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language rule?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
don't mean to question. but this rule kind messes with quoting what many a swimmer said or thought first time they tried dmt.
:lol: :lol:

I don't think that this forum got a problem with so called "foul language" or disrespectful behaviour. It's currently a very friendly and I'd even say - cozy place full of amazing folks with extraordinary amounts of knowledge concerning the psychedelic (and trans-psychedelic?) states.
lucious said:
don't mean to question. but this rule kind messes with quoting what many a swimmer said or thought first time they tried dmt.

Oh well, it's more about using bad language without meaning like "I was walking down the f.cking street doin' s...". If you want to do the 'Holy s...' thing while quoting your dmt-experiences it's allowed. ;)
ah ok, i totally understand that, preemprive strike to keep this place as nice as it is.
gosvami, that was a nice little clip.It left me with a warm fuzzy feeling :lol:

gosh, i love this fucking place! ...oops, i'm sorry

i gotta stop cursing like a drunkin sailor :)
There’s a lack of poor language here, not because of the rules, but because the people here are not your average idiot you see on a lot of the other forums.

I love this forum. I’ve learned a lot from the people here. This is my favorite forum for entheogenic related material. By and large the people here are very respectful, intelligent, and creative. I think that says a lot about the DMT using community.

But sometimes you need to use poor language to get your point across.

For example, the first time SWIM tried 5-MeO-DMT it was by mistake. He though it was DMT. He inhaled 25 mg of it in one shot. And as soon as he exhaled the first words out of SWIM’s mouth were these two words: "HOLY SHIT!".

From there on reality completely came apart. The only apt words to explain the onset was “HOLY SHIT!”. I can’t think of any other words that more precisely described that moment in time.

Sometimes language has to be colorful or the meaning gets lost. If I say “HOLY SHIT!”, you guys immediately understand what I’m saying. If I instead said “OH MY GOD!”, the meaning is not quite the same and could easily be misinterpreted.
I apologize in advance for using any and all swear words in my posts. I've worked construction my entire life. I think that explains it pretty well.
Colourful language is ok in my books as long as it is not directed at any one and is not over used.
I agree with everyone that this is a great forum with friendly intelligent informative and creative people contributing to make this the best damn forum on the internet. I don't go on any forums because I hate them... but this is something beautiful.

Cheers people
varun said:
Colourful language is ok in my books as long as it is not directed at any one and is not over used.


Swearing is usually used to emphasis the point being made. So when i refere to an experince as absolutley fuckin crazy, you know it was more intense that just absolutley crazy. Which might be quite common with spice :)
But its when it is used to emphasis or highlight something derogotary about someone/thing then thats when it shouldnt be tolerated.

But as many people have said, this forum seems to attract mostly articulate, intelligent people and i threfore wouldnt have thought we are likely to see any of that. Thats why i love it here too

Theres a whole lot of love in here yall
I curse all the damn time but I don't think it makes me seem stupid... does it?

I love me some mother fucking cactus!

Swearing is usually used to emphasis the point being made. So when i refere to an experince as absolutley fuckin crazy, you know it was more intense that just absolutley crazy. Which might be quite common with spice


I also agree it's ok as long as it's not directed at anybody personally...
I love me some mother fucking cactus!
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