to stick to it, fine, we can all have whatever opinion.. but realize that you are also co-responsible for how people are acting, when you call their opinions stupid or try to somehow diminish them (even if they are wrong.. then you be the one with clean conscience, dont do the same).

and to all of you guys.. please... re-read your posts and think if this is how you guys think conversations should develop, and if anything positive is coming out of it. Express yourselves, but be conscious about it and not just reactive and 'taking out' on others, even if you think that the opinion and attitude is wrong.
lbeing789 said:
SWIM finds it impossible to believe something with such radically different effects could become addictive, in fact, the drug itself seems to illicit sum kind of irrational fear (super respect) that doesn't make sense considering the stuff is so amazing and SWIM has never had a negative effect, SWIM cant do it more than once every 3 months, even if SWIM really wants to, it's strange really.

Thank You very much for posting that. For all that I love tripping on the various substances that most of us here revere, I have had the same response to the Spice.
I have not had any negative/unenjoyable experiences w/ DMT to date and yet I always have to relax and take a few deep breaths b4 I can't take off. That is if I haven't talked myself out of it somehow. I have tried to face the fear and go anyways. The first time I was rewarded for doing so. The next time I couldn't distinguish between whether I just wasn't in the mood or if it was just the fear again. I took one toke and realized that I just didn't want the trip that day and stopped and it wore off quickly.
I know it is meant to be when I take an initial hit and I know there isn't enough there take off and I want that second or third toke. But even on these times that I do want it there is still those pre-flight jitters.
Now that I have had a little more experience though I think it is time for some infused herb. The next time that I am ready to go again.
Infundibulum said:
Thread unlocked
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