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Keeping DMT off the Street...

Migrated topic.
Yes, I believe that Warrensaged meant OBJECTIVE, as subjective is filled with opinion.

However in his defense, we have had quite a few people playing make believe on the forum in the past few months, and so there are some of us that are a bit sceptical of other members. Please don't take it personally. I think it was warrensaged past experiences and not you personally that makes him suspect..but I guess I really shouldn't speak for him, he can respond how he sees fit.

Personally I welcome scientists to our forum.


This is one hell of a debate...please let's keep it civil everyone!
Infundibulum, thanks for your response.. I totally get it... the "experiment" was like I said in the original post, SWIM wanted to see the myriad of effects and SWIM also wanted his good friends to have the same level of experience, and sure enough there was a very high rate of success.

The decision to not even try drugs is stupid in SWIM's opinion (NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT) simply because these people dont know what they're missing... a lot of drug users report no longer caring about stupid shit, and I believe (believe) it enhances life because mother nature is imperfect.. there is a big difference between our work and consume reality to the reality shown to you through entheogens. SWIM is fundamentally concerned about the consequences of substances, meth ruins cities, coke ruins citys, alcohol ruins lives, cigarattes kill people.... I believe the smart legalisation and control of substances would lead to a much more peaceful world... could be wrong of course... it's just an opinion.

In regards enforcement, of course I dont think anything should be enforced, but I do believe people should have access to substances and try them to find what works best for them... SWIM doesnt like any of the legal drugs, but when I was younger thats what I would do because thats all I could get.... fundamentally I do believe in better living through chemistry.

I dont know about side effects being irrelevant, perhaps a better way to explain it is that if a drug does something to you that overwhelms the positive effects, IE makes your life worse, then you shouldnt take it. It sounds simple but most people cant observe that because of addiction.

To be honest, I think we funadamentally agree on most things.
yeah acolon_5, it's cool, I just felt a little bit under attack for nothing there... I wouldn't have mentioned the science phd unless someone questioned my scientific credentials.
acolon_5 said:
This is one hell of a debate...please let's keep it civil everyone!
yup. things need to be cool down a bit.

lbeing789, I would suggest you not to fire back if in any case you have felt insulted. Yes, Warren's post was "peppered" but he and I can justify him because the nexus has been through strange situations lately.

By "firing back" I mean posts like that:
..but yeah, your post is unhelpful, doesnt say anything, has no wisdom in it.. you're just ragging...
and that
In my experience only teenagers and childish folks question peoples careers, it's usually just a sign of insecurity, do you feel bad that you dont have a phd? cuz I can tell you it's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be...
...which really not help the discussion, it's like throwing a naphtha pull in the fire! It makes a mess and burns away the fun!😉
also to be really honest acolon, I came here to learn not preach, and I'm learning loads, but I would like to contribute with whatever wisdom I can give... hopefully over time I will become more respected and consistent
yeah Infundibulum, you're right, 2 wrongs dont make a right, I just felt a little bit threatened and I didnt realise there was history on this forum for that... I've only just joined... but that being said, I think if you're objective you cant call strangers liars because it's just rude, and even I dont believe someone I dont call them out on it because it's usually war then ya know?
lbeing789 said:
The decision to not even try drugs is stupid in SWIM's opinion (NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT) simply because these people dont know what they're missing...

I hear what you are saying..I would say it's more naive than stupid though..most people aren't stupid, just products of certain envirmonments. People are held back.
fractal enchantment said:
lbeing789 said:
The decision to not even try drugs is stupid in SWIM's opinion (NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT) simply because these people dont know what they're missing...

I hear what you are saying..I would say it's more naive than stupid though..most people aren't stupid, just products of certain envirmonments. People are held back.

Yeah, naive that's more accurate... I pulled an obama by saying stupid apparently.
I'm not trying to attack here either, but I do find your entire attitude and approach to be one that can do much harm, and it IS difficult to buy your credentials - Cuz PhD's just don't usually express themselves like high school dudes, and you most definitely do.

To characterize anyone's personal decision to not take or try drugs as "stupid" is... well, hmmm... let me hunt for the word... STUPID. It's just not an argument that carries any weight (unless of course you're a high school dude - and then you really shouldn't be here). To suggest SPIKING unwilling participants for their own good is STUPID, CALLOUS AND CRIMINAL. I can't imagine anyone with an advanced education (or any education for that matter) thinking that this would be an even remotely acceptable thing to do - or even arguing its theoretical merits. It's just a DUMB point of view.

You'll find that if you choose to take on the role of Pied Piper and dose up people en masse, that you're probably not going to elicit a lot of support here. It's bad for the community in so many ways, and it's not what this place is about.
Maybe I should not have hit the post button there...

so you're obviously not objective or scientific at all, you're just working from instinct.

Absolutely!! That's exactly what it was.
I am not a scientist at all nor did I claim in anyway to be one.
(Clearly...I mixed up subjective & objective...whoops:oops:)
But I do know & interact both professionally & personally with a number of them, on a daily basis.

I had no intention of debating anything with you, just to point out that what you where saying & the way you are saying it did not seem to be all that scientific, despite you saying that you where a scientist with a PhD.
The points you where making just seemed to not really be looking at things from all sides. Instead coming from the opinion of "I know best". Which is rather unscientific...ya know.

BTW, there is absolutely no need for any "proof"...that's kind of my point.

I think Art...like usual...said it a little better than I did though.

I apologize if I stepped on your toes, but like the other fellas said, I'm just a bit skeptical anymore when things are that uneven.

Art, for someone who is not trying to attack, you're doing a hell of a job of it... once again... I am not discussing my career with you, I dont care what you think, is your ego that big that you think I'm trying to impress you or something?. Have you even graduated high school cuz apparently you can't even read... I'm not wasting my time explaining to you what you got wrong there, but I would advise you to carefull read all my posts again... but just like warrensaged you cant even sight 1 example of how I sound like a "high school dude" what does that even mean anyway? I was smart in high school as well... have you got a problem with high school kids... you sound like a hypocrite and read all my posts carefully again before attacking me. Just like the other post this one says nothing, you have nothing to say, nothing constructive, nothing usefull, your not even accurate in your attacks.
It's kind of amazing that DMT is getting that well known as to be available on the street.
I mean, I am not surprised that it is being seen around the Festis since DMT has made a comeback due to the internet but other than the Festi scene I can't imagine where to find any.
Indeed my first extraction was done because I knew that if I didn't extract it I would probably be waiting the rest of my life to try it.
I can see it being shared around amongst friends who know about it but can hardly picture it being sold on the street like crack or something.
But then what do I know. Weed is illegal but in most place Salvia is still legal and booze is legal everywhere. Having read Salvia reports ( I've smoked DMT but haven't experienced Salvia as of yet ) it amazes me how it is decided what is legal and illegal.

But that is the double edged sword of all these substances. The world needs them but the more you share it out the more danger one brings as irresponsible people play w/ sacred substances. The more I learn the less comfortable one gets sharing info. Especially sources.
These substances can be a lot of fun but are not toys and should be kept out of the hands of the irresponsible. But that makes us have to decide who gets to learn/do what and that goes against what most of us believe.
Quite a conundrum eh?
warrensaged, again dude, it seemed like "I know best" just doesnt cut it for me... I made rational well stated arguments and I backed up every one of my opinions... you havent even backed up any... I mean, where exactly did I come off as a know it all?? you're just not right on this one... and for a non scientist to question the scientific nature of my arguments without even sighting an example... well, it's just not valid.
Listen, I'm no scientist... and I don't pretend to be one. I could really care less about your credentials, education level, or any of your personal particulars.

But this place has a recent history of bullshit posts from bad intentioned, make-believe knuckleheads - and frankly, I'm kinda hoping you're one of them. Because your point of view is backwards and dangerous, and NOBODY should be taking DMT lightly or proselytizing indiscriminately. It's way too powerful and way too precious. And if you are what you say you are, you should know a fuck of a lot better.

Keep it discreet. Treat it with respect, and respect others' personal decisions. You know NADA about what's best for ANYONE OTHER THAN YOU. If you disagree with that basic premise, then I question whether or not you have even had the experience, PERIOD.
and to everyone else reading... is there any chance of some support here? I mean I really dont think these attacks are fair... I havent even said anything to warrant this... it's like getting judged in a contest I never even entered.
yeah Art, your no scientist so you're commenting on things you know nothing about... surprised you obviously still havent read the original post properly

"for those people sometimes I think it would be good to spike them or something because I think personally think they're wasting their lives... especially the religious puritan folks, obviously SWIM would never do such a thing, but 4. SWIM wonders what the world would be like if they took good drugs instead of bad ones...

Read it again with your glasses on.
dread you'll never know and someone who nitpicks over slang has too much time on there hands.... once again, if you've got something constructive to say, say it, otherwise, why are you wasting your time?
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